There are hundreds of flowers in spring, red leaves in autumn, cool breezes in summer and white snow in winter. In the distance are the stone steps that the emperors of the Qing Dynasty walked on, and nearby are the "Plum Stones" mentioned by Mr. Mei Lanfang, which refers to Beij

- Braised pork with dried vegetables -

Salty, crispy, fat but not greasy

Lanxi Bistro (Xiangshan store)

  • Store address: Biyun Temple Road near the north gate of Xiangshan Park
  • Per capita consumption: 115 yuan/person

There are hundreds of flowers in spring, red leaves in autumn, cool breeze in summer and white snow in winter. In the distance are the stone steps that the emperors of the Qing Dynasty walked on, and nearby is the "Mei Stone" mentioned by Mr. Mei Lanfang, which refers to Beijing's Xiangshan Mountain. As an important mountain range in Beijing's " Three Mountains and Five Gardens", Xiangshan has always been a popular place for people to go out and play, but in fact, the food near Xiangshan is worth trying. One of them is called "Jiangnan in the bustling city" by diners. Small restaurant - Lanxi small restaurant. Here, diners can enjoy the undulating mountains in the distance through the elegantly decorated glass room, taste the authentic Jiangnan flavor, and feel the peace and tranquility of the world.

Lanxi Bistro, where you can enjoy the natural beauty through the window

Lanxi Bistro is famous for its beautiful scenery, and the food is not inferior. The most popular order from guests here is a southern home-cooked dish - "Roasted Pork with Dried Plums and Vegetables". This is also the most time-consuming and skill-consuming dish among the ninety exquisite southern home-cooked dishes in Lanxi Restaurant.

Braised Pork with Dried Plums and Vegetables is ruddy in color, tender and fragrant.

Roasted Pork with Dried Plums and Vegetables is known as "Paradise Meat" among those who love to eat it. Even many famous writers have written about it. Zhang Ailing The roasted pork with dried plums and vegetables in "Steamed with Osmanthus" is a common dish that can be eaten in Shanghai alleys. Lu Xun also used Zhao Qiye to praise "the delicious dried vegetables" in " Storm ", which is enough This shows the status of this dish in people's hearts.

Lanxi Restaurant has put a lot of effort into bringing the authentic Jiangnan flavor of braised pork with pickled vegetables to the north. The first is the selection of dried vegetables. There are many raw materials for making dried vegetables, such as mustard greens, rapeseed, cabbage, winter vegetables, and mustard greens. However, the taste of the dried vegetables produced by different ingredients and origins is also different. After many experiments, Lanxi Restaurant finally chose prunes made from Shaoxing farmers and made from cabbage. This kind of prunes has been fermented for a long time and has a richer flavor. It needs to be washed seven times to confirm that it is free of sand. It is then dried and dehydrated at high temperatures to prepare it for absorbing the juices of the meat. In the end, it can become more fragrant than meat. exist.

Plumbs with pickled vegetables

The protagonist of roasted pork must choose pork belly with a suitable proportion of fat and thin, and you must not be stingy with time. It takes the chefs of Lanxi Restaurant four to five hours to make this roasted pork dish, which is also the key to the good taste of Lanxi roasted pork with dried plums and vegetables. In the first stage, to make the meat fragrant, bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer over low heat; in the second stage, add the prunes and continue to simmer over low heat for two hours until the prunes are thoroughly cooked and mashed. , burn the incense to absorb the fat in the gravy; in the third stage, add fresh bamboo shoots and burn them together, so that the delicate smoothness of the dishes and the crispness of the vegetables form a texture contrast, which enhances the happiness of diners as they devour the food between their lips and teeth.

Removing the fishy smell is a key step. Lanxi Restaurant uses high-quality pure grain brewing, fresh cooking wine produced by the time-honored brand Wangzhihe with five-year-old rice wine as the main raw material, supplemented by advanced plant spices, edible alcohol extraction technology and freshness-enhancing modulation It is made to remove fishy smell, relieve greasiness, increase fragrance and present the best taste in dishes.

seasoning, blending the five flavors, the best flavor. Shounong Kitchen, which provides a full range of ingredients, carefully selects seasonings for Beijing seasoners and provides one-stop delivery, allowing taste masters to fully explore the true meaning of flavor.

- Wu Xiangxue -

Bringing the authentic Jiangnan flavor to Beijing

Wu Xiangxue is the soul who controls the taste of Lanxi Restaurant. He entered the kitchen at the age of nineteen and has been in the kitchen for twenty-three years now. Accumulation is his belief in life.

In the past few years when Wu Xiangxue has been studying southern cuisine, the support of diners has been his biggest motivation.In 2014, an old man from Zhejiang came to Wu Xiangxue's shop and tasted the braised pork with dried plums and vegetables he made. The old man was very moved by the long-lost taste of his hometown. He insisted on leaving Wu Xiangxue's contact information, and became friends with Wu Xiangxue for many years. A dish of roasted pork with dried plums and vegetables made Wu Xiangxue realize that the taste not only transports guests from the north to distant places, but also makes guests from the south feel homesick.

Wu Xiangxue

In addition to the recognition of diners, Wu Xiangxue also gained love. In 2008, he, who was not good at words, won the heart of a girl with his cooking skills, and was also recognized by the girl's family. These two people who were destined to get together because of the taste finally came together. Founded a family. Three meals for two people in one house, four seasons, and the Jiangnan flavor of Lanxi Restaurant allowed Wu Xiangxue to gain a foothold in Beijing, and also allowed his wife and children to have a stable life. For Wu Xiangxue, cooking every dish well will make more people happy. It is the greatest achievement in life for people to taste the taste of Jiangnan and leave their own taste memories of Lanxi.

(Source: Taste Leader)