Taking Baixiang as an example to dismantle the birth of "Light of Domestic Products", sentiment is the icing on the cake. It never solves the essential problem, but the path that may be copied is that the underlying logic of brand development should ultimately be about "credibili

uses White Elephant as a case study to dismantle the birth of "Light of Domestic Products". The sentiment is the icing on the cake. It never solves the essential problem, but the path that may be copied is that the underlying logic of brand development should ultimately be the "can be" Answer the propositions of "faith", "sincerity" and "continuous accumulation" carefully.

Text | Li Ailin

On March 15 this year, the food industry, which seemed to have been dormant for a long time, once again faced a crisis of trust due to the negative exposure of "Tukeng Sauerkraut". The two instant noodle giants have borne the brunt of food quality and safety issues. The official announcement of Baixiang instant noodles "without cooperation, feel free to eat" not only reassured everyone with their integrity, but also became a new force that suddenly emerged. , traffic and sales exploded, and he was promoted to a new "top stream".

People quickly focused their attention on the familiar White Elephant brand, only to discover that this brand clearly occupies a place in the childhood memories of those born in the 80s and 90s, but they don’t know why it seems to have “disappeared” for so many years. Following the clues, starting from curiosity, and finally digging deeper, the " wild consumption of " also cast a layer of "vicissitudes of the right path" filter on the white elephant.

Someone carefully discovered that relevant information in the enterprise information query APP showed that Baixiang Food had undergone as many as 67 food safety inspections, with a pass rate of 100%. "3·15" is an opportunity. The market ushered in an outlet for consumers to vent their emotions after suffering from food safety issues for a long time. However, reviewing the return of Baixiang as the "Light of Domestic Products" seems to be an "accident" "The surprise it brings is reasonable.

From the top of the industry to the unknown

Taking a detailed look at the development and brand competition of the instant noodle market in the past few decades, Baixiang was once a large-scale manufacturing enterprise in the national food system, competing with Master Kong, Tongyi, Hualong (Jinmailang) "Four points of the world". Because of their different market routes and user positioning, the four companies were once divided into different parts of the industry, each competing for territory and competing in a healthy manner.

Chinese people love noodles. In China, which has an extremely rich pasta spectrum, there are more than 1,200 types of noodles for daily consumption. Chinese people also love to drink soup, which is called "original soup transformed into original food". People's obsession with soup has led people to endow it with various "十全大综合" imaginations about health preservation, repelling cold, strengthening bones, etc., and also endowed it with emotional significance.

From drinking enough to drinking well, people have integrated soup drinking into their genes. "A Bite of China" says, "Chinese people are good at using food to shorten the distance between their hometown and other places." Food everywhere is just a bowl of fireworks. A bowl of good soup carefully simmered for hours may be simple and never advertised, but it is enough to evoke collective memory and soothe nostalgia.

Once upon a time, in the grocery stores that could be seen everywhere in the streets, the green leather train steaming by the window, in the Internet cafes that stayed up late at night, in the student dormitories after the lights were turned off, the smell of instant noodles always seemed particularly tempting in certain scenarios. Few people can resist the temptation of fireworks. Therefore, the instant noodle soup that concentrates the essence of a bowl of "aroma" becomes even more addictive. But in people's minds, instant noodle soup base seems to always appear as a processed version of "additives".

In 2002, the industry situation had not changed significantly for more than ten years. Instant noodle products were nearly saturated and homogeneous, and brands were divided into "conservatives" and "reformers." Companies that take the lead in product innovation will have the opportunity to break through the tight siege. Those seeking innovation, such as Hualong's reformed " Jinmailang ", have developed a new product "elastic noodles" to embed consumer awareness with "power".

