Summer is here, and it’s the time when everyone has no appetite. Although the appetite is not high, you still have to eat. In the Northeast summer, these 6 delicacies are undoubtedly the most popular. Not only are the stores full, but the takeaways are also coming one after anoth

Summer is here, and it’s the time when everyone has no appetite. Although the appetite is not high, you still have to eat. In the summer in Northeast China, these 6 delicacies are undoubtedly the most popular. Not only are the stores full, but the takeaways are even more popular. I am ordered to eat it almost every day. This may be the only food that can whet my appetite. Anyway, as long as I am full!

The first one is hot pot. Although it is a bit hot in summer, the spicy hot pot is really easy to whet your appetite, so even in summer, hot pot restaurants will still be full. After all, eating hot pot under air conditioning is still very pleasant, and it is more comfortable at home. It is a place where you often order takeout and sells ingredients. Meatballs and green vegetables are also popular. It can be said that people in Northeast China are no worse than Sichuan people in hot pot. You can see that hot pot restaurants all over the street are full!

The second seafood, although some seafood is not plump in summer, it is good to eat some seafood and chat at home. It is not like in winter, when it is too cold to stretch out your hands, and your hands are full of soup and are still frozen. , this situation won’t happen in summer. It’s not too pleasant to eat seafood with your hands in summer, and you can also eat some cold ones, which is so refreshing!

The third type of cold noodles . In the summer, it is refreshing to have some ice cold noodles. It is cool and very appetizing. There are also sweet and sour persimmons, refreshing cucumbers, meat and eggs. Put two slices in it. Kohlrabi is so suitable for summer. Not only people from the Northeast, but also people from the South cannot resist this bite, especially since it is sour and sweet, which is more suitable for their tastes!

The fourth kind of Northeastern rice dumplings are rice dumplings. Rice dumplings are the most appetizing delicacy. No one in the Northeast can refuse them. Northeastern rural areas especially like eating rice dumplings. They have a strong sauce flavor and Fragrant green onions and coriander, these two dishes are enough to eat. If you add some peanuts, it will be amazing. It is an absolute delicacy that you will never forget after eating it. It is a must-have appetizer in summer. It is good if you don’t get fat. , it is impossible not to eat just because you have no appetite!

The fifth type is of course Northeastern barbecue. Everyone doesn’t like outdoor barbecue in the summer. You can sit outside and make skewers. Even if it rains, there will be umbrellas. Everything is available, and you can enjoy the natural wind. Cooking skewers and chatting is a life that Northeasterners envy. I am so looking forward to making skewers in the summer. Even if I barbecue at home, it is suitable to make skewers in the summer, and add a clove of garlic!

The sixth type is Liangpi, which sounds like something you should eat in summer. It is ice-cold, spicy and sour, has strong gluten, smooth Liangpi, and is full of soupy bean dip. It’s okay for those who like it. Add some lotus root, more chili peppers and peanuts, it’s so refreshing, I really want to eat it now!