If a man doesn’t want to become a “bad old man”, he should eat less of the “2 things” and more of the “3 treasures”. It is recommended to understand. Hello everyone. I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today is the time to share delicious food with you, are you ready? Men are the backbone of

If a man doesn’t want to become a “bad old man”, he should eat less of the “2 things” and more of the “3 treasures”. It is recommended to understand. Hello everyone. I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today is the time to share delicious food with you, are you ready?

Men are the backbone of the family, and they are also the bread and butter of women. For men over 30, most are already married and have children. With the continuous improvement of living standards and the increasing social pressure, in order to make money to support our families, we have to live a frugal life. Some people wish they could break their money in half and spend it. It is true that it is easy to spend money but hard to make money.

For an ordinary family, the monthly mortgage payment plus living expenses has reached 6,000 yuan, and then adding in various expenses such as children’s schooling and car loans, it is easy for a man to be breathless. For the woman who heads the house, if she doesn’t want her man to become a “bad old man”, she must remember to give him two less things and more of these three treasures. Okay, enough words. Next, I will share the practical information with you directly.

Eat 2 less things

Eat less fried foods

Whether we are men or women, we must remember to eat less fried foods in our daily lives. Because the cooking oil in fried foods contains trans fatty acids , it is easy to gain weight if you eat too much. Once people gain weight, they will become particularly bloated. Therefore, you must remember to eat less or no fried foods.

Eat less pickled ingredients

In summer, the most popular ingredients are pickled cucumbers garlic moss and cauliflower roots. Although pickled vegetables are easy to eat, they contain excessive amounts of nitrites . Eating too much is harmful to our bodies. So be sure to remember to eat less pickled foods.

Eat more 3 treasures

NO.1 Pork liver

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried pork liver with peppers

Ingredients to prepare: pork liver, peppers, light soy sauce, dried pepper segments, garlic slices, dark soy sauce, and cooking oil.

. First prepare fresh pork liver and wash it in clean water, then cut it into thick slices and put it in a bowl for later use. Remove the seeds from one hot pepper, cut into cubes and place in a bowl.

. Heat the frying pan, add cooking oil, then put the prepared pork liver in and stir-fry over high heat until fragrant. Stir fry until it changes color, then remove and set aside. Wash the wok, add cooking oil, add garlic slices and dried chili segments and stir-fry until fragrant. Stir-fry over high heat until fragrant.

. Then add the prepared peppers and pork liver, and stir-fry quickly for half a minute. Add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, refined salt, and sugar to taste. Quickly stir-fry until evenly mixed and ready to serve.

NO.2 Oysters

Recommended recipe: Steamed oysters with garlic vermicelli

Ingredients to prepare: oysters, vermicelli, garlic, chopped green onion, light soy sauce, mature vinegar, cooking oil.

. First prepare ten fresh oysters, rinse them in clean water, and then use a toothbrush to clean out the dirt on the surface. Place the cleaned oysters into a pot of boiling water and steam for five minutes.

. After five minutes, then break the oysters from the middle. Soak a handful of vermicelli in warm water for half an hour in advance, then put the vermicelli directly on top of the oysters after half an hour. Next, start making garlic sauce .

. Smash one end of garlic and mince it. Heat a wok and add cooking oil. After the oil is hot, add the prepared garlic and stir-fry until the aroma is released. Then take it out and add a spoonful of light soy sauce, half a spoonful of dark soy sauce, a little salt and pepper to taste. After the sauce is mixed, pour it directly on the oysters.

. Then continue to boil the oysters and steam them in the pot for eight minutes. Take it out after eight minutes, drizzle a little hot oil on top and serve. Friends who like this dish can try it at home.

NO.3 Wolfberry

As a middle-aged person, he has no choice but to soak wolfberry in a thermos cup. If a man doesn’t want to become a bad old man, don’t forget to prepare more wolfberries for yourself.Lycium barbarum is generally divided into black wolfberry and red wolfberry. Black wolfberry is rich in anthocyanins . Drinking more tea in summer can delay the aging of the skin. If a man wants to age slowly, he should especially forget to drink more of it.

The high temperature resistance of anthocyanins is 60 degrees. When we soak wolfberry in a thermos cup, it is best to use warm water of 50 or 60 degrees. Don’t forget this.

Okay, the above is the specific sharing about this article! Do you also know what foods are suitable for men to eat? Feel free to share it with us in the comment area. See you next time.