If you are poor, you will want to change, and the white elephant will "dance with difficulty". In 2003, Baixiang Group also took the lead in launching bone soup instant noodles in China. It is an instant noodle brand that targets the demand for "soup" and strongly advocates nutrition and deliciousness. The advertising slogan " White Elephant Big Bone Noodles , Big Bone Nutrition Inside" quickly differentiates White Elephant Big Bone Noodles from other similar products on the market.In 2012, Baixiang Food's "Stewed Big Bone Noodles Series", as a representative of Chinese instant noodles, won the "Global Food Industry Award", a high-level award at the World Food Technology Conference, achieving the first success in the global instant noodle industry in the 50-year history of this award. breakthrough.

Perhaps since then, Baixiang, which focuses on the concept of "nutrition", has established the first brick of the brand moat.

Space is cramped, making transformation even more difficult

In 2011, China's instant noodles production has maintained a rapid growth of more than 20% for 18 consecutive years. In this year, on average, more than 100 million packages of instant noodles were opened in my country every day. Every second, At the same time, 1,300 people were eating instant noodles to satisfy their hunger or satisfy their cravings.

In 2013, the consumer demand for instant noodles began to decline year by year, and the industry declined, breaking the prosperity that had been rising to the top for more than two decades. According to statistics from the World Instant Noodles Association , by 2016, the total demand for instant noodles in the Chinese market was 38.52 billion packages, which was just over 80% of that in 2013.

The rise of the takeout market and the emergence of high-speed rail have revolutionized the transportation system, squeezing out the market share of instant noodles and causing "indiscriminate harm" to all brands in the entire industry.

"Master Kong" and " Uni-President " and other companies' competition for the mainland instant noodle market has made Baixiang continue to be marginalized on shopping mall shelves and in people's vision. On the one hand, it is self-rescue in the face of the surging back wave and on the other hand, it is the exploration of breaking through to reverse the decline of the industry. The phenomenon of "eating for one person, lazy economy, and stay-at-home economy" continues to rise. Post-95s and Generation Z have begun to become the main consumer groups in society. Capital is particularly optimistic about new consumption such as prepared dishes, which reveals some optimistic signals about the development of China's pasta industry. .

With the core vision of "facing consumers in the mainstream market and being an innovative expander of delicious and fast food", Baixiang launched its second venture. In September 2018, "Soup Hao Yume" instant noodles once again filled the gap of "soup instant noodles" in the industry. It was the first to "say goodbye to traditional soy sauce powder packets" and ensured the original flavor and nutritional content of the soup by "cooking real soup stock for 6 hours" It is complete and retains the taste of "freshly cooked at home". According to the official evaluation report, the sales volume of this series of products has reached 1.5 billion packages.

From 2019 to 2020, Baixiang Food has completed more than 80 new product research and development, opening up more circles in the food field. The product matrix spans instant noodles, dried noodles, instant noodles, snack foods, quick-frozen foods, pastries, and flour. and beverages in more than ten categories.

"Change will lead to success, and generality will last." Many companies have declined after decades of industry reshuffle, and no one knows about it, or they may not be able to survive until the dawn of time. White Elephant's ability to remain unfaded to this day is not unrelated to its continuous innovation.

For decades, Baixiang Group has resonated with the development of the industry, in line with the constantly updated and iterative consumer needs and demands for nutritious and delicious products under the background of consumption upgrading.

The second entrepreneurial period coincided with an era when economic growth was stabilizing, and many companies were struggling to survive or seek transformation. But Bai Xiang once again firmly chose food. Rather than focusing on pasta products, it would be more straightforward to call it an adventure and obsession. After all, a few years before starting his second business, Baixiang also made a detour due to strategic bet mistakes. Because he did not receive support from capital, his vitality was severely damaged, his status declined, and his voice gradually became smaller. But even so, after learning from the pain, it is Baixiang who can take the lead in seizing the key value and completing the "migration" of users' minds. It is also Baixiang who has achieved breakthroughs, innovations, and leadership in the category many times. It is also Baixiang who can stand alone and survive the industry earthquakes. The fact that he escaped completely gives people reason to believe that this is by no means a coincidence.

