Dumplings have a history of more than a thousand years in our country. Dumplings are indispensable on every important festival. Tomorrow will be July 16th, and there is a folk proverb: "Dumplings will be made on the first day, noodles will be made on the second day, and eggs will

Dumplings have a history of more than a thousand years in our country. Dumplings are indispensable on every important festival. Tomorrow will be July 16th, and there is a folk proverb: " dumplings will be made for two days, noodles will be made for two days, and eggs will be made for pancakes and eggs for three days." According to the old tradition, dumplings are made and eaten on this day.

There are two reasons for eating dumplings when entering Fu. One is because after entering Fu, it will be the hottest period of the year. The hot weather can easily lead to anorexia and loss of appetite, so people make dumplings and eat them to appetize their appetite. Secondly, "fu" and "blessing" are homophonic. Eating dumplings in "fu" also means spending the summer smoothly.

No matter what kind of dumplings you make, are they delicious? The important thing is to adjust the filling!

Many people always think that the seasonings are getting better and better when making dumplings and adding meat fillings, so they rush to add any seasonings. However, not only do the dumplings not taste good, but the meat fillings are also woody and hard, making them particularly unpalatable.

In fact, adjusting dumpling fillings is the same as cooking. Pay attention to "put the right ingredients and not too much". is only good if you put the right seasonings in the dumplings. If you put too much in the wrong place, it will be superfluous, which will only cause trouble. reaction. Now let me share with you a tip for preparing dumpling fillings. No matter what kind of meat filling you mix, remember "3, put 2, don't put". The meat filling will be fresh, juicy and not sticky, and it will be delicious no matter what you make it!

1. Add onion, ginger, and pepper water

Whether it is pork filling or mutton filling, there will be a strong fishy smell. Therefore, when adjusting the dumpling fillings, you must add some onion, ginger, and pepper water to remove the fishy smell and increase the aroma.

How to make green onion, ginger, and pepper water:

First add two bowls of water into the pot, then add a handful of dried peppercorns, then prepare a green onion , a piece of ginger, wash it , cut it into thin slices and put it in In the pot, first use to boil over high heat, then use to cook over medium-low heat for three minutes to fully release the aroma of the aniseed, then turn off the heat, wait for the pepper water to cool down, add in small amounts and multiple times into the meat filling, or use chopsticks to stir thoroughly in one direction , so that the meat filling can completely absorb the pepper water. The dumpling filling prepared in this way will not only have no fishy smell, but will also be tender, juicy and fragrant. Overflowing.

2. Add cooking oil

The main reason why the dumplings sold in dumpling restaurants outside are delicious is that they add some cooking oil when preparing the fillings. The reason why the dishes fried by chefs outside are delicious is also because of the cooking oil used.

Cooking oil is not an old oil that has been fried, but a blended oil made from a variety of spices. Use low heat to release all the fragrance of various spices and concentrate it in a certain amount of cooking oil. Therefore, the boiled cooking oil is particularly fragrant, and it can sublimate the taste of the ingredients whether it is used to make meat fillings or stir-fry.

How to cook cooking oil

First pour a little more cooking oil into the pot, and then add a handful of pepper , a few star anise , a small handful bay leaves , a few pieces of cinnamon , A small handful of white beans , then prepare two green onions , wash and cut two pieces of ginger into thin slices and put them into the oil pan.

First use high heat to heat the oil to 30% hot , then change to minimum heat and slowly fry all the spices dry and black. will release all the aroma of the aniseed. Then turn off the heat and let it sit naturally. Once cool, the cooking oil is ready to use.

3. Add sesame oil

Not only do you need to add sesame oil when cooking and stewing, but you also need to add sesame oil when making meat fillings. Season the meat filling and mix well before adding the side dishes. Finally, remember to add some sesame oil. This will not only make the meat filling taste particularly fragrant, but the sesame oil can also lock the moisture in the filling and cook it in the pot. It is not easy to get water or break the skin.

1. Do not put cooking wine

As we all know, cooking wine has the effect of removing fishy smell and increasing aroma, but remember that you must not put cooking wine when making a line.

Because the main ingredient in cooking wine is alcohol, and the principle of cooking wine to remove the fishy smell is to use the alcohol to evaporate to take away the fishy smell in the meat filling. However, because the prepared meat filling is wrapped in the dumpling skin, the alcohol cannot evaporate at all. Go out, will not only fail to remove the fishy smell, but will also produce a strong smell, making it nondescript and particularly unpalatable.

2. Do not use thirteen spices

Thirteen spices are a commonly used condiment in the kitchen. It is made by grinding a variety of spices into powder and then blending them. It has a good effect of improving flavor and aroma, so many people Whether it's stewing meat or making meat fillings, I like to put some on it.

However, the aroma of thirteen incense is too strong, which will cover up the fresh taste of the meat and taste like aniseed, so it cannot be added. Green onion, ginger, peppercorn water, and cooking oil all have the effect of removing fishy smell and increasing flavor, so only these two are enough to prepare the meat filling!

The above is today’s food sharing, I hope it can be helpful to everyone. Friends who like this article, please like and save it. Your support is the motivation for the editor to update the food every day. Please click and follow! See you next time!