Today, "Diablo: Immortal" officially announced that the first test of the national server has officially started at 10:00 am. "Diablo: Immortal" will bring players a new story between Diablo 2 and Diablo 3. Baal has contaminated the World Stone, and Tyrael smashes the stone in or

2024/06/1720:41:33 hotcomm 1384

Today (July 15) "Diablo: Immortal" officially announced that the first test of the national server has officially started at 10:00 am. This test is a file deletion and limited number test. After the test, the data will not be retained and cannot be used in the next test. The test platforms include Apple and Android.


"Diablo: Immortal" will bring players a new story between Diablo 2 and Diablo 3. Baal polluted the World Stone, Tyrael shattered the giant stone in order to protect the world, and the fragments were scattered everywhere. . In a new shelter, a place called "Watson", a new story will begin. This pioneer test will open five classic professions, including Crusader , barbarian, magician, demon hunter, Necromancer . Each character has a unique style and voiceover. Thanks to new technologies such as TAA, MSAA, and VRR, "Diablo: Immortal" has achieved mobile-end graphics performance comparable to that of consoles.


Weibo Original text:

Adventurers, you have been waiting for a long time. We are happy to tell you that "Diablo: Immortal" has launched domestic pioneer testing today!

Through this test, we will collect feedback from adventurers on the core gameplay, early and mid-term upgrade experience, and some late-stage systems. We hope to better tune the product and ensure that adventurers can get the best out of the final game. Possibly the perfect gaming experience. The fire of hell is about to ignite, and the chosen adventurers are welcome to set off!

Please understand: "Diablo Immortal" is still in development. The game content in the Pioneer test is not the final content. Your positive suggestions will be the direction and motivation for us to adjust the product.

Welcome to Sanctuary!

"Diablo: Immortal" will connect the plots of "Diablo II" and "Diablo III". Five years after the destruction of World Stone , Sanctuary is immersed in despair. Ancient evil spirits began to collect and use the fragments of this artifact, and mankind fell into an unprecedented crisis.


Back then, at the critical moment, Archangel Tyrael destroyed the contaminated World Stone. With his own sacrifice he hoped to end its dark reflection. Yet, even in pieces, the Worldstone's fragments still poison everything it touches. Only those heroes who stand up can prevent the world from falling into complete chaos.

Adventurers will travel across the vast sanctuary to find fragments of the World Stone and complete the mission led by Tyrael. With the help of Kane, the last descendant of the Horadrim, you will face the reawakening of evil forces, including the evil Skeleton King, the cultists who worship the bloodthirsty countess, and the corruption of the past led by Akara Roger. Diavolo has long been defeated. Will other minions of Hell make trouble again and start their reign of terror? Will these demons gather under the command of Hell's lieutenant Skarn?


Animation in "Diablo: Immortal" Narrative

Five major professions, free configuration, control your destiny

In this pioneer test, we will open five professions in the " Diablo " series. Each class will have its own unique characteristics and be able to unleash devastating ultimate skills on enemies at the right time. Diablo: Immortal offers a wealth of options for every class. In the process of searching for World Stone fragments, you can customize your equipment and improve your character's abilities according to your favorite gameplay.

The five characters open this time are barbarian, monk, mage, demon hunter and crusader. The Necromancer will be introduced in a future beta.


Choose your character

Eight major areas and explore the vast sanctuary

The adventurer's journey begins in Vossan and passes through an evil forest to reach the center of the town.The adventurers will go to the Ashward Cemetery occupied by the undead, the Black Forest where the curse spreads, the Shasil Sand Sea covered by yellow sand, the Zavain Mountains shrouded in nightmares and mist, and the snow-covered tundra where snow and wind blow. , to find fragments of the World Stone. A total of eight different areas are open for this Pioneer test, each with unique terrors, tasks, and loot. They will also reveal long-hidden secrets of Sanctuary's history.


Ice and Snow Tundra

Diverse and rich gem and equipment systems to create your own legendary artifacts

Diverse loot is the core of "Diablo: Immortal". You can obtain equipment by killing monsters, and rare and legendary equipment can be upgraded using materials obtained from decomposition.


Arm up and improve your strength

Gems can be embedded into equipment with holes and improve its basic attributes. Ordinary gems can increase health or damage, and legendary gems can also provide new abilities, subverting your equipment and gameplay.

In "Diablo: Immortal", we have also added the setting of essence inheritance: adventurers can extract the essence of legendary items, permanently add them to their collection, and then transfer the essence to another legendary item. on, replacing its original legendary attributes, name, icon, and 3D model. Additionally, it retains all other properties of the current item, including current attributes, levels, gems, and slots. It is worth mentioning that this process is reversible.

Accept Endless Challenges in Rifts

Rifts are the most replayable mode in Diablo Immortal: break into a crypt, explore randomly generated maps within a limited time, and eliminate challenging enemies Brutal monsters, a gold mine for loot.

Keystone is a newly launched item in "Diablo: Immortal". Using keystone can also add random factors to the secret realm, which will have an auxiliary or restrictive effect on your next secret realm exploration journey.


Bravely enter the Immortal Realm

Eternal Conflict - Faction PvP

In Eternal Conflict, players will be divided into three camps, namely: Adventurers, Shadow Society and Immortals. All heroes are initially adventurers, suppressing the turbulent evil forces and roaming freely in this world. When ready, adventurers can choose to join the Order of Shadows in their quest for the throne, or seek an invitation to join the Immortals. Players from three camps will compete for the eternal crown.


During the Vanguard Test, the highest-ranked Shadow will become the new Immortal. When the Exile War begins, the most powerful members of the Shadow Council will engage in a PvP showdown with the Immortals. If the Shadow prevails, a new Immortal will be crowned and a new cycle will begin. If the Shadow Council is defeated, the victorious Immortal will continue to rule.

Battle of Exile is still under development. Other related gameplay and details will be introduced in detail in subsequent tests.

We hope that through this test, we can provide players with a classic dark fantasy narrative, a deep item system, and exciting ARPG gameplay.

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