As a Chinese, liquor is a drink that everyone will be exposed to throughout their lives. Even if they don’t drink alcohol, as long as they encounter some important moments, whether you are toasting someone else or someone is toasting you, you have to drink it more or less. A litt

As a Chinese, liquor is a drink that everyone will be exposed to throughout their lives. Even if they don’t drink alcohol, as long as they encounter some important moments, whether you are toasting someone else or someone is toasting you, you will drink more or less. The above point is because it will appear solemn or important.

Liquor is inseparable from our daily work and entertainment, dinners with friends, etc. In addition to needing a good alcohol capacity to support your social interactions, understanding baijiu has also become a topic that many people sit together to discuss, such as what kind of wine is good. , which wine is expensive, which wine is cost-effective, etc.

When it comes to what is a good liquor, the first thing most people think of is the famous overseas " Kweichow Moutai " and "Sichuan Wuliangye" . Moutai in particular is now more than just a synonym for high-end liquor. , has become a financial product with great potential for appreciation, and some people even rely on it to achieve financial freedom.

It is precisely because of its special value and attributes that Moutai has become the hardest hit area for counterfeit wine. After all, the profit margin is huge. If it is not sold for more than a month, a normal 10 bottles will cost tens of thousands. And this How can the huge profits not make people jealous? In addition to the normal fake Moutai, there are also many "special" fake Moutai on the market that look just like the real thing. Some people have always regarded this kind of wine as a delicacy and drink a little every day, but they don't know that none of it is real!

Liquor for employees

The appearance of this fake Maotai is basically the same as that of real Maotai, with a white porcelain bottle and a red ribbon, and the label will say that the wine is exclusively for employees of a certain winery or is for internal consumption. The purpose is to tell consumers that this bottle of wine is very rare and cannot be bought by ordinary people. Only specific insiders have it, and the quantity is limited. In fact, these are their disguise methods. Anyone with a little knowledge of liquor will know the tricks! So be careful when encountering this kind of wine.

The army’s military supply wine

The army’s military supply gives people the feeling of being sacred, mysterious, and solemn, and counterfeit wine dealers have seized on people’s psychology and made fake wine into a certain army’s military supply wine. Some people who don’t understand When I saw that it was a special wine used in the military area, I thought that the quality must be the same. But when you buy it home and open it, you realize that it is just ordinary alcoholic wine, but with a more mysterious packaging! You just want to look at the ingredients and you may not even be able to find the label.

Units specialize in wine

This kind of wine is mainly named after some special units in the country. The purpose is to raise its own grade and make consumers think that this kind of wine is very special, so it is sold so expensive, and it is precisely because of its specialness , so ordinary people can rarely buy it. The outer packaging and bottle design look very similar to Moutai, except that the words written on it are different. When you call the distillery according to the phone number on the bottle, the number is either empty or wrong.

Moutai commemorative wine

At present, there are not many wines launched by Moutai company in recent years, and the quantities are very limited. They are basically not sold to the outside world. Only the Moutai zodiac series is available in the market, but the prices are very high. , and it is impossible for ordinary people to buy it at the original price!

As for other so-and-so commemorative wines, generally speaking, 99% of them are fakes. In fact, the means and purposes are the same as the previous wines. They are nothing more than to raise the standards and create obvious differences, so that consumers think they are good. liquor.

In fact, no matter how the form of fake Moutai changes, if you want to avoid being fooled, the best way is not to be greedy for small gains, and then buy it through regular channels. If you are sure that this bottle of Moutai is special, but you are not sure whether it is authentic or not, it is recommended First consult some authoritative organizations or the customer service staff of Moutai Company, so that you can immediately tell whether it is true or false.

Some people say that Moutai is so expensive and I can’t afford it. Does it have anything to do with me whether it’s true or not?

Maotai, a high-end wine, is indeed not suitable for mass consumers in terms of price, but its own special attributes are unmatched by other wines. Although ordinary consumers cannot drink Maotai every day, they occasionally buy it as gifts. Or collection is also a good choice, after all, the popularity and quality are there.

But if it is only used as ration wine for self-drinking, then cost-effective products are the first choice, such as the "Guokang 1935" I drank with my friends some time ago. Although this wine is not a first-line brand, its quality is far behind. Superior to most mid- to high-end Maotai-flavor wines. It adopts the traditional 12987 Daqu Kunsha process. The raw materials used are high-quality glutinous red sorghum produced locally in Guizhou, and then supplemented with water from the Chishui River. It is brewed through more than 30 complex processes. The entire brewing cycle of is as long as 1 year, after which all new wine will continue to be stored for 3-5 years, and then blended with old wine.

However, the price of such a high-quality sauce wine is only a little over a hundred yuan, which can be said to be a very conscientious and cost-effective product. There are many similar products on the market, such as Tanjiu Gold Sauce, Tanjiu Red Tan, Danquan , etc. The choice depends on personal preference. Some of the opinions in this article represent personal opinions only and cannot be used as industry standards.