Since the beginning of 2020, changes in lifestyle and status have given rise to new consumer demand. The sense of security brought by stocking up on food has pushed the sales data of instant noodles to a new peak - in February 2020, Tmall platform fast food sales year-on-year A surge of 700%, with instant noodles, the big brother of fast food, taking the lead. In July 2021 alone, sales of the instant/quick-frozen food category on Tmall Taobao platform exceeded 1.5 billion yuan.

This time, the white elephant was not hit on the beach again.

How to get around the dilemma of short-lived flash in the pan

"Book of Rites·University" says, "After being settled, one can be still, and then one can be calm", followed by "Things have their origin and end, things have their beginning and end, and if you know the sequence, you will be shortcut." Knowing the root cause, priority and importance of things can connect more complex underlying logical operating systems. The secret to the long-term success of the brands of new real economy enterprises is "long-termism."

"Long-termism" means long-term success. therefore. A problem that comes one after another is unavoidable for White Elephant - as a fast-moving consumer goods, becoming popular overnight is definitely not the hard-core competitiveness that can support the development of food companies. And for the white elephant, how long can the influx of heat last?

In recent years, many brands have been "seen" due to the popularity of topics and national sentiments. However, massive information comes one after another. The memory of the Internet is short. After the enthusiasm dissipates, wild consumption will eventually return to rationality. In the end, most brands can only be reduced to short-lived gossips, and it is difficult to usher in a real turnaround.

There were also similar voices questioning or worrying about Baixiang, but as time went by, as more and more people became fans, Haofeng relied on his strength, and Baixiang, who had always been low-key, was pushed to the "high ground" , looking through the major social platforms, there are even signs of "traffic" becoming "retention".

In addition to igniting users’ patriotic feelings for national brands, people have seen more shining points of White Elephant, and quickly transformed into “tap water”. Searching for “White Elephant” as a keyword can discover consumers’ passion for Amway In large-scale fan circles, the outstanding text productivity in UGC content where a large number of users spontaneously recommend and evaluate products also demonstrates strong user stickiness.

html In the past 125 years, Baixiang has never had a negative food safety incident. This year, Baixiang launched a slow live broadcast of the production line on multiple platforms such as video accounts and Weibo. As of June 23, it has been live broadcast for more than 500 hours. Focusing the lens on each production link in the workshop, and opening browsing rights to users around the clock, consumers can learn about "from flour to bread, from ingredients to finished products, what interesting 'life journeys' will the birth of a bowl of noodles go through" The assembly line performs " cloud supervisor " and finds the answer in the crowd.

Feelings will fade over time, but the taste buds are honest. As a food company, in addition to food quality, taste is the core element that can best strengthen consumers' memory of the brand. This is also the secret to new ways of eating and new combinations that have powerful grass-growing power discovered by bloggers in the food and living areas. In order to retain this good taste, there is no upper limit on the funds and resources Baixiang invests in product research and development. The R&D team often travels around the world, collecting food from various places, and goes through iron shoes to find a good raw material, a kind of Good craftsmanship.

In the new slow-dried noodles launched by Baixiang, the process has also been improved to ensure a better taste - the common noodles on the market are dried at a temperature of 50 to 60 degrees in a baking room, and the efficiency is improved at the same time. What is sacrificed is product flavor. White elephant is characterized by "slow drying". It takes 8 hours or even 24 hours to imitate sunlight, air, and suitable temperature, and wait patiently until the natural drying is completed, and it is even hung with soup, which is elastic and full of chewiness.

CBNData's "2021 Convenience and Fast Food Industry Insight Report" shows that the convenience and fast food industry has grown steadily in recent years, product prices have increased significantly, and the domestic market size is estimated to exceed 250 billion yuan. The growth rate of the online market in the past year has exceeded 70%, becoming the core driving channel for industry growth.

uses White Elephant as a case study to dismantle the birth of "Light of Domestic Products". The sentiment is the icing on the cake. It never solves the essential problem, but the path that may be copied is that the underlying logic of brand development should ultimately be the "can be" Answer the propositions of "faith", "sincerity" and "continuous accumulation" carefully.

