Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field: "Focus on food and make life more flavorful." Today I have brought you a few home-cooked food recipes. Food is also loved by everyone, and it is a very common delicacy. Use ordinar

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field: "Focus on food and make life more flavorful." Today I have brought you a few home-cooked food recipes. These delicacies are also very popular among everyone, and they are very common delicacies. Use ordinary ingredients to make the most delicious meals every day. At the same time, I hope that today’s delicious food can bring you happiness throughout the day.

Stir-fried beef

Ingredients: beef, green pepper, red pepper, onion, ginger, garlic, yellow pepper, pickled ginger, cooking wine, pepper, salt, edible oil, starch, light soy sauce, chicken essence


1, sliced ​​beef Add cooking wine, pepper, salt, starch, a little cooking oil, mix well and marinate for 15 minutes;

2, cut green and red peppers into cubes, cut onions into sections, dice yellow peppers, slice soaked ginger, and cut ginger and garlic into rice;

3, pot After heating the oil, put the beef into the pan and it will change color quickly.

4. Add oil to the pot and sauté the ginger and garlic until fragrant. Add the rice pepper and pickled ginger and sauté until fragrant. Add the green and red peppers. Add salt and stir-fry.

5. Pour in the beef and stir-fry. Mix light soy sauce, chicken essence and green onions and stir-fry evenly.

Tender steamed chicken wings

Ingredients: chicken wings, fungus, ginger, starch, cooking wine, light soy sauce, pepper powder, pepper, sugar, wolfberry.


1. Soak the chicken wings for more than half an hour, change the water once or twice during this period, drain or dry.

2. Cut it in the middle, chop into small pieces, add light soy sauce, cooking wine, pepper, a small amount of pepper powder, white sugar and ginger slices and marinate for more than half an hour (the longer the time, the more flavorful it will be, you can marinate overnight).

3. Soak the fungus and wash it. Wash the wolfberry and soak it in cold water.

4. Spread the fungus on the bottom of the plate, mix the chicken wings with an appropriate amount of wet starch and spread on the fungus.

5. After the water boils, put it into a steamer, steam over medium heat for 15 minutes, turn off the heat, and sprinkle in chopped green onion and wolfberry.

Teriyaki pork chops

Ingredients: 2 pieces of pork chops (about 180 grams), brown sugar, honey, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, white pepper, ginger


1. Smash the plum blossom meat with the back of a knife to make the meat more textured. Tender and tasty.

2. Put the plum blossom meat on a plate, add a little white pepper, 2 tablespoons cooking wine, 1 tablespoon light soy sauce and a few ginger slices, stir well and marinate for 20 minutes.

3. In a small bowl, add 1 tsp brown sugar, 2 tbsp cooking wine, 1 tbsp light soy sauce, 1/2 tbsp dark soy sauce, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tbsp honey and a little water and mix well. This is the teriyaki sauce.

4. Heat a pan, add vegetable oil, add pork chops and fry for a while until both sides are slightly charred.

5. Pour the teriyaki sauce into a small bowl, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to medium heat and simmer for 3 minutes.

6. Finally, turn up the heat and reduce the soup to a thick consistency. Cut it into small pieces after serving.

Stir-fried shrimps with broccoli

Ingredients: 1 broccoli, 10 shrimps, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, a little salt, a little cornstarch


1. First cut the garlic into minced garlic; Sprinkle with a little cornstarch and salt and marinate for about 10 minutes.

2. Soak the broccoli in salt water, cut into small pieces and clean, put the broccoli into the pot, boil the water and continue to cook for 2 minutes until cooked, then remove and drain the water.

3. Pour a little oil into the pot, add minced garlic and sauté until fragrant, then pour the shrimp into the pot and stir-fry until it changes color.

Broccoli, Shrimp and Mushroom Soup

Broccoli, Shrimp and Mushroom Soup is easy to make, low in fat and calories, and delicious. Even friends who are in the weight loss period can enjoy it.

Ingredients: Crab mushroom, white jade mushroom, soft tofu, shrimp, broccoli, eggs, shredded ginger, salt, cooking wine, pepper


1, remove the shrimp threads, heads and shells, add shredded ginger and salt , cooking wine, pepper

2, mix well and marinate for ten minutes

3. Cut the tofu into small pieces and put it into a bowl for later use. Break the eggs and stir-fry until cooked.

4. Put the shrimp heads in the pot and stir-fry the shrimp oil. Pick out the shrimp heads

5 and fry the shrimps. Add the mushrooms to the oil pan and stir-fry until soft. Pour in water and bring to a boil

6. After boiling, add tofu and shrimp. After boiling, add the fried eggs

7. Finally, add broccoli to the soup and season with salt.

Fried beans with peppers

Ingredients: beans, green and red peppers, onions, ginger, garlic, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, cumin powder, and oil.


