Here are 10 grape varieties that want to share with you their favorite tunes and explain why they like them. Cabernet Sauvignon | Cabernet Sauvignon.

Red grape varieties

1 Cabernet Sauvignon

2 Merlot

3 Pinot Noir

4 Syrah

5 Malbec

White grape varieties

6 Chardonnay

7 Sauvignon Blanc

8 Riesling

9 Chenin Blanc

0 Pinot Gris

Track List

1 Beethoven "Piano Concerto No. 5"

2 Massenet " Thaïs Meditation "

3 Mendelssohn " Violin Concerto in E minor "

4 Bizet " Habanera "

5 Pia Zola's "Free Tango"

6 Handel's "Royal Fireworks Music: Celebration"

7 Beethoven's "Violin Sonata No. 5"

8 Mozart's "Violin Sonata No. 32"

9 Saint-Saëns "Carnival of the Animals: The Swan"

0 Schumann "Carnival: Chopin"

There are 10 grape varieties that want to share their favorite music with you and explain why they like these songs. are you ready?


Kingly Style

Cabernet Sauvignon | Cabernet Sauvignon

Beethoven's "Piano Concerto No. 5" (first movement)

Hello everyone! I am Cabernet sauvignon from France Bordeaux . Maybe you have heard my name for a long time. I am one of the most famous grapes in the world, with footprints all over the world. In my hometown BordeauxLeft Bank, I have a lofty status and am the core variety there.

I have a good friend named Melo , and we have a very close relationship. On the left bank, the two of us will work together with several other friends to blend into a red wine that is rich in fruity aroma, rich in layers, powerful and long-lasting. Friends who like wine should know the five famous chateaux on the left bank of Bordeaux: Lafite, Latour, Mouton, Margaux and Haut-Brion. Among these top red wines, I usually occupy a considerable proportion. People say that I am the "well-deserved king of " among grape varieties, haha, I think it makes sense! However, as I grow older, while I am becoming more and more outstanding, I will gradually put away my edge.

Oh, by the way, I am here to introduce the music... Beethoven is a very famous and outstanding great composer (like me). When he was 39 years old, he completed this " No. 5" Piano Concerto ". Perhaps because of its heroic style and imperial momentum, this piece of music is called "Emperor" in English-speaking countries, especially its magnificent first movement. This concerto was dedicated by Beethoven to his patron, friend and student, Austrian Archduke Rudolf. Unfortunately, Beethoven was suffering from hearing impairment at the time and was unable to perform as a soloist. Premiere performance of this concerto. Isn't such 's exquisite and endlessly varied music very similar to those unparalleled wines on our Left Bank?


The power of gentleness

Merlot | Merlot

Massenet's "Meditation for Thaïs"

Hello everyone! I am Merlot , from Bordeaux Right Bank . Cabernet Sauvignon and I are neighbors and we were childhood sweethearts. Like Cabernet Sauvignon, I have traveled all over the world. In some parts of the world, people like to put the two of us together to make wine, saying that we are the "best partners." Of course, we had a great time working together. When the Cabernet Sauvignon style was too strong, I would play the role of , soft and rounded .

Sweet, smooth, and approachable I have been very popular since I was a child. No matter whether I am a wine novice, a wine lover, or an expert, I will not be rejected. Although I am only a partner and supporting role of Cabernet Sauvignon on the Left Bank, I am the most dazzling and charming star in Saint-Émilion and Pomerol on the Right Bank. !

It is not very appropriate to use this picture to compare the relationship between Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon, but it will definitely make you unforgettable (Picture source: Xiaohongshu | Aliduoduo Sauce)

I bring you a very beautiful song violin music. Maybe you haven't seen the opera "Thaïs" (in fact, I only woke up after the end of Act 2, Scene 1), but you must have heard the famous "Meditation on Thaïs" ", the author is Massenet (Massenet), who like me is also from France. This piece is also called " Meditation ". It is an intermezzo in this opera. It is a piece that you will fall in love with as soon as you hear it. If you don’t believe me, listen to it...

