The weather in the south has been getting hotter and hotter recently, and the rainy season is coming one after another, making this summer even more difficult. For most people, when the weather is hot, their appetite is not very good. Compared with the "hot" delicacies, the "cold

The weather in the south has been getting hotter and hotter recently, and the rainy season is coming one after another, making this summer even more difficult.

For most people, their appetite is not very good when the weather is hot. Compared with the "hot" delicacies, the "cold" delicacies are more suitable for everyone's taste needs.

In fact, at this time, cold noodles and cold skin among the Three Musketeers of summer cold dishes can always become people’s favorites; after all, their cooking methods are simple and their tastes are varied, especially cold noodles, which are mostly cooked in different styles, and their flavors are even more satisfying. It has inspired people’s reverie about summer staple food.

As for the six special cold noodles shared today, they are the most popular types of cold noodles. If you also like cold noodles, you might as well take a look at the following introduction.

: Zhangjiajie Cold Noodles

Although Zhangjiajie is famous for its beautiful scenery, the food at that time was also one of the attributes that made it famous.

Take Zhangjiajie cold noodles as an example. Its main ingredient is fresh wheat noodles. Generally, it is cooked until it is 7 or 8 years old and then quickly taken out and put into a bowl. It is seasoned with special sesame oil, garlic water, peanuts, chives and other ingredients. , simple but full of characteristics, the spicy texture is integrated into the noodles. When eating, you can also add some cucumber shreds, carrot shreds, and kelp strips, stir and taste, and the flavor will be better than before.

: Chicken Shredded Cold Noodles

Chicken Shredded Cold Noodles are the most common style of meat cold noodles seen in life, and nationwide, the most famous Chicken Shredded Cold Noodles come from Chengdu, Sichuan.

The texture of spicy flavor, paired with soft and tender noodles and tender shredded chicken, the double integration of sesame sauce and chili sauce, the vegetarian flavor of cucumber shreds and mung bean sprouts, the perfect embodiment of meat and vegetable flavor, it is this The special feature of this cold noodle is that if you like it, you can buy some materials and make it yourself. The texture of the finished product is very attractive.

: Guangyuan Cold Noodles

Sichuan is a place where delicious food is produced, and in Guangyuan City, the cold noodles here not only continue the spicy characteristics, but also incorporate Shanxi's characteristic vinegar flavor into it, gradually making it Guangyuan The unique flavor of the top ten snacks.

Of course, the method of making Guangyuan cold noodles is also called "Steamed cold noodles". It is similar to the usual process of steaming cold noodles, and then adds some chili oil and balsamic vinegar seasoning and mixes it.

Local people have a more unique way of eating, incorporating ingredients with different flavors such as peanuts, celery, and leeks to make the cold noodles more nutritious.

4: Xiangyang Cold Noodles

There are many familiar snacks in Xiangyang, Hubei, such as Xiangyang spicy soup, Xiangyang wrapped hoof, Xiangyang beef noodles and so on; but in the hot summer, if you want to choose a seasonal delicacy, Xiangyang cold noodles have to be mentioned.

Its production method is similar to the way we usually handle cold noodles. It is also cooked noodles and cooled in cold water , but the ingredients are relatively rich, including balsamic vinegar, mashed garlic, cucumber shreds, chili oil, etc. 12 A variety of seasonings and accessories with unique flavor and excellent taste.

5: Yingshan Cold Noodles

The cold noodles in Yingshan County, Sichuan have the most say in the four characteristics of "salty, fragrant, numb and spicy".

As a must-eat local delicacy during festivals, it not only has its own festive attributes, but also has a flavor that is more in line with the taste needs of local people; the tender and refreshing noodles are paired with Sichuan-style seasoning characteristics, making it gradually become a part of local life An indispensable staple food.

6: Lanzhou Cold Noodles

When many people talk about Lanzhou food, the first thing someone will definitely talk about is Lanzhou Ramen. In fact, there are many delicious noodles in Lanzhou, but if we talk about the food that can stand side by side with Lanzhou Ramen, Lanzhou Cold Noodles The face has to be mentioned.

As one of the top ten snacks in Lanzhou, it emphasizes the original flavor, but there are not many types of raw materials. The common style is the fusion of chili oil, salt and soy sauce. , but Lanzhou People are accustomed to using beef broth as the soup base to cook noodles, so the texture is more carnivorous and fresh.

In fact, there are many styles of cold noodles in my country. The above six styles are just the most commonly seen styles in people’s lives. If you have a special liking for cold noodles, you can buy some and make them yourself at home. Let’s take a look at the unique summer scenery brought to you by cold noodles.