The more summer comes, the more meat you need to eat. Let me share 4 types of meat that you can eat in summer. They are low in fat and high in protein and will help you get rid of the fat. Dear good friends, hello everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today is the time to share delic

The more summer comes, the more meat you need to eat. Let me share 4 types of meat that you can eat in summer. They are low in fat and high in protein and will make you lose fat. Dear good friends, hello everyone, I am chef Jiang Yizhou. Today is the time to share delicious food with you. Are you ready?

Many friends don’t like to eat meat anymore in the summer, but I, Jiang Yizhou, tell you that you should eat more meat in the summer, because some meats are low in fat and high in protein. Eating them regularly can enhance your resistance, increase your metabolism, and speed up your metabolism. Burns fat, has the effect of losing weight, and makes fat fall off.

So next, I will share with you 4 kinds of meat suitable for summer, as well as their respective delicious recipes. If you are interested, please follow me.

1, chicken heart.

The more summer comes, the more meat you need to eat. The first type of meat is chicken heart. Chicken heart has a chewy texture and is rich in protein. Eating more meat with high protein content can enhance the ability to metabolize fat and help In order to lose weight and lose fat, I will share with you the recipe of spicy fried chicken hearts .

Cut the chicken heart in half, then wash it several times. After washing away the blood, put some onion and ginger cooking wine in the pot under cold water, blanch it for two minutes and then pour it out. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, stir-fry the onion, ginger, garlic, dried chili and star anise until fragrant. Put the chicken hearts in the pot, stir-fry over medium heat for one minute, then add a spoonful of oyster sauce, a spoonful of light soy sauce, half a spoonful of dark soy sauce, another spoonful of sugar, half a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of chicken essence and MSG,

Stir well and serve Add half a spoonful of water and cook the chicken hearts for three minutes. After they are cooked, add the chopped green and red peppers and onions to the pot, stir-fry again for another minute, and then you can take it out of the pot and put it on a plate. It is rich in protein and can be eaten often. The fat falls off.

2, oysters.

The more summer comes, the more meat we eat. Let me share with you oysters. The meat of oysters is tender, smooth and nutritious. Eating it regularly can help you lose weight and enhance your immunity. Next, I will share with you how to make delicious garlic oysters.

After buying the oysters, clean the shell on the surface, boil the water and steam for ten minutes. After steaming, break off the shell, leaving one side of the shell, then sprinkle with minced garlic, top with light soy sauce, and add some chopped green onion. If you like spicy food, just cut some millet into spicy mince, pour hot oil on it and eat it. It is low in fat and high in protein, and the fat will fall off easily.

3, beef tenderloin.

The more summer comes, the more meat you eat. Let me share with you, beef tenderloin. Beef tenderloin is rich in muscle fiber, low in fat and high in protein. Eating it regularly will enhance your physical fitness and enhance your ability to metabolize fat. The fat is crunchy. Now, let me share with you how to make a delicious stir-fried beef tenderloin with Hangzhou pepper.

Beef tenderloin generally refers to beef tenderloin . We first cut it into thick strips, then cut it into thin slices against the grain of the beef, then cut some onions, put them in your hands, add some salt to squeeze out the onion juice and marinate it. Beef, add some salt, pepper, light soy sauce, corn starch, mix well.

Heat the pot and add two spoons of oil. Add the beef tenderloin to the pot and stir-fry for two minutes. When it changes color, pour it out. Then leave the bottom oil in the pot and add the chopped onionshangjiao to the pot. Stir-fry for one minute and stir-fry. After the aroma comes out, put the beef tenderloin into the pot, pour a circle of light soy sauce along the edge of the pot, add a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of sugar, a spoonful of chicken essence and MSG, then add some cumin grains, stir-fry evenly over high heat, and it's ready to serve. , low-fat and high-protein, eat fat meat regularly and get rid of it.

4, chicken breast.

The more summer comes, the more meat you need to eat. Let me share 4 types of meat suitable for summer. The first one is chicken breast. Chicken breast has low fat content and high protein content. Eating it regularly increases metabolism, so many friends who want to lose weight, I especially love chicken breast, so I will share with you a delicious cold dish, shredded chicken mixed with vermicelli.

After buying the chicken breast, put it in the refrigerator for two hours, then cut the chicken breast into thin slices first, then cut it into thin strips and put it in a bowl. Then add a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of pepper, a spoonful of chicken essence and MSG. Add some more cornstarch, mix evenly, add a little less oil to the pot, heat the oil to 30%, put it in the pot and stir-fry for two minutes until it changes color and matures, then pour it out,

Then rinse with water to dry out the water, put it in a bowl, and then Cut some cucumber shreds and carrot shreds, then add some soaked vermicelli, then add a spoonful of minced garlic, a spoonful of light soy sauce and mature vinegar, then some salt, chicken essence, MSG and sugar, and finally some sesame oil, mix well and you can eat it. , low-fat and high-protein, eat fat meat regularly and get rid of it.

Summary: How about

Friends, after reading the article, you know this time that as summer comes, you need to eat more meat. Be sure to remember these 4 kinds of meat I shared with you, which are low in fat and high in protein. Eat them often. Strengthen your physique, enhance your ability to metabolize fat, and the fat will fall off. I am Chef Jiang Yizhou, see you next time.