The delicate and soft violin solo of seems to be the inner monologue of the heroine Taïs: starting from pious prayers, to sentimental memories, and painful struggles in reality, and finally to the journey of self-salvation. Tranquility and peace...the listener's thoughts will unconsciously follow the melody. The music ends slowly in a slow tempo, but it seems to be full of infinite longing and joy, as if the fire of hope has never been extinguished in the heart...Give me a tissue quickly! I'm going to cry...


Meeting is unforgettable

Pinot Noir|Pinot Noir

Mendelssohn's "Violin Concerto in E minor" (first movement)

Bonjour! I am Pinot Noir . People say that I am synonymous with being delicate and picky, but I have been the darling of the royal family since ancient times. Except in the Champagne region , I rarely mix wine with other grape varieties, which will weaken my original elegant fruit aroma; I often need to spend more time and care on people, who makes me naturally fragile and sickly Well... The wine I brew has varied, delicate, and charming aromas , full of charm, and often brings unexpected surprises. Wine lovers all over the world are fascinated by me. France Burgundy (Burgundy) is my hometown, where you can find the most perfect and most expensive Pinot Noir red wine in the world.

Mendelssohn is a well-known rich and handsome man in the classical music family. He is noble, elegant, and low-key . The names of my grandfather the philosopher, my father the banker, my mother the pianist, and my uncle the diplomat were not as long-lasting as the name of the musician Mendelssohn. Mendelssohn was not only extremely talented in art, but also very diligent. In addition to composing music, he also had many paintings. The picture below is -

Mendelssohn's watercolor painting "Lucerne, Switzerland" (1847)

Mendelssohn's music is more beautiful than language, and his works are very beautiful, such as this " Violin Concerto in E minor ". He used minor to enhance the unique timbre characteristics of the violin. It is very unique and will still make you emotional no matter how many times you listen to it. The first movement, in particular, is both soft and majestic, elegant and full of power. After listening to the melody once, it will firmly grab your heart, drill into a certain place in your heart, never come out again, and become something you will never forget for the rest of your life... Pinot Noir red wine. Eh? Why are we talking about myself again...


red tease


Bizet "Habanera"

Hi, I am Shiraz, my hometown is France Northern Rhone (Northern Rhône ). My ancestors were brought to Australia from Europe in the 1830s by a Scotsman named James Busby who didn't like to drink whiskey.The ancestors came here across the ocean and renamed it " Shiraz". They worked hard and eventually became the country's flagship grape variety. Now I can be found in many warm places around the world, and overall I come across as a rich, spicy . Be careful, I will tease your taste buds from time to time!

The opera "Carmen" (Carmen) is one of the most popular and most frequently performed operas today. However, the premiere of this opera was a disastrous failure and was met with various doubts and slander. What's even more pity is that this opera became a sensation all over the world only many years after the death of its author Bizet (Bizet), and it is still flourishing to this day. You must have heard the two most famous arias in this opera - "The Song of the Matador" and "Love is a Rebellious Bird" (also known as the 'Habanera'). This song "Habanera" is full of provocative meaning, and sings out the passion, charm and charm of Carmen, a gypsy girl who is good at singing and dancing: "If you don't love me, then I love you ! But if I love you, you have to be alert! "


Temptation from Argentina


Piazzolla "Libre Tango"

Hola, I am Malbec! Many people think that I am Argentinian, but in fact my hometown is Cahors (Cahors) in southwest France. In the 19th century, my ancestors were brought to Argentina by a French agriculturist named Michel Aimé Pouget, and they have taken root here ever since. I was ordinary in my hometown, but felt elated after arriving in a foreign country. No one expected that we, the descendants of French immigrants, would be so enthusiastically welcomed in Argentina. The red wine I brew is usually deep in color, rich in fruit aroma, with attractive spices, and sometimes has some game content.. By the way, April 17th is my birthday every year!

