Some people like to mix meat and vegetables, and use some meat when cooking vegetarian dishes. Some people are meat lovers and do not like to eat vegetarian food. After all, meat is an important presence in our lives. When many friends deal with meat, it does not taste too good a

There are different types of meat and different cooking methods. I believe that every household has meat on the table. Some people like to mix meat and vegetables, and eat some meat when cooking vegetarian dishes. Some people are meat lovers and do not like to eat vegetarian food. . After all, meat is an important presence in our lives. When many friends deal with meat, they eat it after cooking. It either tastes too woody, or is too old, and even has a fishy smell. It tastes very strange

In fact, many times it is because we process it in the wrong way and use the wrong ingredients. Especially when cooking pork ribs, some friends... Cinnamon , star anise, and aniseed ingredients were thrown into the pot at once. After cooking, there was no meat flavor at all, and it was all about the flavor of condiments. Whether you are cooking pork or making ribs, remember to put 2 below but not 3. The meat will have a good aroma and taste, but the key is not fishy!


into the water and soak it

Many people simply wash the meat before cooking, blanch the meat directly, some friends even put the meat directly into the pot without washing. In fact, the meat should be put into clean water before blanching. Soak in it for 20~30 minutes. Repeatedly changing the water and cleaning in the middle of can greatly reduce the fishy smell brought by the meat itself. There is never any step that can be omitted in cooking processing. The deliciousness of is carved out bit by bit in this way. Often the key to delicious food is these details that are not easily discovered.

Second, add the ginger and onion and blanch the water.

When blanching, add the onion and ginger water. Many people do this, only knowing that it is to remove the smell, but in fact ginger also has a bactericidal effect . Some friends don’t like to eat onion, ginger, and garlic seasonings, but these are indispensable for meat dishes. Adding onion and ginger when blanching can reduce these flavors to a great extent and at the same time remove the fishy smell of the meat.

3 Do not add:

Do not add sour ingredients

Many friends may have heard others say that adding some lemon juice or hawthorn when stewing meat will make the meat taste softer. But this depends on the situation. There is no problem in doing this when marinating, but the taste will be greatly reduced when stewing. This is a big misunderstanding for people who have just learned to cook.

Do not add cooking wine

As we all know, cooking wine is indispensable for removing fishy smell, but the correct way to use it is when marinating or blanching. Many people add cooking wine during formal cooking. This is Wrong, not only does it fail to remove the fishy smell, but it also leaves the meat with a strange smell.

Do not put Sichuan peppercorns

As the saying goes: Pigs do not use pepper and sheep do not expect it. This means that when cooking pork, do not put Sichuan peppercorns, and when cooking mutton, do not put Sichuan peppercorns. The saying refers to stew here. For example, when we are making pork rib soup , when making some stewed dishes, the smell of peppercorns is very strong, and the flavor of star anise will overwhelm the deliciousness of the meat. usually does not recommend adding these condiments.

Example of cooking pork belly

First, clean the pork belly we bought from the market. First add water that has not covered the meat into the basin and soak it for 25 minutes.

The purpose of this is to soak out the blood, water and grease in the meat. Achieve better cleaning effect.

Add cold water to the pot. Put the pork belly into the pot under cold water, and at the same time add the ginger slices and scallions we prepared and cook over medium heat. From the middle, you can find a lot of foam floating on the water. Use a colander to skim off the foam. This is the blood of the pork belly. Blanching the meat will reduce the fishy smell of the meat.

After the meat is cooked, take it out and rinse off the foam on the surface. At this time, slice the meat while it is still cool, because the sliced ​​meat will fall apart easily after it cools. Put it on a plate and set aside

At this time we prepare a sauce, sweet noodle sauce one and a half spoons. Two spoons of light soy sauce, one spoon of vinegar, one spoon of chili oil, one spoon of sesame pepper oil, and two spoons of minced garlic.

Use a spatula to slice the cucumber into thin slices and place in the middle of the plate.Be careful when using the melon peel knife to avoid hurting your fingers. Then place the meat next to the cucumber, pour the sauce on the meat slices and you can start eating.

little sister reminds: There is not only one fixed process for cooking all food. Different cooking methods also use different ingredients and processing techniques. It does not mean that the more ingredients you put in, the more delicious it will be. Make good use of these tips when cooking. With some tips, you can become a great chef! Collect it quickly and try it next time you make it?