Text | Li Ailin

On March 15 this year, the food industry, which seemed to have been dormant for a long time, once again faced a crisis of trust due to the negative exposure of "Tukeng Sauerkraut". The two instant noodle giants have borne the brunt of food quality and safety issues. The official announcement of Baixiang instant noodles "without cooperation, feel free to eat" not only reassured everyone with their integrity, but also became a new force that suddenly emerged. , traffic and sales exploded, and he was promoted to a new "top stream".

People quickly focused their attention on the familiar White Elephant brand, only to discover that this brand clearly occupies a place in the childhood memories of those born in the 80s and 90s, but they don’t know why it seems to have “disappeared” for so many years. Following the clues, starting from curiosity, and finally digging deeper, the " wild consumption of " also cast a layer of "vicissitudes of the right path" filter on the white elephant.

Someone carefully discovered that relevant information in the enterprise information query APP showed that Baixiang Food had undergone as many as 67 food safety inspections, with a pass rate of 100%. "3·15" is an opportunity. The market ushered in an outlet for consumers to vent their emotions after suffering from food safety issues for a long time. However, reviewing the return of Baixiang as the "Light of Domestic Products" seems to be an "accident" "The surprise it brings is reasonable.

From the top of the industry to the unknown

Taking a detailed look at the development and brand competition of the instant noodle market in the past few decades, Baixiang was once a large-scale manufacturing enterprise in the national food system, competing with Master Kong, Tongyi, Hualong (Jinmailang) "Four points of the world". Because of their different market routes and user positioning, the four companies were once divided into different parts of the industry, each competing for territory and competing in a healthy manner.

Chinese people love noodles. In China, which has an extremely rich pasta spectrum, there are more than 1,200 types of noodles for daily consumption. Chinese people also love to drink soup, which is called "original soup transformed into original food". People's obsession with soup has led people to endow it with various "十全大综合" imaginations about health preservation, repelling cold, strengthening bones, etc., and also endowed it with emotional significance.

From drinking enough to drinking well, people have integrated soup drinking into their genes. "A Bite of China" says, "Chinese people are good at using food to shorten the distance between their hometown and other places." Food everywhere is just a bowl of fireworks. A bowl of good soup carefully simmered for hours may be simple and never advertised, but it is enough to evoke collective memory and soothe nostalgia.

Once upon a time, in the grocery stores that could be seen everywhere in the streets, the green leather train steaming by the window, in the Internet cafes that stayed up late at night, in the student dormitories after the lights were turned off, the smell of instant noodles always seemed particularly tempting in certain scenarios. Few people can resist the temptation of fireworks. Therefore, the instant noodle soup that concentrates the essence of a bowl of "aroma" becomes even more addictive. But in people's minds, instant noodle soup base seems to always appear as a processed version of "additives".

In 2002, the industry situation had not changed significantly for more than ten years. Instant noodle products were nearly saturated and homogeneous, and brands were divided into "conservatives" and "reformers." Companies that take the lead in product innovation will have the opportunity to break through the tight siege. Those seeking innovation, such as Hualong's reformed " Jinmailang ", have developed a new product "elastic noodles" to embed consumer awareness with "power".

If you are poor, you will want to change, and the white elephant will "dance with difficulty". In 2003, Baixiang Group also took the lead in launching bone soup instant noodles in China. It is an instant noodle brand that targets the demand for "soup" and strongly advocates nutrition and deliciousness. The advertising slogan " White Elephant Big Bone Noodles , Big Bone Nutrition Inside" quickly differentiates White Elephant Big Bone Noodles from other similar products on the market.In 2012, Baixiang Food's "Stewed Big Bone Noodles Series", as a representative of Chinese instant noodles, won the "Global Food Industry Award", a high-level award at the World Food Technology Conference, achieving the first success in the global instant noodle industry in the 50-year history of this award. breakthrough.