In addition to me and football, Argentina also has the most familiar tango . Tango originally originated from the lower classes of Argentina and Uruguay. Now this seductive dance is spread all over the world. Piazzolla, an important figure in the Argentinian music industry, is a tango composer. He integrated elements such as jazz, classical and rock into tango dance music, transforming this simple accompaniment into a The unique music type gives tango a new style and depth. Let’s enjoy Piazzolla’s “Libertango” together!


Open a bottle of champagne to celebrate!

Chardonnay | Chardonnay

Handel's "Royal Fireworks Music"

Hello everyone! I am Sisi Cat. My friend Chardonnay has been very busy recently. She is preparing champagne for tonight’s banquet... The hometown of Chardonnay is France Burgundy . It is the most famous white grape variety in the world, almost It is grown in various wine-producing regions in various wine-producing countries. Due to its strong plasticity, different winemakers in different production areas can produce Chardonnay wines in various styles and price ranges, from refreshing to oily. Burgundy is one of the most famous Chardonnay producing areas. It produces the most expensive dry white wine in the world. In addition, Chardonnay is also the most important white grape variety for making champagne .

Tour on the Thames

The famous " Water Music " (Water Music) was created by the Baroque period composer Handel (Handel) for King George I of England (George I) to visit the Thames River. In 1749, Handel He also composed "Music for the Royal Fireworks" (Music for the Royal Fireworks) to celebrate outdoor festivals for his son George II, and coordinated it with a grand fireworks show.The music has a cheerful rhythm, a beautiful yet solemn melody, and is full of the joy of victory. At the same time, fireworks light up the scenery on the stage... There is nothing more suitable for this situation than opening a bottle of champagne !


The Coming of Spring

Sauvignon Blanc | Sauvignon Blanc

Beethoven's "Violin Sonata No. 5" (First Movement)

Hello everyone, I am Sauvignon Blanc , and some people call me "Sauvignon Blanc" (I know, these two names It feels very different). My hometown is in the Loire Valley in France, but I seem to be more famous in Bordeaux. I often make high-quality and exciting Bordeaux white wines with my good friend Sémillon. . I have grown in many countries around the world, and my performance in Marlborough, New Zealand, was outstanding and I was a superstar there. In most cases, the dry white wine I make will have the aroma of green plants such as grass, as well as the fresh and vibrant acidity. When I taste it, I feel like I am tasting spring in the wine.

I heard that Cabernet Sauvignon likes Beethoven very much. In fact, I also like Beethoven quite a lot, especially his " Violin Sonata No. 5 ". This sonata is also known as " Spring Sonata ". Although the name "spring" was given by later generations after Beethoven's death, the word "spring" does capture the full of spring and life in the music. Joy . Beethoven was 31 years old when he composed this work. The music is filled with the breath of youth, and the beautiful and smooth melody makes people feel like spring breeze . Of course, you can also hear the thrilling spring thunder in this piece of music. Perhaps this is Beethoven's cry for fate!

Nature is Beethoven's only confidant


There is nothing that Mozart and Riesling cannot do


Mozart's "Violin Sonata No. 32"

(second movement)

Guten Tag! I am riesling . My surname is not Lei, nor am I a commander. "Riesling" is the translation of my real name, Riesling. Friends in Taiwan like to call me "Lisling", haha, the commander has become a lady! However, I do have the characteristics of both coolness and coolness as well as fragrant elegance.

My hometown is in the Rhine River region of Germany . Did you notice that I am the only one among these 10 grape varieties whose hometown is not in France. I am born noble, full of charm, and a " all-around " grape, ranging from delicate and elegant dry whites to rich and rich sweet whites (including late harvest, noble rot and ice wine), various types of whites. I can make wine. I like the cooler climate, which will give me delicate and charming acidity , and I am more suitable for aging than other white grape varieties.

