Qian Kexiu's Three Musketeers recruitment work is the source and basic project for advancing the cause of strengthening the military and building a world-class army. The establishment system is becoming increasingly perfect, weapons and equipment are being updated, and the demand

2024/07/0315:09:33 hotcomm 1577

Money Can Repair The Three Musketeers

Qian Kexiu's Three Musketeers recruitment work is the source and basic project for advancing the cause of strengthening the military and building a world-class army. The establishment system is becoming increasingly perfect, weapons and equipment are being updated, and the demand - DayDayNews

The recruitment work is the source and basic project for advancing the cause of strengthening the military and building a world-class army.

With the deepening of national defense and military reform, the establishment system has become increasingly perfect, weapons and equipment have been updated, and the demand for high-quality soldiers has become more urgent, and new and higher requirements have been put forward for recruitment work.

Policy and system reform is the third major battle in deepening the reform of national defense and the army. As an important part of policy and system reform, the military service system reform must be studied in depth, scientifically demonstrated, and focused on tackling difficult problems.

However, the actual recruitment work is much more difficult than it seems!

Since the conscription policy is closely connected with the policy on the training and use of soldiers, and the policy on retirement placement and employment, with the continuous development of the economy and society, the values ​​​​are constantly changing, and the national defense and military reforms are in the deep water period. Various contradictions are complicated, and new and old problems are intertwined. Focused on six aspects:

First, the problem of low “gold content” of college students. Since the summer and autumn conscription was implemented in 2013, the proportion of college students has increased year by year. In 2016, the National Recruitment Office formulated the "five-rate" assessment method (registration rate, attendance rate, passing rate, merit selection rate, and withdrawal rate). In the "Five Rates" evaluation method, although the "proportion of university graduates recruited" is set as an indicator in the "Selection Rate", the proportion is not large, and there is no distinction between first-level, second-level, third-level, , junior college, and . In order to increase the number of college students, the military service agencies accept all comers, whether they are freshmen, current students, or graduates, whether they are undergraduates or junior college students, and they will pick up food in the basket. On the surface, the number of college student recruits is indeed considerable, but the quality is not optimistic. The specific manifestations are: there are fewer undergraduates and more college graduates; there are fewer college graduates and more current students and freshmen, and many of them have just received their education. Notification to college. Among the college recruits recruited by a certain province in 2017, 17% were graduates, 83% were current students and freshmen, 16% had two or more undergraduate degrees, and 84% were three or more college graduates.

The second problem is that the recruitment of soldiers is not accurate enough. In terms of recruitment, military service agencies often do not know what majors to focus on recruiting recruits. Even if they recruit recruits with general military and local majors, there may not be such a recruiting force locally, and recruits cannot be accurately allocated according to majors; in recruiting recruits, On the other hand, except for soldiers with special conditions, other units do not participate in physical examinations and political reviews. The military service agencies can accept whatever soldiers they recruit, and cannot put forward special needs. Most recruits cannot choose the unit they serve in. Even if they can choose, they choose the unit they think is best based on their feelings.

Third, there are relatively difficult problems in pre-service education and training. In the past two years, many personnel and the Ministry of Armed Forces have begun to organize pre-service education and training for new recruits. Pre-service education and training are carried out in accordance with the one-day life system of the army, and carry out political education, queue and physical training, which can enable recruits to experience the life of the army in advance and reduce the withdrawal of soldiers due to mental illness and hidden diseases. It is generally welcomed by military service agencies and receiving troops. However, most of the people's armed forces in the country lack training venues and training backbones. In addition, the weather is hot, which makes it difficult to train and provide food and accommodation. Especially in counties and districts with a large number of recruits, hundreds of recruits are recruited, which means sending more troops, paying more, and completing tasks. The heavy workload and high pressure have caused many people to be unable to cope with the problem in organizing pre-service education and training.

Qian Kexiu's Three Musketeers recruitment work is the source and basic project for advancing the cause of strengthening the military and building a world-class army. The establishment system is becoming increasingly perfect, weapons and equipment are being updated, and the demand - DayDayNews

The fourth issue is the imperfect policy of examination and promotion. The basic requirements for soldiers to apply for the officer school are as follows: conscripts must have served in active service for one year, and non-commissioned officers must have served for two years and no more than three years; high school students or equivalent academic qualifications also need to: no more than 22 years old, and were college students or minority students before joining the army. For ethnic minorities, the age limit can be extended by 1 year; for college graduates, the age limit must be no more than 24 years old. For ethnic minorities, the age limit can be extended by 1 year. Basic conditions for undergraduate graduates to take the examination: conscripts must have served in active service for more than one and a half years, and must be no more than 26 years old.