Perhaps since then, Baixiang, which focuses on the concept of "nutrition", has established the first brick of the brand moat.

Space is cramped, making transformation even more difficult

In 2011, China's instant noodles production has maintained a rapid growth of more than 20% for 18 consecutive years. In this year, on average, more than 100 million packages of instant noodles were opened in my country every day. Every second, At the same time, 1,300 people were eating instant noodles to satisfy their hunger or satisfy their cravings.

In 2013, the consumer demand for instant noodles began to decline year by year, and the industry declined, breaking the prosperity that had been rising to the top for more than two decades. According to statistics from the World Instant Noodles Association , by 2016, the total demand for instant noodles in the Chinese market was 38.52 billion packages, which was just over 80% of that in 2013.

The rise of the takeout market and the emergence of high-speed rail have revolutionized the transportation system, squeezing out the market share of instant noodles and causing "indiscriminate harm" to all brands in the entire industry.

"Master Kong" and " Uni-President " and other companies' competition for the mainland instant noodle market has made Baixiang continue to be marginalized on shopping mall shelves and in people's vision. On the one hand, it is self-rescue in the face of the surging back wave and on the other hand, it is the exploration of breaking through to reverse the decline of the industry. The phenomenon of "eating for one person, lazy economy, and stay-at-home economy" continues to rise. Post-95s and Generation Z have begun to become the main consumer groups in society. Capital is particularly optimistic about new consumption such as prepared dishes, which reveals some optimistic signals about the development of China's pasta industry. .

With the core vision of "facing consumers in the mainstream market and being an innovative expander of delicious and fast food", Baixiang launched its second venture. In September 2018, "Soup Hao Yume" instant noodles once again filled the gap of "soup instant noodles" in the industry. It was the first to "say goodbye to traditional soy sauce powder packets" and ensured the original flavor and nutritional content of the soup by "cooking real soup stock for 6 hours" It is complete and retains the taste of "freshly cooked at home". According to the official evaluation report, the sales volume of this series of products has reached 1.5 billion packages.

From 2019 to 2020, Baixiang Food has completed more than 80 new product research and development, opening up more circles in the food field. The product matrix spans instant noodles, dried noodles, instant noodles, snack foods, quick-frozen foods, pastries, and flour. and beverages in more than ten categories.

"Change will lead to success, and generality will last." Many companies have declined after decades of industry reshuffle, and no one knows about it, or they may not be able to survive until the dawn of time. White Elephant's ability to remain unfaded to this day is not unrelated to its continuous innovation.

For decades, Baixiang Group has resonated with the development of the industry, in line with the constantly updated and iterative consumer needs and demands for nutritious and delicious products under the background of consumption upgrading.

The second entrepreneurial period coincided with an era when economic growth was stabilizing, and many companies were struggling to survive or seek transformation. But Bai Xiang once again firmly chose food. Rather than focusing on pasta products, it would be more straightforward to call it an adventure and obsession. After all, a few years before starting his second business, Baixiang also made a detour due to strategic bet mistakes. Because he did not receive support from capital, his vitality was severely damaged, his status declined, and his voice gradually became smaller. But even so, after learning from the pain, it is Baixiang who can take the lead in seizing the key value and completing the "migration" of users' minds. It is also Baixiang who has achieved breakthroughs, innovations, and leadership in the category many times. It is also Baixiang who can stand alone and survive the industry earthquakes. The fact that he escaped completely gives people reason to believe that this is by no means a coincidence.

Since the beginning of 2020, changes in lifestyle and status have given rise to new consumer demand. The sense of security brought by stocking up on food has pushed the sales data of instant noodles to a new peak - in February 2020, Tmall platform fast food sales year-on-year A surge of 700%, with instant noodles, the big brother of fast food, taking the lead. In July 2021 alone, sales of the instant/quick-frozen food category on Tmall Taobao platform exceeded 1.5 billion yuan.

