Delicious and easy to make, this is the most indispensable dessert in hot summer. It only requires half a papaya and a bowl of sago, paired with milky dragon fruit. It is sweet and delicious, and the whole family will love it. There is an abundance of fruit every summer, and my t

Delicious and easy to make, this is the most indispensable dessert in hot summer. It only requires half a papaya and a bowl of sago, paired with milk dragon fruit . It is sweet and delicious, and the whole family will love it.

There is an abundance of fruit every summer, and my two children at home also love eating fruit. During the holidays at home, I will make various desserts for the children, and sometimes I will make them with them. The method is simple. Nutritious and healthy.

This milk papaya dragon fruit and sago is one of the desserts that both my children love to eat. Papaya and dragon fruit are both seasonal fruits in summer. Sago is not expensive. You can buy a large bag for 10 yuan. , available at the cereals counter in the supermarket. Milk is a common ingredient at home, and you can cook nutritious and healthy food for your children at any time. Let’s take a look at the detailed methods!

[Milk Papaya, Dragon Fruit and Sago Dew]

[Required ingredients and seasonings]: 2 boxes of milk, half a bowl of sago, half a red dragon fruit, half a papaya, and a spoonful of honey;

The detailed method is as follows:

1, Prepare the ingredients. The papaya needs to be peeled and seeded. It is recommended to use the red dragon fruit, which is more beautiful and sweeter. One box of pure milk is 200g, and I used two boxes here.

2. Put the sago into a pot of boiling water and cook until transparent. Sago is not easy to cook, so you need some patience. After boiling over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer until it is medium cooked and still has white hearts. Turn off the heat and simmer for about 20 minutes until the sago is cooked through. Can. Take it out and run it through cold water, then drain and set aside;

3. Peel and remove the seeds from the papaya, cut into small pieces and set aside;

4. Put the milk in a small pot and add the papaya pieces. If you want to drink it warm, you can heat it until it Preferred temperature;

5. Put a spoonful of honey and stir evenly until the honey melts;

6. Put the cooked and drained sago into the pot and stir evenly. The sago will not stick together after it cools down. , and then put it into the milk, it will automatically separate into small particles, with a springy texture. When soaked in the milk, it will also be transparent and very beautiful;

7. Put the milk, papaya and sago into a bowl, and then put it on Red pitaya cut into small cubes is a delicious and easy-to-make dessert. This kind of delicacy is simple to make, nutritious and healthy. It only has the sweetness of honey and fruit. It is sweet but not greasy, and it is delicious.

In the hot summer, it is also a very happy thing to make a delicious dessert for yourself and your family.

My two children saw how simple this dessert was to make, and they clamored to make it themselves. Let them try to prepare the ingredients and follow this recipe to make it delicious. It is ready in one try. After all, it is a very simple method. The children ate more happily.

Food brings more joy and happiness to life. On weekends when it rains and you can’t go out, it’s not bad to cook something delicious at home. If you like it, try this Milk Papaya Pitaya Sago Show it! If you don’t have papaya and dragon fruit, you can also try to replace them with other fruits. The ones that are softer will be more delicious.

Hello, this is Mordor Kitchen, I am Domma! A stay-at-home mom with two lovely daughters. I love running around with my kids and cooking at home! I strive to make my life as a stay-at-home mom simple and beautiful, thank you for your support and encouragement!