Is pork head delicious? Can you eat it often? I understand after reading it

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[Is pork head delicious? 】Z2z

First of all, pork head meat is definitely delicious. Basically, you can see pork head meat on sale from all over the country. It has been confirmed, whether it is a cold pork head meat in spring and summer, or a small plate in autumn and winter. A drink is a very pleasant enjoyment.

Because of the deliciousness of pig head meat, there are famous pig head meat in different places, such as Shanxi’s eldest son pig’s head, Nanjing Liuhe pig’s head, Suqian yellow dog pig’s head, Jiangxi’s Yongshan pig head, etc., so I think For most people, pork head meat is definitely a delicious delicacy!

[Can pig head meat be eaten often? 】Z2z

Here we have to talk about the frequency of this so-called "eating often". If it is eaten once or twice a week, there is nothing wrong with it. Just pay attention to the dishes that match the vegetarian dishes. . But if this "eating often" refers to eating every day or even all meals, then it's really best not to do this. No matter how delicious and nutritious things are, this way of eating can't be used, let alone pork head meat. This relatively high-calorie and high-fat food. Moreover, if people eat like this, the cost is not low. In addition to not being good for the body, it will "damage" the wallet. Although this part of

pork head meat is rich and mellow, soft and delicious, it is not suitable for eating too frequently because of its nutritional composition. The calories of pork head meat is about 3 times that of lean pork meat. It is considered a high-protein but also high-fat food, and part of its protein content is low-quality collagen, and its nutritional value is relatively low. If you eat too much meat, you must eat less other dishes. This is not a good thing either. Therefore, although the pork head meat is considered to be the best of pigs in terms of its deliciousness, it is not so high-quality in terms of nutrition. At least it is inferior to tender red meat such as pork loin.

and pork head meat is generally made less at home, and more often it is bought outside. However, this kind of processed meat may have food safety problems, which are more serious than ordinary vegetables, fruits and fresh meat. Slightly serious. For example, the processing salt is too high, the use of additives such as color protectants, the removal of lymph glands and other potential problems, and the drugs that many pigs need to inject are also located near the ears, so take it once in a while Twice is nothing. If you eat it frequently for a long time, it will definitely not be good for your body.

So to sum up, pork head meat is a rare and delicious, but it is not recommended to eat too often, eat too frequently, any good thing is the same.

Since the pork head meat outside is sometimes not at ease, let's talk about how to make ruddy and fragrant pork head meat at home by the way, and do it yourself.

-Homemade pork head meat-

[Preparation materials]: 1 kg of pork head meat, 10 grams of cinnamon, 5 grams of star anise, 3 grams of cloves, 5 grams of pepper, sugar, salt, and soy sauce.

[Production steps]:

First of all, we buy back boneless pork head meat. It is best to ask the vendor to help burn the pig hair with a blowtorch, which will save a lot of trouble. After buying the pig’s head, soak it in clean water, then blanch it in a pot under cold water. After the water is boiled, continue to boil for 5 to 8 minutes. After the blood foam is removed, remove it and rinse;

then we prepare the sugar color, add some oil to the pot, and then Add the sugar and fry on a low fire, wait for the sugar liquid to change from yellow to red, and from bubbling to a slightly calm state. At this time, add hot water and stir to get a ruddy color that is neither bitter nor sweet. Do not add cold water, it may cause splashing);

pork head meat is put into the stew pot, spices and salt and other seasonings are also put in (the spices can be roasted in the pan in advance), add sugar color to the pot, and make up the water (If there is broth, it is best), boil on high heat for 10 minutes, taste the taste, and add some salt if it is insufficient. Turn to low heat and simmer for about 40 minutes. Turn off the heat. After cooling down, you can remove them and slice them into a plate.

The above is the sharing content about pig head meat, I hope it can be helpful.

so everyone likes to eat pigsHead meat? What do you think are the advantages or disadvantages of eating pork head meat regularly?

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