The dog days of summer are about to enter, and the weather has begun to heat up now. In the hot summer, if you sweat profusely after even a little exercise, you need to replenish water in time. Various cold drinks, beverages, etc. have been particularly popular recently, but thos

The Dog Days of Summer are approaching. It is recommended to drink these two kinds of soup regularly. They are sour and sweet, quench thirst, cool and relieve the heat, and keep you cool all summer.

It is about to enter the Dog Days of Summer.. Now the weather has started to heat up. In the hot summer, do some exercise. If you are sweating profusely, you need to replenish water in a timely manner. Various cold drinks and beverages have been particularly popular recently, but the drinks sold outside are okay to drink occasionally. After all, they have additives, preservatives, etc., and it is not recommended for everyone to drink them for a long time. Not that healthy after all.

What should I do if I want to drink drinks in summer? I recommend 2 "soups" to everyone, one is sour plum soup and the other is homemade lemon paste mixed with water. These two soups are very simple to make. They are sour and sweet and especially delicious. They are refreshing and relieving summer heat, hydrating and moisturizing. Come have a drink and stay cool all summer long.

Let’s talk about sour plum soup first. Sour plum soup is a traditional summer drink for old Beijingers. It not only has a unique taste, but also has good therapeutic effects. The ingredients of sour plum soup include hawthorn, black plum, and other ingredients. It tastes sour. It can promote appetite, help digestion, and has a good refreshing effect. It can also reduce liver fire. On a hot summer day, a cup of cool and refreshing sour plum soup will instantly make your mouth hydrated and full of happiness.

[Old Beijing Sour Plum Soup]

Ingredients used : Laofangu Sour Plum Soup Packs

Production steps :

. I bought Laofangu’s sour plum soup online a few days ago. It is packaged in paper bags and is more environmentally friendly. I bought 3 at a time. The package is more cost-effective.

. Take a pack and open it. It contains hawthorn, secret ebony plum, amethyst date, rock sugar, osmanthus, licorice, nutmeg, and salt. Some people may ask, why is there salt? ? There is a saying that goes well, if you want it to be sweet, add a little salt. After adding a little salt, the finished product will be sweet but not greasy, cool and refreshing.

. Unpack the ingredients except the osmanthus and put them all on the plate. They look clean and of good quality.

. Put the ingredients such as hawthorn, black plum, amethyst jujube, licorice, and nutmeg into a small pot, add about 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer slowly for 1 hour and 30 minutes.

. Add rock sugar (salt) and osmanthus and cook for a few minutes to dissolve. The cooked sour plum soup is about 1 liter. Put the ingredients and sour plum soup into a glass bottle and let it cool.

. Put it in the refrigerator overnight and then you can drink it. The sweet and sour taste is particularly delicious as an appetizer.

Let’s take a look at this lemon paste again. There are only two ingredients: lemon and rock sugar. After a long time of boiling, all the rock sugar melts and blends with the lemon. Store it in a glass bottle. Take a few slices on weekdays and add warm water. Drinking it after brewing is also sour and sweet. It has good effects of whitening skin, moistening throat and lungs. Female friends who love beauty should not miss it.

[Homemade lemon paste]

Ingredients used : 4 lemons (about 500 grams), 1000 grams of yellow rock sugar, a little salt

Production steps :

. First, scrub the surface of the lemon with salt, then rinse it repeatedly, and then use Use kitchen towel to dry the surface.

. Cut the lemon into thin slices and use a toothpick to remove the lemon seeds inside, otherwise it will be bitter.

. For rock sugar, choose this kind of yellow rock sugar. I bought small pieces. If it is a large piece of yellow rock sugar, you need to smash it first to melt it better.

, Pressure cooker Inner pot, first put a layer of yellow rock sugar, and then put a layer of lemon slices in sequence.

. Place all the lemon slices repeatedly in this way, and put a layer of yellow rock sugar on top.

. Cover the lid of the pressure cooker and select the pig's trotter button to work. Do not unplug the power after the work is completed and keep it warm.

. This is the state of keeping warm for 4 hours. It needs to be kept warm for about 8 to 10 hours. The color will turn into dark brown and become more viscous.

. First scald the glass bottle with boiling water to sterilize it, put the lemon paste into the bottle, let it cool completely and then store it in the refrigerator. Use a clean spoon or chopsticks to take it out each time and brew it with warm water.

Cooking tips:

. To save trouble, you can also use a rice cooker or pressure cooker to cook sour plum soup, but don’t add so much water. Just add 1 liter of water. Select the porridge button for the rice cooker and the soup button for the pressure cooker. This way It will be more convenient.

. This sour plum soup from Lao Fan Gu has a moderate amount of sour and sweet. If you like it sweeter, you can add some extra rock sugar.

. After the lemon paste is made, it can be refrigerated for 1 month. Be careful to use warm water when flushing.

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