Salted egg yolk was once very popular. Although it is not as popular now, it is still a favorite of many people. As a salted egg yolk lover, I would like to share 5 delicious dishes made with salted egg yolks. They are baked, steamed, baked and pan-fried. I can cook them for my c

Salted egg yolk was once popular. Although it is not so popular now, it is still a favorite of many people. As a salted egg yolk lover, I would like to share 5 delicious dishes made with salted egg yolks. They are baked, steamed, baked and pan-fried. I can cook them for my children during their summer vacation. They are nutritious and delicious and the children love to eat them.

Egg Yolk Crisp

How to open the crispy egg yolk cake to make a layered egg yolk cake at home. I will explain it to you in detail below.

1. Prepare ingredients:

Roll the bean paste filling into small balls of about 20 grams; prepare a few salted duck egg yolks.

2. Make oil dough:

200 grams of ordinary flour, add 20 grams of white sugar, 80 grams of water, stir with chopsticks into dough, then add 80 grams of lard and knead into a soft dough, seal and let rest for 20 minutes.

3. Make pastry :

180 grams of flour, 90 grams of lard, stir into dough and knead into a ball, seal and let rest for 20 minutes.

4. Secondary relaxation:

Roll the oil dough into long strips, cut into dough pieces weighing about 20 grams, knead into smooth dough, then seal and rest for 10 minutes. Break the pastry into pieces weighing about 13 grams, put the pastry into a ball in the palm of your hand, cover it with plastic wrap and let it rest for 10 minutes.

5. Start to open the pastry: After

has relaxed, take a piece of oil dough and wrap it up, then flatten it with your hands, roll it into a ox tongue shape and then roll it up, roll it out again and roll it up. Repeat this operation twice so that the dough can be better crisped and layered.

6. Start making:

Red bean paste Flatten and wrap the egg yolk into a ball shape, fold both ends of the oily dough into the middle, then flatten and roll it into a round dough, wrap the red bean paste duck egg yolk.

Prepare a small basin and beat in two egg yolks for later use. Place a piece of oil-absorbing paper on the baking sheet. Place the wrapped egg yolk cake on the baking sheet, then brush an even layer of egg yolk, and finally sprinkle some black sesame seeds. embellishment.

7. Start baking:

Then bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 40 minutes. A slightly larger oven will take 25 minutes. As the temperature rises, the egg yolk gradually takes on an attractive golden color. . When the time is up, take out the egg yolk puff pastry. The layers of puff pastry are as thin as cicada wings, and they instantly disintegrate after taking a bite.

Salted Egg Yolk Lion's Head

Salted Egg Yolk Lion's Head is an innovative dish. The meat filling is not cracked or loose, and the freshness and elasticity are even more amazing when cut. Friends who make it at home can make it smaller.

1. Prepare the ingredients:

Beat the pork that is 30% fat and 70% cooked into a meat filling. The yam has a crisper texture and chop it into pieces. If you don’t like the yam, you can also replace it with water chestnuts. Rub the yam and meat stuffing into one piece, add salt, chicken powder, thirteen spices, pepper, oyster sauce, and a little dark soy sauce to color, mix well in one direction, beat in two eggs, pour in the green onion and ginger water, and mix well. Beat quickly in one direction for 5 minutes. Beat the meat filling until the appropriate amount of starch is incorporated. Beat thoroughly into a ball, then seal with plastic wrap and marinate for 1 hour.

2. Make a sauce:

Heat oil in a pot, add onion, ginger, star anise, and a few dried chili peppers and stir-fry until fragrant. Pour in half a pot of water and add chicken powder, pepper, light soy sauce, cooking wine, and oyster sauce to enhance freshness. Add some dark soy sauce for coloring, cook over high heat for 2-3 minutes, then turn off the heat, let cool and pour into a bowl.

With the help of a small bowl, put the marinated meat filling into it and smooth the surface. Stuff it with a salted egg yolk and seal it with the meat filling. Use your left and right hands to flip it back and forth to form a round lion head .

Add oil to the pot, the oil temperature is 60% hot. Slide the lion head from the edge of the pot into the pot, fry until the surface is golden and crispy, take it out and control the oil.