This time, the white elephant was not hit on the beach again.

How to get around the dilemma of short-lived flash in the pan

"Book of Rites·University" says, "After being settled, one can be still, and then one can be calm", followed by "Things have their origin and end, things have their beginning and end, and if you know the sequence, you will be shortcut." Knowing the root cause, priority and importance of things can connect more complex underlying logical operating systems. The secret to the long-term success of the brands of new real economy enterprises is "long-termism."

"Long-termism" means long-term success. therefore. A problem that comes one after another is unavoidable for White Elephant - as a fast-moving consumer goods, becoming popular overnight is definitely not the hard-core competitiveness that can support the development of food companies. And for the white elephant, how long can the influx of heat last?

In recent years, many brands have been "seen" due to the popularity of topics and national sentiments. However, massive information comes one after another. The memory of the Internet is short. After the enthusiasm dissipates, wild consumption will eventually return to rationality. In the end, most brands can only be reduced to short-lived gossips, and it is difficult to usher in a real turnaround.

There were also similar voices questioning or worrying about Baixiang, but as time went by, as more and more people became fans, Haofeng relied on his strength, and Baixiang, who had always been low-key, was pushed to the "high ground" , looking through the major social platforms, there are even signs of "traffic" becoming "retention".

In addition to igniting users’ patriotic feelings for national brands, people have seen more shining points of White Elephant, and quickly transformed into “tap water”. Searching for “White Elephant” as a keyword can discover consumers’ passion for Amway In large-scale fan circles, the outstanding text productivity in UGC content where a large number of users spontaneously recommend and evaluate products also demonstrates strong user stickiness.

html In the past 125 years, Baixiang has never had a negative food safety incident. This year, Baixiang launched a slow live broadcast of the production line on multiple platforms such as video accounts and Weibo. As of June 23, it has been live broadcast for more than 500 hours. Focusing the lens on each production link in the workshop, and opening browsing rights to users around the clock, consumers can learn about "from flour to bread, from ingredients to finished products, what interesting 'life journeys' will the birth of a bowl of noodles go through" The assembly line performs " cloud supervisor " and finds the answer in the crowd.

Feelings will fade over time, but the taste buds are honest. As a food company, in addition to food quality, taste is the core element that can best strengthen consumers' memory of the brand. This is also the secret to new ways of eating and new combinations that have powerful grass-growing power discovered by bloggers in the food and living areas. In order to retain this good taste, there is no upper limit on the funds and resources Baixiang invests in product research and development. The R&D team often travels around the world, collecting food from various places, and goes through iron shoes to find a good raw material, a kind of Good craftsmanship.

In the new slow-dried noodles launched by Baixiang, the process has also been improved to ensure a better taste - the common noodles on the market are dried at a temperature of 50 to 60 degrees in a baking room, and the efficiency is improved at the same time. What is sacrificed is product flavor. White elephant is characterized by "slow drying". It takes 8 hours or even 24 hours to imitate sunlight, air, and suitable temperature, and wait patiently until the natural drying is completed, and it is even hung with soup, which is elastic and full of chewiness.

CBNData's "2021 Convenience and Fast Food Industry Insight Report" shows that the convenience and fast food industry has grown steadily in recent years, product prices have increased significantly, and the domestic market size is estimated to exceed 250 billion yuan. The growth rate of the online market in the past year has exceeded 70%, becoming the core driving channel for industry growth.