Through various forms of examinations, we have selected and trained many officers with excellent military and political qualities from among the soldiers. In particular, the proportion of undergraduate graduates who have been promoted is very high. But there are also some problems. According to the above regulations, after a soldier has served for one year, he or she can take the military school examination or the college student promotion examination in the second year.For example, if you join the army in September 2018, you can only take the military academy or college student promotion exam in June 2020. After graduating from the military academy, compared with those who took the college entrance examination and entered the military academy in the same year, although they have military service experience, their age has no advantage. There are no other preferential policies for college soldiers who choose to become non-commissioned officers and apply for the military academy or get promoted. At the same time, according to the service length regulations for applying for military academies, soldiers only have two opportunities to apply for military academies. Even if they are not overage, they cannot apply for a third time. This policy is also unreasonable.

The fifth problem is that there are few college students serving in the army for a long time. In order to encourage college students to join the army, the country and the army have issued a series of preferential policies. For example, there are policies such as tuition compensation, promotion of college students, special plans for postgraduate entrance exams, targeted recruitment to civil servants and public institutions, and settling in big cities. Some college students join the army to enjoy preferential policies and retire after serving two years; some college students join the army under the influence of military movies and TV dramas, and they want to quit once there is a psychological gap. Article 55 of the "Military Service Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates that active-duty military personnel who have been admitted to ordinary institutions of higher learning or are currently studying in ordinary institutions of higher learning before enlisting in the army shall retain their admission qualifications or student status during their service, and are allowed to enroll or resume school within two years after retiring from active service. Many colleges and universities and college students understand that admission qualifications or student status are only retained for two years, misinterpret this policy, and spread rumors.

In reality, many college students become disheartened and have thoughts of quitting after failing the exams or promotions. There are not many non-commissioned officers selected for long-term service. College freshmen and current students join the army without receiving systematic training from colleges or for a short period of time. Although college graduates have certain cultural foundations and professional skills, if they only serve as soldiers for two years and retire as soon as they become familiar with their positions, it will have little effect on improving the combat effectiveness of the army. . According to data, from 2013 to 2015, more than 200,000 college students nationwide enlisted in the army, but in the end, less than 30,000 were admitted to the army and selected as non-commissioned officers. If the military service agencies unilaterally pursue the number of college students and approve a large number of college freshmen and current students to enlist in the military, it will be tantamount to killing the goose to obtain the eggs and depleting the fish.

Sixth, the problem of vague employment placement preferential policies. Article 64 of the "Military Service Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates that agencies, groups, enterprises and institutions have the obligation to accept and place retired active-duty soldiers. When recruiting staff or hiring employees, they should give priority to retired active-duty soldiers under the same conditions. What is priority? There is no specific policy and the operation is not strong. Fortunately, in recent years, some provinces and municipalities have issued detailed policies. For example, there is a targeted recruitment of full-time people's armed cadres from retired college soldiers, or a separate plan to recruit political and legal police officers. In 2019, the entire army will recruit civilian personnel from the society, and the Ministry of Personal Affairs will recruit retired soldiers in a targeted manner. However, most of these preferential policies are not differentiated by years of service, and do not reflect the greater discounts for longer service periods.

Qian Kexiu's Three Musketeers recruitment work is the source and basic project for advancing the cause of strengthening the military and building a world-class army. The establishment system is becoming increasingly perfect, weapons and equipment are being updated, and the demand - DayDayNews

The problem is before us. How to further optimize the policy is what we should think about.

The key to whether joining the army is hot or not depends on policy.

The army’s recruitment department and human resources department must coordinate closely. The army must communicate with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, conduct in-depth research, conduct scientific demonstrations, work together to tackle difficulties, formulate comprehensive and systematic human resources policies, and truly select good candidates for enlistment. , use those who are in the military and place those who have retired, forming a good closed loop and enhancing the attractiveness of the military profession.

Suggestion 1: Adjust the policies related to "enlistment in the army".