1. Wash the long beans and cut them into sections, slice the garlic, and cut the peppers, ginger, and green onions into thin strips;

2. Boil the water in the pot, add the beans and simmer for about 5 minutes. Drain out the water and put it in a bowl. ;

3. Heat oil in a pan, sauté onion, ginger and garlic until fragrant, then add chili and beans and stir-fry until beans are soft and tender;

4. Add light soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt and cumin powder to taste; stir-fry evenly and serve. Pot and plate.

Cold lotus root

Ingredients: One lotus root, minced ginger, appropriate amount of minced garlic, mature vinegar, light soy sauce, chicken powder, salt, pepper oil, sesame oil, appropriate amount of sugar


1. Cut the lotus root into thin slices, blanch it in boiling water, and take it out immediately Place in cold water, then remove and set aside on a plate.

2. Cut the garlic and ginger into mince and put them into a bowl. Add appropriate amount of mature vinegar, light soy sauce, chicken powder, salt, pepper oil, sesame oil, and sugar. Add a little warm water and stir until the sugar and salt dissolve.

3. Then pour the garlic juice on top of the lotus roots, and then pour the garlic juice on top.

Fried Sausage with Okra and White Jade Mushrooms

Ingredients: 100g okra; 100g white jade mushroom; 2 Cantonese-style sausages; 5g light soy sauce; 5g garlic; appropriate amount of salt


1, first put the Cantonese-style sausage "whole" on it Steam the sausage in a pot, steam it and stir-fry it until it tastes less hard. During the steaming time, you can prepare other vegetables, and then cut the vegetables and have them ready.

2, sauté the garlic slices in hot oil until fragrant.

3, add the white jade mushroom and stir-fry first. The white jade mushroom will be more delicious when stir-fried in oil, then add the okra and stir-fry for a while.

4, stir-fry the chopped sausage.

Home-style tofu

"Home-style tofu is a common home-cooked dish. It is mainly seasoned with three kinds of seasonings: bean paste, salt, and soy sauce. It is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other trace elements necessary for the human body. It also contains sugars. , vegetable oil and rich high-quality protein. "

[Ingredients] 1 box of northern tofu, 80 grams of black fungus, 30 grams of carrots, 20 grams of green pepper, 20 grams of red bell pepper, 10 grams of ginger, 20 grams of green onions, 25 grams of garlic, bean paste. 15 grams, appropriate amount of water starch, 10 ml of soy sauce, 10 ml of cooking wine, appropriate amount of salt and cooking oil


1. Wash the ingredients, slice onions, ginger and garlic and set aside; cut the northern tofu into thick triangular slices; cut the carrots into thin slices, green and red Cut pepper into pieces.

2. Heat the oil in a pan until it is 60% hot. Add the tofu and fry until golden brown on both sides; remove and control the oil and set aside.

3. Leave the base oil in the pot, continue to heat, add bean paste, stir-fry over low heat; add black fungus and carrots, stir-fry, then add onion, ginger and garlic slices, stir-fry until fragrant; add fried tofu, and add cooking wine , soy sauce, a small bowl of water, appropriate amount of salt, stir well.

4. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes, add green and red peppers, stir-fry evenly; pour in water starch, and reduce the juice over high heat.

Spicy boiled fish


1. Prepare the materials, and ask the store to handle the fish.

2. Chop the fish bones into sections, cut the fish into thin slices with a diagonal knife, and use salt, cooking wine, Maggi fresh soy sauce, starch, cooking oil, and green onions. , marinate the ginger slices for an hour

3. Heat the wok, add oil, add red oil bean paste and hot pot base and stir-fry until fragrant

4. Add fish bones and fish tails and stir-fry together

5. Add stock (or water) and bring to a boil

6 , Take another pot, boil the water to blanch the lettuce, put it into a bowl, put the cooked fish bones and fish tails on the lettuce.

7. Put the marinated fish fillets in the soup pot, bring to a boil.

8, add cooking wine, Maggi Fresh soy sauce, cook until the fish fillets are cooked and serve.

I am Jinxiu V Shandong, an author in the field of food. If you like my article, please follow me! Follow me, cook every day without getting lost, and update delicious food every day. What's your favorite dish? Welcome to leave a message to tell the editor. Let’s talk about the most unforgettable food you have eaten in the comment area. If you don’t know what to eat every day, please follow me and share delicious food with you every day. Articles are updated every day. See you there or leave. Welcome to forward it so that more people who love food can share it.