An anemic woman has a sallow complexion, rough skin, and pale lips, especially during her menstrual period. If you eat foods rich in iron regularly, your complexion will get better and better. Highly recommend these 3 calcium-supplementing dishes in daily life, which are easy to

Anemic women have a sallow complexion , rough skin, and pale lips, especially during the menstrual period. If you eat foods rich in iron regularly, your complexion will get better and better.

highly recommends 3 calcium-supplementing dishes in life, simple easy to learn , delicious and nutritious.

1, Pumpkin Pimple Soup

Pumpkin contains the human body's "hematopoietic function materials" - cobalt, zinc and iron, as well as rich vitamins and minerals. Pumpkin Soup is made of pumpkin, which is smooth and chewy. Serve delicious sauce to strengthen the spleen and appetizer with rice. You can make a little more each time, seal it and put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate, and use it for breakfast. It is nutritious and convenient.

Food preparation: pumpkin, tomatoes, mushrooms, vegetables, onions, eggs.

Condiments: salt, light soy sauce.

Specific method:

1. Clean the pumpkin, peel it and cut it into pieces. Put it on a plate and steam it in a pot for 20 minutes until soft and waxy.

2. Prepare a large bowl, put the pumpkin into the bowl and mash it with a spoon, add flour in small amounts and times, stir into floc, then knead into a smooth batter, cover it tightly with a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator. Refrigerate for 1 hour.

3. Blanch the tomatoes with hot water, peel them with hands, and cut them into small pieces; clean the vegetables and cut them into pieces; cut the onions into thin strips; and cut the mushrooms into slices.

4. Prepare a small plate, beat two eggs into the egg liquid, heat the pan with cold oil, pour

into the egg liquid, fry and set, use a frying spoon to cut into small pieces and set aside.

5. Heat a pot of hot water, prepare a pair of scissors, apply a layer of oil on the edge of the knife, cut the frozen batter into small pieces, put it in the pot immediately, cook the batter until it floats, scoop it up and pour it into cold water. It tastes chewy and bouncy.

6. Put tomato chunks , mushroom slices, and onion shreds into the oil and stir-fry until fragrant. Pour in a little cold water and bring to a boil. Then pour in the pumpkin gnocchi, mince the vegetables, stir, and put it into a bowl. It's ready to eat. .

2. Black beans Mixed vegetables

1. Black beans contain iron, zinc, selenium and magnesium. They are rich in nutrients and eating them regularly has many benefits for the body. The black beans are made into a dish that is fragrant, salty, and crispy, with a full color, flavor, and flavor. It can be stored in the refrigerator, and can be placed on a plate and warmed every time you eat.

Food Prep: Black Beans.

Condiments: sugar, salt, light soy sauce, honey.

2. Grab a small handful of black beans, wash them with water and put them into a basin. Pour in a lot of cold water and soak them for 4 hours. After soaking, the black beans will expand to 4 times their size.

3. Boil a pot of hot water, pour the black beans into the water, cover the pot and cook for 1 hour. Cook until the black beans are crispy, then remove them. Pour the black bean water in the pot into a bowl and set aside.

4. Prepare a cooking pot, pour in black beans and black bean water, add a tablespoon of sugar and stir-fry until the juice is reduced. When the juice is almost dry, add a little salt and light soy sauce, pour a little honey, then sprinkle with sesame seeds and stir. It's ready evenly.

3. Cold daylily

Daylily has a very high iron content, and is also rich in various vitamins and proteins. But daylily has a special taste, so many people don't like to eat it. In fact, you only need to handle it a little bit when cooking, and you can make daylily into a delicious dish.

Food preparation: dried day lily, garlic, millet pepper , coriander.

Condiments: light soy sauce, sugar, salt, dark soy sauce, oil, rice vinegar.

Specific method:

1. Prepare a small bowl, put the dried day lily into the bowl, add water to cover the day lily, soak for 1 hour, use scissors to cut off the hard part of day lily and put it on a plate.

2. Boil a pot of hot water, pour in the day lily and cook for 3 minutes. Rinse it twice with cold water and dry the water from the day lily with your hands, so that the unique smell in the day lily can be removed.

3. Prepare a small plate, add mashed garlic, millet pepper, hot oil and blanch until fragrant, then pour in light soy sauce, sugar, salt, dark soy sauce, oil and rice vinegar and stir evenly.

4. Put the daylily into a bowl, pour in the adjusted sauce, and stir evenly.

uses common food to make different delicious dishes. Above are the recipes for 3 calcium-supplementing dishes shared today. They are delicious and easy to make, so hurry up and make them too! There are tons of delicious recipes being shared all the time.