1. Modify the "five-rate" assessment and tuition exemption policy. The "Five Rates" assessment is the baton in recruitment, highlighting the problem-oriented, goal-oriented, and effect-oriented aspects of recruitment work. To this end, we must adjust the baton of the "five rates", adhere to the principle of erring on the side of shortage rather than excess, accurately set the guidance ratio for recruiting college students, increase the number of college graduates and key college students, reduce the number of freshmen and current students, and must not recruit college students who graduate in the following year (who will enlist in the army the following year) Except those who are overage). Adjust the "five-rate" assessment method, distinguish the academic qualifications of college students, and divide them into first-level, second-level, third-level, and junior college, and set corresponding scores respectively to widen the scores between various academic qualifications and guide military service agencies not to focus on numbers. Make a fuss and work hard on quality.Adjust the policy of compensation for military enlistment tuition fees for college students and change it to military enlistment scholarships, which will be awarded based on academic qualifications and time of study before enlistment. All graduates will be refunded. Current students will only be paid based on the time they studied before enlistment. College freshmen will not be granted. Tuition fees will be refunded every year. The first one is 10,000 yuan, the second one is 8,000 yuan, the third one is 5,000 yuan, and the junior college is 4,000 yuan, in order to guide college students to complete college and then join the army.

2. Appropriately adjust the recruitment time. The organization of 's implementation of "two levies a year" is complex and its effects are unknown. It should be studied in depth and scientifically demonstrated. Before the "two conscriptions a year" is implemented, it is recommended that the recruitment period be divided into two stages. In March, college student recruitment will be carried out, with physical examinations and political assessments, mainly for college students who are about to graduate, supplemented by current college students, and the military service agencies will provide both Qualified personnel will be issued a "Notice of Scheduled Enlistment" to give them reassurance. Physical examinations for other personnel will be organized in mid-July, political assessments will be conducted in late July, pre-service training and enlistment training will be organized in August, and uniforms will be distributed to recruits accurately. The shipment of new recruits began on September 1.

Qian Kexiu's Three Musketeers recruitment work is the source and basic project for advancing the cause of strengthening the military and building a world-class army. The establishment system is becoming increasingly perfect, weapons and equipment are being updated, and the demand - DayDayNews

3. Comprehensively carry out pre-service education and training. pre-combat education and training is of great significance and has obvious effects. It is recommended that relevant departments of the Central Military Commission regulate pre-service education and training, make clear provisions on training content, time, and guarantees, and make pre-service education and training for new recruits a part of training supervision. In particular, the funds for education and training before new military service should be included in the recruitment funds and borne by military expenditures to break the current situation of sending more troops and paying more money. During the recruitment period, superiors should make overall arrangements for the work, make every effort to recruit soldiers, and prevent other work from interfering with the impact. Gradually explore the "train first and then replenish" mechanism of the military service agencies, and use boarding middle schools to organize pre-service education and training during the summer vacation. The pre-service education and training time shall not be less than 5 days, and the training after enlistment shall not be less than 10 days; the military divisions shall organize inspections and random examinations, and the Ministry of People's Armed Forces shall organize general examinations, and the recruits shall be ranked based on their assessment scores, academic qualifications, and academic status. Choose your own troops.

4, explore the policy of precise recruitment and "secondary enlistment" . Learn from the model of direct recruitment of non-commissioned officers and targeted training of non-commissioned officers, explore the precise recruitment model, maximize the professional expertise and ability advantages of college students, and make the best use of talents. The Recruitment Office of the Ministry of National Defense collects statistics on general military and civilian majors in colleges and universities across the country. Before filling in the applications for the college entrance examination each year, the Recruitment Office of the Ministry of National Defense publishes a directory of general military and civilian majors and a directory of direct-recruitment non-commissioned officers on the national recruitment website for the reference of candidates who are willing to join the military. At the beginning of each year, all major units in the army accurately propose professional soldier recruitment requirements based on the urgent shortage of professional soldiers in the army. The Recruitment Office of the Ministry of National Defense scientifically formulates recruitment plans based on the needs of the troops, focusing on recruiting professional soldiers to provinces with concentrated universities. Provincial-level recruitment offices focus on assigning professional recruitment tasks to various colleges and universities.

For example, the naval force mainly recruits from navigation and electronics colleges, the aviation force mainly recruits from aviation and aerospace colleges, and the special forces force mainly recruits from sports colleges or martial arts schools. At the same time, corps-level units conduct secondary allocations of recruits based on their professional expertise after completion of their enlistment training. Appropriately reduce the number of directly recruited non-commissioned officers, comprehensively standardize the "secondary enlistment" policy, explore ways to recruit non-commissioned officers from retired soldiers, and allocate them mainly to the same type of troops according to the specialties of the troops when they served. Recruits who have good training and assessment results will be recruited. Directly designated as corporal, those with good grades and below shall perform compulsory military service.

Qian Kexiu's Three Musketeers recruitment work is the source and basic project for advancing the cause of strengthening the military and building a world-class army. The establishment system is becoming increasingly perfect, weapons and equipment are being updated, and the demand - DayDayNews

Recommendation 2: Improve policies related to military service.

