Remember the three things you shouldn’t put in and the three tips when cooking meat. The meat is full of flavor, has a good taste, and doesn’t smell fishy. Does the old saying “Pigs don’t eat peppers, sheep don’t eat meat” really make sense? First, let’s take a look at what you c

Remember the three things to keep in mind and the three tricks to cook meat. The meat is full of flavor, has a good taste, and does not have any fishy smell. Is the old saying "Pigs are not peppery, sheep are not eating" really true? Why does the meat you cook always smell like seasoning? How to make the fragrance more intense? Let’s talk about it together.

As we all know, stewing is the most technically demanding cooking method. Because this method is mainly to highlight the taste of the ingredients themselves, it tests not only the freshness of the ingredients, but also the techniques of the producers. Adding even the wrong seasoning can make the finished product taste very different. Take boiled pork as an example. Some people make it with no meat flavor at all, but with a mixture of various seasonings. Therefore, when stewing this kind of ingredient, you should always keep in mind the following three things and three tips. After doing these things, you will find that the meat is still as fragrant as before, but the cooking method is different.

First of all, let’s take a look at what cannot be put in. First, if you don’t put cooking wine, some people will wonder, how can you get rid of the fishy smell if you don’t put it in? In fact, what this means is that you don’t put it in during cooking. You should do it in the early stage of blanching. You have to let it go. It is precisely because the cooking wine has already played its role in the previous processing, so there is no need to add it when the pot is officially put into the pot.

Then why can cooking wine be added appropriately when cooking? This is because the cooking wine can evaporate at high temperatures during stir-frying and will not affect the taste of the dish at all.

The second thing I want to say is that you can’t put Sichuan peppercorns. There is an old saying that goes, "Pigs don't have pepper, sheep don't have food." It means that there should be no pepper in pork and no seasoning in mutton. This principle summarized by our ancestors is still very practical.

Of course, the cooking mentioned here is just stewing. Because the flavor of this spice is too strong, putting it in the clear soup will affect the aroma of the meat itself, and it will also make the meat tight and affect the taste. Therefore, these things are generally not added to clear soup. The most important thing is to highlight the fragrance of the ingredients themselves.

Third, you cannot put or hawthorn . You may be curious, when did hawthorn need to be added when cooking pork? In fact, this is also related to an old saying. That is mutton radish beef tea, pork simmer and hawthorn. In the past, people liked to put some in stewed meat, because the meat was not cooked well due to different raising methods and different times of leaving the cage. The lipase decomposed in hawthorn can promote fat decomposition and speed up the maturity of food. But now there is no need to put it away at all, because the properties of meat are different, and with the development of high technology, people can always eat meat in a short time. In addition, pork is an acidic food. If you add this kind of thing, it will increase the sourness. Although it smells nothing, in fact, the aroma will be reduced a lot.

After all, high-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking methods. If you want to make high-quality mutton, you just need to add salt, so as to highlight its delicious flavor. The same goes for pork. Although it has a strong fishy smell, some people will easily add some seasonings to suppress it, but this is not necessary. As long as you go through the steps of soaking and blanching in the early stage, this taste can be effectively reduced, and then you only need to add onion and ginger to make it delicious.

Seeing this, some people may say that the stew was not so troublesome in the past. Just throw it into a big pot and cook it. Add some ginger and aniseed to make it fragrant.But this also takes time. In the past, the quality of meat was not generally good. They were basically serious domestic pigs. Of course, they were delicious no matter how they were cooked. It is like giving you a free-range black pig now, even if it is stewed. A pot of white meat has no fishy smell at all. The fatty meat is fat but not greasy. It melts in your mouth and tastes full of meat flavor. Unfortunately, there are very few such meats nowadays. Instead, there are a lot of frozen meats and imported meats. It's impossible to eat if it's processed, otherwise who wouldn't want to eat this hassle-free meat?

Let’s talk about three tips. The first is to soak in water in advance. If you want to effectively remove the fishy smell, you must soak in water in advance. Because the blood and water in the adjacent parts of each piece of meat are relatively heavy, which is also the area most affected by the fishy smell, so cut it into small pieces and put it in clean water, add a little salt and flour, and stir evenly. Soaking for 15 minutes can take away most of the fishy smell, because the flour has strong adsorption capacity, and the blood and water will naturally run away.

The second thing is to pay attention to cleaning the meat skin, because the test of stew is the freshness of the ingredients, and what needs to be preserved is its original taste. There are a large number of sweat glands distributed on the meat skin, which is the main source of the fishy smell, so after buying it, use spray gun to scald it, then soak it in water and scrub it clean, which can effectively remove it, or you can scrape it directly with a knife. Effect.

The third and most important point is that you must add salt when cooking, preferably about ten minutes before taking it out of the pot, so as not to affect the taste of the food. Because salt will shrink the protein in the meat, adding it too early will cause the taste to be dull and hard, or it will not be stewed well. So whether it is stewed pork or other meat, remember not to add salt too early.

It is worth noting that stew generally refers to clear stew. This kind of dish is only suitable for fresh ingredients, so try to choose the latest pork at the beginning. If it has been frozen for too long or does not look too fresh, It is generally difficult to make a delicious taste. The above are the three things to remember and the three tips for cooking pork. After reading these, do you know how to make the best taste? As long as you master the correct method, I believe the meat you make will be fragrant and rich. So do you have any other tips on cooking? Welcome to leave a message and share in the comment area.