Yiyang Life丨A complete set of 31 breakfast recipes for office workers, with nutrition matching, no repetition in a month!

For office workers, the most important thing in the morning is to eat breakfast. After a night of sleep, the nutrition in the body seems to have been exhausted, so you need to replenish nutrition at the right time in the morning to ensure that you have enough energy for work and study for a day. So what is the best breakfast for breakfast? Share 31 servings today A complete set of breakfast recipes, nourishment matching, not repetitive in a month!

exquisite breakfast so many

but not much can do

Are you beating your chest again? !

Well, the difference between people is also quite big.

Let’s share some simple and delicious breakfasts.

Time: 5 minutes

❶ Use a glass or a round mold to carve a hole in the toast belly.

❷ Heat the pan on a small fire, put the toast slices, and put some butter in the middle hole. (If you don't have butter, use other oil instead!)

❸ Beat an egg in the toast hole. It takes about one and a half minutes for the bottom of the egg to solidify.

❹ Turn the toast over and fry, sprinkle with a little salt and black pepper, and serve after the eggs are fried. Tips for

1, be sure to light the heat all the way, otherwise the toast will be battered if the egg is not solidified!

2, the bottom of the egg is solidified and then turn it over, otherwise the egg yolk will flow onto the toast!



Egg Sandwich

Time: 8 minutes

❶ The eggs are cooked, mashed with a fork, and the particles can be retained in an appropriate amount. Add salad dressing, a little salt and black pepper to taste.

❷ Put the eggs in the toast and start eating! It's so simple and delicious!


can put cucumber, ham, etc. in the sandwich as you like!



croutons salad

Time: 8 minutes

❶ Two slices of toast, oven 170 degrees for 7 minutes, or bake in a pan until the surface of the toast is slightly charred. Cut the toast into pieces.

❷ The eggs are cooked and cut into your favorite fruit.

❸ Add a little salt or black pepper. A simple and healthy salad is complete!


can also add fresh vegetables and diced ham! Your own salad, make your own decisions!

z9 10z

Banana Toast Roll

Time: 8 minutes

❶ squeeze the toast by hand after removing the sides, put the peeled banana on the toast and roll it up like sushi.

❷ Wrap the toast with egg liquid, pour a little oil in the pan, and fry slowly.

❸ Take out, cut the toast roll into small rolls. Dip your favorite tomato sauce or salad dressing and start eating! Tips for

1 You must choose ripe and slightly thin bananas to make them delicious and delicate. 2A banana can make two half toast rolls!



Egg milk toast pudding

Time: 10 minutes

❶ Beat the eggs, add milk and stir together.

❷ Cut two slices of toast into small pieces, and pour milk and egg juice on the toast pieces.

❸ Then enter the microwave oven for 5 minutes, or the oven at 170°C for 10 minutes.


1. Milk and egg juice can be seasoned with sugar or salt. I added salted cheese myself, and I can still draw silk!

2. If you like a more tender taste, you can add more milk to shorten the baking time. Here are a few breakfast recipes with

chicken wings, corn + carrot diced, eggs, bread slices, plain yogurt with honey grapefruit sauce

dumplings, grapes + mango + kiwi

chive boxSeeds + Tremella Soup + Boiled Egg

Whole Wheat Bread with Black Cherry Sauce and Cashew Nuts + Avocado Egg Salad + Orange + Hanging Ears

Ham Burrito & Onion Burrito, Black Sesame Gnocchi, Dragon Fruit, Spiced Walnut

Spinach + Tuna + Eggs + small tomatoes + pecan nuts + mustard sauce + hand brewed coffee

red date oatmeal cake + green beans + strawberry + yacon + walnuts + hot milk with corn flakes

pineapple buns + avocado strawberry + matcha latte + strawberry jam + Cake Roll

Potato Shredded Egg Pie + Meal Bun (Cranberry Coconut Cheese Filling) + Navel Orange Milkshake

Tomato Meatball Soup

Scallion Oil Mixing Powder

Olive Vegetable Egg Fried Rice + Sugar Mix Tomato 2z

Olive Vegetable Egg Fried Rice + Sugar Mix Tomato 2zzz + Orange + Snow Pear Lily Soup

z0210 Steamed radish dumplings + tea eggs made by old aunt + vinegar cabbage + millet porridge + pistachio

potato cakes + tea protein porridge + fried noodles

brown sugar ginger egg flower + corn + yam + black rice cake

mango strawberry oatmeal yogurt cup+ Rice ball + fried egg

nut cheese pumpkin paste + fried egg milk buns + cold sesame baby vegetables + cherries

wine fragrant cuttlefish pasta, avocado jam, passion fruit honey

watermelon juice + toast omelette + kiwi

green juice milk, cream stick, mango

brocade vegetable soup + cold lettuce + oil cake + navel orange

banana chocolate crepe + golden cinnamon tea.

Pumpkin Pie + Baked Meatballs + Banana Kiwi + Green Sauce

Sandwiches and Strawberry Yogurt

Pasta + Kumquat Tea + Grilled Meatballs + Fruits

Japanese Rice Cake Red Bean Soup




zz2 Chocolate Milk Chocolate Biscuits

















zz2 No fried eggs + strawberry + milk + nuts oatmeal

matcha oatmeal

banana nut muffins

originally ordinary toast and eggs just a little creative

can bring unexpected morning delicious

your life is not also Is that so?

Make yourself a sunny breakfast. ^_^