From the perspective of business layout, in the face of the dimensionality reduction attack on self-heating fast food products and prepared vegetable industries, Baixiang has made new adjustments to its business layout, tearing off the label of instant noodles, while persisting in accumulating more than 20 "soup" assets. With years of vertical advantages, we have innovated and upgraded existing businesses such as bone soup noodles, and have not given up on the diversified exploration of horizontal expansion of incremental product lines, including dried noodles, instant noodles, snack foods, quick-frozen foods, seasonings, and flour. Production and other business sectors are fully exerting their efforts. Combining regional characteristics and launching Internet celebrity products such as Da La Jiao, Wannian Buckwheat, Noodles, Rock Giant Gorilla Hot and Sour Noodles, etc. for segmented audiences, and even continue to expand its products. Line category. "Da La Jiao" was originally created for users who love spicy food. It has expanded from its original turkey noodles to include hot and sour noodles, red oil noodles, pan noodles, snail noodles, and many other fast food varieties.

The size of my country’s quick-frozen food market has grown from 105.5 billion yuan in 2016 to 185 billion yuan in 2021, and the quick-frozen food market has not yet formed a situation in which one dominant player or a group of leading companies are divided. Baixiang has identified that this emerging market has a large market, broad prospects, and many opportunities, so in April 2020, Baixiang sub-brand Baixiang Husi was established, firmly entering the quick-frozen market from the pastry segment. Northern Laomian Steamed Buns, a star product based on home-made steamed buns, has maintained a rapid month-on-month growth of more than 30% for 13 consecutive months since its launch. It is now one of Husi's fastest-growing items.

In January 2022, Baixiang announced the signing of Nan Mengxia as the brand's virtual idol spokesperson. He is also a "crab eater" in the food industry that touches the metaverse and virtual humans. "The peach blossom face is exposed, so half of the face is covered by the Luo Fan." From Nanmengxia's image that combines traditional Chinese culture and national trends with a sense of science and technology, we can get a glimpse of Baixiang's long-term focus on business and technological innovation, and its focus on business and technological innovation. Persistence close to consumer needs.

Baixiang, which spares no effort to cater to the needs of diverse users, is casting a wide net and focusing on catching fish. It also hopes to renew its image with a more modern aesthetic and more in line with brand positioning, and embark on a path of embracing young people and staying close to the trend.

In fact, upon closer inspection, not every business line that tests the water can achieve market performance as expected, or is expected to become a new profit growth point with its good sales curve. Not every marketing strategy can be converted into KPIs, and even many All attempts have been severely frustrated and declared failure in advance.

But there is no doubt that Baixiang is still working hard to bring traditional pasta products companies back to the spotlight. It takes time to cultivate users' minds, and it also takes time to transform from a veteran brand to a younger trendy brand. Without destruction or establishment, the road to change will be difficult, but the journey will be steady and far-reaching. Breaking circles, crossing borders, co-branding, and becoming younger, a series of vigorous actions also make people willing to wait and see the new layout of Baixiang's future development.

The long-term market track, why is it leading the second half?

People have invested their rising nationalist sentiments in Baixiang. In fact, without foreign investment, it is still 100% domestic brands. However, Baixiang never wants to rest on its laurels.

Things should be long-term and broad-minded. "What belongs to the nation is also to the world." Baixiang hopes to promote Chinese pasta products to the world. In two years, Baixiang has been committed to developing overseas business, actively "going out", and adapting measures to local conditions. Its innovative products have entered 65 countries and are gradually growing into an internationally recognized high-quality brand as a representative of domestic products.

Baixiang is a highly disciplined company when it comes to controlling food safety, but sometimes, Baixiang’s internal processes are flexible and unrestricted. When the people are in need, White Elephant always responds very quickly, donates money and materials generously, and often gives away materials as much as he can without even having time to count them. He does not even need to ask his superiors for instructions in advance. However, Baixiang has never publicized it in a high-profile manner, and even the specific amount and value of materials donated is a "confused account." But for the White Elephant people, it is not that important whether the account is calculated clearly, nor is it important whether the good deeds are known or not.

