The master teaches you the correct way of spicy soup. Remember to do this step so that the spicy soup will be more delicious.

You must drink Hu spicy soup when you go to Henan. Hu spicy soup is a very common delicacy in northern China. It is rich in ingredients and has a strong and spicy flavor, especially in the cold winter. It is definitely a very pleasant thing, so, Ying Jing’s work, today we are going to teach you how to make this northern hot spicy soup, and share the method and recipe with everyone, so that everyone can drink this in winter Delicious bowl!

Ingredients needed: 2 catties of flour, 460 grams of water, beef bones, fatty meat, fungus, kelp, tofu skin, vermicelli, peanuts, onions, ginger, light soy sauce, soy sauce, salt, white Pepper 15g, black pepper 10g, sesame pepper 10g, Chinese pepper 15g, star anise 15g, cumin 15g, cinnamon 6g, dried ginger 10g, nutmeg 5g, grass fruit 5g, white kome 2g, amomum 1g, long pepper 2g, clove 1g

After all the materials are ready, we need to treat some of the ingredients that need to be processed.

1. Soak the rice noodles, fungus, bean skin and other materials with water, and then Knock the beef bones back and soak them in water for about 3 hours.

2. Cut the green onion and ginger into the end

3. Make spice powder: 15g white pepper, 10g black pepper, 10g sesame pepper, 15g pepper , Star anise 15g, cumin 15g, cinnamon bark 6g, dried ginger 10g, nutmeg 5g, grass fruit 5g, white koko 2g, amomum 1g, long stalk 2g, clove 1g and other spices after sautéing them, mill them into powder by machine However, this is the most important material for making Hu spicy soup. It exists, Hu spicy soup will have that spicy taste, so we must do this step

After the materials are ready, we divide them into three Steps to start making Hu spicy soup

Step 1: Make the base soup of Hu spicy soup-beef bone soup

1. Take out the soaked beef bones, clean and control water for later use, and then buy the fat The meat is also clear and clean. Set aside

2. Take a clean soup pot, put an appropriate amount of water, then put the beef bones in the water, then add an appropriate amount of ginger slices and green onions, and then boil

3. In the process of boiling, remember to clean up the white foam in time, until the soup becomes clear, turn to medium and low heat and boil it slowly (when you start to boil, put it in the pot and boil it together, so that the soup will be more fragrant Oh)

Step 2: Make the flour water

1. Put the prepared flour into a clean container, and then add 460 grams of water to the flour. Please remember that adding water is adding water and then mixing the flour, so that it can make the noodles more evenly and faster.

2. After the water is finished, when the flour is mixed into a flocculent shape, we start to take it fist Knead the dough with your head until there is no flour, then your hands and basin are clean. At this time, you can start to knead the dough with your hands. If you knead the dough, it must be evenly vigorous. When the dough is kneaded until the surface is smooth, then seal the surface

3. After the dough is awake, we put the awake dough directly into the clean water, and then repeatedly flip and knead it until the cold water turns milky white to filter out the batter.

Step 3: Making Hu spicy soup

1. Take a clean soup pot, we pour an appropriate amount of beef bone soup, then boil it on high heat, and we will boil it Put in the chopped green onion and ginger prepared in advance, then stir well, add some light soy sauce to taste and freshen

2. Then add the right amount of edible salt and pre-adjusted spice powder, stir well and add the prepared Peanuts, then boil for a while and then add fungus, kelp, bean skin, vermicelli and other side dishes

3. After boiled for a while, we add a small amount of MSG, and then stir evenly, we add the prepared dough water, remember Live, when pouring, be sure to pour on the side and then keep stirring until the noodle soup is sticky. Remember to keep stirring when and after pouring the noodle slurry. One is to prevent sticking to the pan, but to Prevent the noodles from not setting up

until the spicy soup, which is actually relatively simple, that is, some processes are more complicated, but now with the improvement of skills,Such as noodles, water, etc. are readily available, so it is very convenient to make Hu spicy soup at home, but if you want to eat a better taste of Hu spicy soup, it would be better to make it by hand!