I like listening to various genres of classical music. I found that there are many composers who write almost nothing else in their lives, only operas, like Puccini, Verdi, Rossini; and most composers write everything except operas, like Bach , Haydn , Beethoven and so on. But there is one exception, as I think you have guessed. That's right, he is Mozart . Mozart was a versatile among musicians. In addition to writing symphonies, concertos, sonatas, chamber music, religious music, etc., he also wrote operas. What’s even more amazing is that every genre he wrote had its own classics. . Mozart has too many popular classics, but I want to share with you one of his less famous pieces - " Violin Sonata No. 32 ", which is also very nice and composed by Barumbo. Version performed by Barenboim and his son.Let’s enjoy it together!


When "versatile" meets "talented"

Chenin Blanc | Chenin Blanc

Saint-Saëns "Carnival of the Animals: The Swan"

Hello, I am Chenin Blanc. Is my name as poetic as "Sauvignon Blanc"? Both of our hometowns are in France's Loire Valley. However, many people think that my hometown is in South Africa - the older generation of winemakers there used to call us "Steen". As for why my ancestors went to South Africa, one theory is that a Dutchman named Jan Van Riebeeck brought my ancestors to South Africa in the 17th century and then planted them in his own vineyard; There is a theory that after the "Edict of Nantes" was revoked, the Huguenots fled from France to South Africa, bringing my ancestors with them... In any case, South Africa has now surpassed my hometown and has become the largest country of Chenin Blanc. Planting country!

Although I am not as famous as Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay, the wine I make has a very pleasing taste and the price is very competitive. Many wine experts say that I am an "undervalued white grape variety". Because of my high acidity, I can brew still wines from dry to various sweetness, as well as sparkling wines. It can be said that I am very versatile. Isn't this similar to the Riesling guy?

There is also a composer who is as talented as me. This time I am not talking about Mozart - I know you all like Mozart, and Riesling also likes him. The composer I am talking about is not as famous as Mozart, but he is also well-known among classical music lovers. He is the French composer Saint-Saëns (Saint-Saëns). Saint-Saëns was not only a musical genius, but also a generalist. He was proficient in literature, philosophy, archaeology, astronomy, mathematics... and so on. Saint-Saëns' most famous and popular piece of music may be the cello song "The Swan" from his suite "The Carnival of the Animals". How could there be such a beautiful and moving melody in the world? It can't help but remind me of a white and elegant swan roaming leisurely on the lake. It also reminds me of the charming scenery on both sides of the Loire Valley in my hometown.


This "Chopin" is not Chopin

Pinot Gris|Pinot Gris/Pinot Grigio

Schumann's "Carnival: Chopin"

Hello everyone, I am Pinot Gris, my hometown is France . I am a member of the Pinot family, and I am related to Pinot Noir, and I am also related to Chardonnay. Even though I'm known as a "grey" Pinot, my peel is a pretty pink! Among these 10 grape varieties, I am the least famous one, but I am one of the four "noble varieties" of Alsace, and one of the seven legal varieties for making champagne—— Although very rare.

Am I beautiful?

will tell you that my relative Pinot Noir was originally going to bring Chopin's piano music to you because it thinks Chopin's music is just like it, so beautiful that it makes people enchanting. (And both he and Chopin love to get sick!) However, recently, this relative of mine has been fascinated by Mendelssohn and wants to change his taste... This is because of its changeability, or maybe he wants to surprise everyone. Bar.

Anyway... I originally wanted to have something to do with Chopin, so I brought "Carnival " by German composer Schumann (Schumann), which is a suite of 21 piano solos composed by him (similar to Saint-Saëns' Carnival of the Animals is a different thing). The 12th piece in this set of piano music is called "Chopin" (Chopin). It was composed by Schumann imitating Chopin's music style. The elegant and slightly sad melody and decorative sounds are reminiscent of Chopin's music. nocturne . However, it is said that Chopin himself did not have a high opinion of this set of music.I wonder if my relative will like it?

Discover music together

Have fun with wine

The End