Internet celebrity anchor "Ti Zi" recently "turned over". This short video shooter with millions of fans, who specializes in eating and broadcasting, thought that his recently released boiled shark and barbecue shark would gain another wave of traffic. Unexpectedly, he was discov

Internet celebrity anchor "Tizi" recently "turned over". This short video shooter with millions of fans, who specializes in eating and broadcasting, thought that his recently released boiled shark and barbecue shark would gain another wave of traffic. Unexpectedly, he was discovered by a popular science blogger. This 1.7-meter-long shark The shark is actually an internationally endangered wild animal, the man-eating shark, which is equivalent to the national second-level protected animal. As we all know, it is illegal to eat wild animals under special protection. The man-eating shark is also known as great white shark . According to the law, it is strictly prohibited to land, sell, or buy wild animals of this level, let alone eat them on site. According to reports, the police are currently involved in the investigation. If the illegal behavior is confirmed, the blogger will definitely be in the cold. However, even if we don't talk about this shark, the "heavy flavors" on her account are enough to shock netizens. "The 200-pound giant ostrich king", "the best golden giant salamander "... all kinds of animals with unconventional recipes were eaten by her. One second he was holding her in his arms like a "cute pet", and the next second he was scraping his skin with a knife. The strong contrast made the viewer extremely uncomfortable. Some people bluntly said, "It's like watching a horror movie."

In recent years, “eating and broadcasting” has become very popular. Bloggers from all walks of life show their unique talents and compete for traffic, and there are many who take the wrong approach. Previously, the "big eater" ate and drank indiscriminately, which not only harmed the body but also wasted food, triggering public criticism. Nowadays, "binge eating" has ceased, and some people are eyeing "delicacies from mountains and seas" and "unconventional recipes" again. For example, the blogger involved in the incident, although every video is marked with the words "artificially bred for edible", almost every frame stimulates people's senses and caters to society's mentality of seeking novelty and appreciating ugliness. In addition to

traffic, there is also the rule of law and civilization, and public order and good customs . In this process, the platform must be responsible for keeping its territory and clear out some clowns who seek attention. Relevant departments should also take active actions and seriously investigate and deal with any clues. At the same time, fans should also be civilized and self-conscious and refrain from "praising others". If you discover any violations of laws and regulations, resolutely report them and do your best to make the network environment clearer, so that you can avoid causing trouble.

is also a "eating broadcast". Some people study classics and ancient books, and some reproduce lost techniques. These are all healthy ways for food bloggers to develop. In the long run, with the improvement of network management, "eating and broadcasting" will increasingly need to pay attention to the lower limit and withstand scrutiny in order to become popular in the long run.

(Original title: Use endangered great white sharks for barbecue? There is no lower limit for "eating and broadcasting")

Source: Chang'an Observation Writer: Tian Wenzhi

Process editor: u099

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