Boil water in a pot, put the lion's head into the sauce bowl, when the steamer is full of air, put the lion's head in, cover the pot and steam over medium heat for about 1 hour.

Strain the broth from the steamed lion's head and pour it into the pot. Turn up the heat and reduce it. Add some water starch to make the soup thicker. Put the lion's head into a delicate small plate and put a few green vegetable leaves on it. Dress up, pour the collected juice on top and serve.

Golden soup tofu

Golden soup tofu has the word tempting written on it. The tofu is fragrant, soft and silky, and every bite is full of protein.

1. Prepare ingredients:

Take out a cooked salted duck egg and chop the salted egg yolk into pieces; cut the tofu into cubes of about 1 cm; cut the ham into small pieces; and prepare an appropriate amount of chopped green onion for later use.

2. Start cooking:

Boil water in a pot and add a spoonful of salt. After the water boils, add tofu and cook for 1 minute to remove the beany smell. Pour out the tofu, rinse and control the water for later use.

Heat oil in a pot. After the oil is hot, add chopped salted duck eggs and stir-fry out the fat in the duck eggs. When there are bubbles in the pot, add diced ham and stir-fry evenly. Pour an appropriate amount of water along the edge of the pot and add in the oil. To the watery tofu, add a little salt, a little sugar, and 1 gram of chicken essence. After the soup is boiled, remove the foam in the pot, then turn to low heat and simmer for a while, then it is ready to serve. Finally, sprinkle with chopped green onion and it is delicious.

Baked Pumpkin with Egg Yolk

1. Preparation of ingredients:

Peel and remove half of the pumpkin, cut into thick strips about 3 cm; chop two duck egg yolks; cut green onions into chopped green onions and set aside.

2. Start cooking:

Boil water in the pot, pour in the pumpkin and cook for about 2 minutes, pour it out, rinse and control the water for later use.

Heat oil in a pot, wait for the oil to heat up, evenly sprinkle a handful of dry starch on the pumpkin, heat the oil until it is 50% hot (when it is slightly smoking), pour in the pumpkin, and fry slowly over low heat for about 2 minutes. When the pumpkin is golden brown and the skin is crispy, it is time to pour it out to control the oil.

Heat oil in a pot, pour in duck egg yolk over low heat and stir-fry until bubbling. Pour in pumpkin, sugar and pepper and stir-fry quickly. The duck egg yolk is evenly wrapped on the pumpkin and it is ready to serve. Finally, sprinkle with a little chopped green onion. embellishment.

Salted Egg Yolk Cake

1. Make the dough:

Put 300 grams of all-purpose flour in a small pot, pour yeast 3 grams, and 5 grams of white sugar. Pour in warm water while stirring. The warm water should not exceed 40 degrees. Use a small amount of water several times. Add the ingredients, stir into dough first and then knead into dough, cover with plastic wrap and ferment in a warm place for 3 hours.

2. Make the pastry:

Take a small basin and put 20 grams of flour and 2 grams of salt. Heat 70% hot oil and pour it on top of the flour. Pour the hot oil while stirring. Stir evenly and serve as pastry.

3. Make mayonnaise

Heat oil in a pot, add a small amount of vegetable oil, put two salted egg yolks in the pot, add 4 grams of cooking wine, stir-fry until the egg yolks foam, pour out the egg yolks and set aside.

4. Start making:

The fermented dough has a honeycomb shape inside. Sprinkle a little flour on the chopping board, take out the dough and knead it to remove the air inside. Knead it into a large smooth dough, roll it out into a thinner dough, and then put it on the dough. Brush with pastry and mayonnaise, and finally sprinkle an even layer of black sesame seeds.

Roll up the dough along one side and stretch it while rolling. The end of the roll must be facing down. Roll into a long strip and cut into four equal parts. Pinch the ends on both sides and roll into a dough pancake. Press lightly. Then cover the prepared cake base with plastic wrap and let it rise again for 10 minutes.

5. Start cooking:

Put the pot on high heat. Brush the pot with a layer of vegetable oil. After the oil is hot, add the dough. Gently press the dough around with your hands to make it as round as possible. Cover the pot and cook over medium-low heat. Okay, after one side is browned, turn it over and fry the other side for 5 to 6 minutes until both sides are golden and delicious.

(First Food Editor: Cao Cao)