When I was a child, my family was poor, and my sister often complained about wearing clothes that her mother and sister didn't wear. Her friend suggested to her: "Go buy a dog. It's cold. Why don't you dress the dog?"

Let me wear what dogs don’t wear.

When I was a child, my family was poor. My sister often complained about wearing clothes that her mother and sister didn’t wear. Her friend gave her advice: "Go buy a dog. It’s cold. Why don’t you dress the dog?" "My sister said in horror: "Does it mean that I can wear something that dogs don't wear?"

The benefits of going to bed early

I heard that not going to bed early at night is bad for your health. I was so scared that I went to bed early at six o'clock every day, but I always had insomnia in the second half of the night.

This trend is not that trend

What is a trend? A beautiful young lady was arranged by a hotel attendant to a dark and damp room on the first floor.

"Your room is very fashionable!" the lady said.

"Yes, noble and beautiful lady! The sheets, bedding and curtains in this room have just been changed. They are the latest models and very fashionable!" the waiter replied with a smile.

"I'm talking about moisture!" the lady said.

Afraid of shooting others

The shooting coach encourages shooters to shoot boldly.

Contestant: "I'm afraid of shooting other people."

Coach: "What are you afraid of? It should be others, not you."

Is it better to be in the countryside or in the city?

Li Ming in the countryside and Zhang Qiang in the city used to be from the same village. Hair is small. Later, Zhang Qiang worked in the city and earned money to buy a house and settle down.

The two of us were meeting each other for a while today, so it was inevitable that we would have a few drinks.

After three rounds of drinking, we had a heated argument over whether it was better to go to the countryside or the city.

Li Ming said: "The air in the countryside is very good, there are a lot of fertile fields, you can grow what you want to eat, and you can work when you want..."

Zhang Qiang retorted: "There are many job opportunities in the city, you can work wherever you want. Just go wherever you want. And the transportation is developed, so you can go wherever you want..."

Li Ming further retorted: "In the past, rural areas were poor and they used bamboo chips to wipe their butts. Now in our rural areas, people use toilet paper to wipe their butts. You all use toilet paper to wipe your butts, and you city people are using toilet paper to wipe your mouth."

Zhang Qiang was speechless, and Li Ming was even more unreasonable, "Look, we rural people used to eat corn, millet . , and people in the city eat rice and flour. Now it’s the other way around, we’ve started eating corn and millet to feed the pigs, and you city people are starting to eat corn again.”

made some remarks. Don't know how to respond.

Aren’t you shaking like this?

The aunt in the school cafeteria caught a cold and went to the school infirmary for an injection.

The nurse's hands were shaking very badly during the injection.

"Can you please stop shaking so hard?" the aunt said.

"Don't you shake like this every day when you serve us food?" the nurse replied.

I am your father

A: "Yeah, isn't that my son?"

B: "I am your father!"

A: "You are my son."

B: "I am your father."

A: "You are my son."

B: "I am your father."

A: "Son, son."

B: "Dad, dad."

A: "Yeah, my son is so good!"