"Midsummer is bitter and the nights are short, so open your xuan to enjoy the slight coolness." The hot July has quietly come to us unknowingly. Many friends feel that there is a serious loss of water in the body. At this time, we need to adjust our dietary structure, put down th

"The bitter nights in midsummer are short, so open the xuan to enjoy the slight coolness." The hot July has quietly come to us unknowingly. Many friends feel that there is a serious loss of water in the body. At this time, we need to adjust our dietary structure, put down the big fish and meat we usually eat, and eat more fruits, vegetables, etc.

Next, I will share with you some home-cooked dishes suitable for summer, which are refreshing and delicious. Friends who like to eat can come and learn together.

[Recommended Recipe 1: Cold Tomatoes]

Ingredients: tomatoes, sugar.

How to do it:

Clean the tomatoes you bought. Tomatoes in the market generally contain pesticide residues, so they must be cleaned carefully.

2. Cut the washed tomatoes into even slices.

3. Put the chopped tomatoes on a plate, sprinkle with sugar and serve.

This is a very simple home-cooked cold dish that everyone can make. In the hot summer, have a plate of "cold tomatoes", which is sweet and sour, refreshing and thirst-quenching.

[Recommended recipe two: garlic eggplant ]

Ingredients: 3 eggplants, 5 garlic cloves, and 2 spicy millet.


1. Wash the purchased eggplants and marinate them with salt for about 20 minutes.

2. Put salt, sugar, light soy sauce and starch into a bowl and make a sauce.

3. Take the pot, heat the oil, add the eggplant and stir-fry. After three minutes, add the prepared sauce and continue to stir-fry until soft and serve. Finally, sprinkle with minced garlic to enhance the aroma.

The eggplant made in this way is soft and rotten, and the garlic is fragrant, which is especially delicious with rice.

[Recommended recipe three, vermicelli and baby cabbage]

Ingredients: baby cabbage, thin vermicelli, chopped green onion, salt, light soy sauce, minced garlic.


1. Soak a small handful of thin vermicelli noodles in water until soft.

2. Wash the fresh baby cabbage you bought and cut it into thin strips. Then put it into a pot of boiling water and blanch it, take it out and set aside.

3. Heat the cold oil in the pan, add the chopped green onions and saute until fragrant, add the baby cabbage and stir-fry for a few times.

4. Add vermicelli, season with soy sauce, salt and chicken essence and stir-fry evenly.

For this dish, the vermicelli must be soaked until soft in advance, so that the stir-fried vermicelli will be delicious.

[Recommended recipe four: Boiled lettuce ]

Ingredients: a large head of lettuce, garlic, light soy sauce, sugar, salt, cooking oil


1. Wash the purchased lettuce in clean water. To clean it more thoroughly, soak it in salt water for 10 minutes and rinse again.

2. Cut the garlic into minced garlic and cut the red pepper into shreds. Put it in a bowl and pour in an appropriate amount of hot oil to bring out the garlic aroma of the ingredients. Then add a little bit of white sugar and light soy sauce and stir evenly. The taste of boiled lettuce is lighter, so it is not recommended to add salt. The light soy sauce can also be directly replaced with the boiled juice sold in the supermarket.

3. Add water to the pot. After boiling, you can add a little salt and oil to prevent the lettuce from changing color. Then put the lettuce into the boiling water and blanch it for about 10 seconds.

4. Add the prepared sauce to the lettuce on the plate.

The name of this dish is boiled lettuce, which is emerald green in color and crisp in texture. The amount of lettuce can be determined based on the number of people eating. The time for blanching lettuce must be controlled and cannot exceed 15 seconds, otherwise the lettuce will rot.

[Recommended recipe five: Stir-fried loofah ]

Ingredients: loofah, pepper.


1. Remove the skin of the fresh loofah you bought, clean it, cut it into small pieces, and cut the pepper into circles.

2. Heat oil in a pan, sauté the chili peppers, add the loofah and stir-fry, then add salt, chicken essence and soy sauce to season.

This dish is very simple and quick to make. Luffa is particularly easy to fry until black. Before frying, be sure to clean the pot and use a little more oil. Friends who like it can make it at home.

The above are the five dishes that the editor introduced to you that are suitable for summer. Have you learned them all? Do you also know which dishes are suitable for summer, please leave a message below in the comment area to share.

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