As an enterprise, the greatest value of business existence is "giving to others", good products, the taste of happiness, and conveying goodwill and strength.The continuous flow of public welfare assistance on weekdays, the silent work of big things at critical moments, and the sincerity of adhering to the bottom line of food safety for 25 years. The more people dig deeper this time, the brighter things they see are also stripping away all marketing colors. Since then, it has become the core of all the sustainable public welfare actions of Baixiang and the explicit manifestation of the "goodness" quality integrated into the brand's genes.

Regarding the sustainability of White Elephant becoming popular, White Elephant people have also thought about this issue. Being kind, progressive, and accumulating are the endogenous driving forces for brand development, and they hope to "develop in the direction of a century-old enterprise and an evergreen enterprise." After all, throughout the history of international brand development, there has never been any brand that can always occupy the attention of users and always be the focus of discussion.

’s popularity is fleeting. Regaining the favor of consumers is never easy. Taking Baixiang as an example to analyze the birth of "Light of Domestic Products", the path that may be replicated is that the underlying logic of brand development should ultimately be a cautious response to the propositions of "credibility", "sincerity" and "continuous accumulation".

As an Italian proverb goes, time can dim the dazzling things and reveal the hidden things. In 2022, when the white elephant became popular, people "archaeologically" discovered that during the 2021 flood in Zhengzhou, Henan, the white elephant opened the company building as soon as possible to provide resting places, unlimited food, and There is a hot water supply, and the words on the packaging of the materials loaded into the truck for departure read, "The mountains and rivers are vast, the fireworks on earth, and the moonlight shines all on China."

The structure of a company, a brand and the sentiment of benefiting the world are nothing more than this. However, of course, there are still more questions that companies still need to answer urgently - feelings are the icing on the cake, it never solves the essential problem, but when facing more market tests, how to polish the product without falling behind and realize the fission of users and products Repurchase, maintain long-term strong upward momentum and even overtake in corners, maintain sustained profitability, and maintain the core competitiveness that impresses consumers can grow the brand size, achieve brand spillover effects, extend the brand life cycle, , and become A scarce asset for time-honored brands to last forever.

(special topic)

The continuous flow of public welfare assistance on weekdays, the silent work of big things at critical moments, and the sincerity of adhering to the bottom line of food safety for 25 years. The more people dig deeper this time, the brighter things they see are also stripping away all marketing colors. Since then, it has become the core of all the sustainable public welfare actions of Baixiang and the explicit manifestation of the "goodness" quality integrated into the brand's genes.

Regarding the sustainability of White Elephant becoming popular, White Elephant people have also thought about this issue. Being kind, progressive, and accumulating are the endogenous driving forces for brand development, and they hope to "develop in the direction of a century-old enterprise and an evergreen enterprise." After all, throughout the history of international brand development, there has never been any brand that can always occupy the attention of users and always be the focus of discussion.

’s popularity is fleeting. Regaining the favor of consumers is never easy. Taking Baixiang as an example to analyze the birth of "Light of Domestic Products", the path that may be replicated is that the underlying logic of brand development should ultimately be a cautious response to the propositions of "credibility", "sincerity" and "continuous accumulation".

As an Italian proverb goes, time can dim the dazzling things and reveal the hidden things. In 2022, when the white elephant became popular, people "archaeologically" discovered that during the 2021 flood in Zhengzhou, Henan, the white elephant opened the company building as soon as possible to provide resting places, unlimited food, and There is a hot water supply, and the words on the packaging of the materials loaded into the truck for departure read, "The mountains and rivers are vast, the fireworks on earth, and the moonlight shines all on China."

The structure of a company, a brand and the sentiment of benefiting the world are nothing more than this. However, of course, there are still more questions that companies still need to answer urgently - feelings are the icing on the cake, it never solves the essential problem, but when facing more market tests, how to polish the product without falling behind and realize the fission of users and products Repurchase, maintain long-term strong upward momentum and even overtake in corners, maintain sustained profitability, and maintain the core competitiveness that impresses consumers can grow the brand size, achieve brand spillover effects, extend the brand life cycle, , and become A scarce asset for time-honored brands to last forever.

(special topic)