1. Develop a system for flexible service for conscripts and extended service for non-commissioned officers. In order to encourage conscripts to serve for a long time, the time of compulsory military service can be changed to a flexible system, one or two years. Those who are willing to be selected as non-commissioned officers after the first year of service can be selected as corporals. The service time of corporals is 4 years. Such personnel still enjoy the two-year preferential treatment for compulsory soldiers; those who are unwilling to be selected as non-commissioned officers after the first year of service, the time of compulsory military service is 2 years. years, if you are willing to choose a non-commissioned officer after the second year of service, the service time of a corporal will be 3 years. In order to encourage college graduates to join the army, a policy of extended service can be formulated. College graduate soldiers select non-commissioned officers. Those who have completed their service as sergeants and have outstanding performance. Those who cannot be promoted to the fourth-level sergeant due to staff limitations can extend their service until the service period. Complete retirement procedures after 12 years.

2. Adjust the policies for applying to military academies and promotions. In order to encourage undergraduate graduates to join the army, it is necessary to increase the number of undergraduate graduates who can be promoted to soldiers. The service period for applying for military academies and promotions has been relaxed. Soldiers who have served for more than half a year can apply for military academies. For example, if you join the army in September 2019, you can take the military school exam or college student promotion exam in June 2020. If you do not pass the exam in the first year, you can still take the exam in the second, third, fourth, and fifth years as long as you are not overage. In order to encourage college students to select non-commissioned officers, after selecting non-commissioned officers, they will take the military school examination or promotion examination, and 10 points will be added to their cultural scores. This will expand the space for growth and progress of college student soldiers.

Recommendation 3: Optimize the retirement policy.

1. Detailed employment and postgraduate entrance examination policies. The state and relevant military departments jointly formulate policies, combined with the formulation of the "Veterans' Security Law", which equates soldiers' service experience with the "three supports and one support" work experience. Those who meet the professional qualifications can apply for the "three supports and one support" targeted recruitment examination. . Formulate relevant policies to recruit all full-time people's armed forces cadres from retired soldiers, and 10% of the total number of candidates for civil servants, public institutions, and state-owned enterprises will be recruited from retired soldiers; retired soldiers who apply for ordinary positions in civil servants, public institutions, and state-owned enterprises will receive extra points in the written examination and serve for 2 years 10 points will be added for each additional year, and 1 point will be added for each additional year, with the total score not exceeding 20 points. For retired soldiers to take the postgraduate admissions examination, the restriction within 3 years will be lifted and 10 points will be added to the total score of the initial examination. For those who have served for more than 2 years, 1 point will be added for each additional year, with no upper limit.

2. Formulate preferential policies for civil service applicants. The army recruits civilian personnel, and the management positions of military divisions and the Ministry of Human Resources are targeted to recruit active or retired college soldiers. For those who have served for more than 5 years, the application is not limited to majors, and only the knowledge and skills related to the position are tested. If you apply for other civilian positions, you will be given extra points for the written test, 10 points for those who have served for 2 years, and 1 point for each additional year. There is no upper limit. Active-duty soldiers first take the military civilian personnel examination. After passing the examination, they can then go through the discharge procedures.

Qian Kexiu's Three Musketeers recruitment work is the source and basic project for advancing the cause of strengthening the military and building a world-class army. The establishment system is becoming increasingly perfect, weapons and equipment are being updated, and the demand - DayDayNews

There is still a long way to go in establishing the service support system for retired military personnel.

The military camp is the best school, joining the army is the greatest pride, and serving the country is the highest honor.

With the deepening of national defense and military reform, military policies and systems have been continuously improved, military benefits and benefits have been continuously improved, and the social status of military personnel has continued to rise. We are gathering strength in anticipation of improving the system, promulgating the "Veterans Security Law", mobilizing social forces, etc. There is a thin line between ideal and reality. Keep your mind focused and down-to-earth. Who can keep the clouds clear and see the moonlight when there is no storm or heavy rain? Active-duty soldiers should do what they do, love what they do, and be dedicated to what they do, cherish their military career, base themselves on their duties, and make contributions.

I advise you not to cherish your gold-threaded clothes, and I advise you to cherish your youth.

When the flowers are in bloom, they need to be folded. Don’t wait until there are no flowers.

I hope that all aspiring young people will release their ideals, actively join the army, and grow into talents. As long as you make up your mind, act immediately, and persist to the end, you will definitely succeed!

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