Speaking of the most popular event now, it is probably the entrance banquet. The results are gradually handed out, and everything that needs to be prepared has begun to be prepared. The editor has also participated in several banquets, and the people I met on the way were hosting

Speaking of the most popular event now, it may be the entrance banquet. The results are gradually handed out, and everything that needs to be prepared has begun to be prepared. The editor has also participated in several entrance banquets, and the people I met on the way were hosting banquets. , are also college entrance banquets, which can be said to be very popular. However, this is especially true for banquets in Northeast China. There will be partial banquets the day before. The editor participated in the partial banquets. There were 10 dishes, including meat and vegetables, because the partial banquets were all I'm at home, so it's a bit more homely, but I have to say, it's also very respectable!

Because we were making them one by one, I didn’t even take the whole group photo. After that, I was just cuddling up on the mat and didn’t have time to take pictures, but the taste is really good. There are Pork skin jelly Mixed with garlic paste , in the Northeast It can also be regarded as a must-have cold dish in summer, as well as kohlrabi, tomatoes and fried green peppers . I have to say that this is crispy, sweet and sour and quite refreshing. People usually sweat profusely after eating a lot, and these two dishes are also Whet up an appetite!

There are also cut red sausages . This red sausage is plastic-sealed. It is not a pure red sausage, but it is also called red sausage. Because the packaging is relatively tight, I bought it. In order to cut six tables of red sausage, it is also I found two or three vegetable choppers to help with the cooking! I also bought ready-made peanuts . The ones I bought were a bit not very good. They were very salty. I only ate two or three of them. It was not like those people under the umbrella in the yard were drinking and enjoying themselves!

There is also the mixed cold dish , a large bowl of mixed cold dish, which is really laborious, because the chopsticks can't mix it, but finally I got started, and the hand mixing is very even and delicious, but I forgot to wear gloves. But it didn’t affect everyone’s appetite at all! There is also an big pepper fried pork , which can be said to be quite appetizing. I don’t know what the big pepper is called in other places. It is the kind that is not spicy, but very watery, and the kind that is just sweet!

Then there is scrambled egg cells . I don’t know if you have ever eaten it. It is actually the intestine where chickens lay eggs. It is very fragrant when fried with chili. The ones we sell here are quite expensive, and they are all cooked food. Store-bought ones can be blanched before frying to remove the excess salty and fishy smell, and then stir-fried with a little bit of soup, it will be so fragrant!

Another option is to buy ready-made roast chicken . One of these roast chickens is not very big, so I bought six. Because I didn’t know there were so many people in the family, I prepared 4 tables, and then bought 5 tables of dishes. Finally After serving 6 tables of dishes, it was a bit tight. The dishes on each table were a little less, but it was okay. Most of the people who came here were people who like to drink. They mainly focused on drinking. In the summer, we had well water. The cold beer in the bottle is so refreshing!

Then there is the stewed river fish . It was originally eight dishes, but later it was said that it was too few, so I made two more. I bought a lot from the fish seller outside and stewed it in a big pot. Every table must have one. A few, and occasionally there are fish roe , the stew is very fragrant, it is better to use a big pot, and then there is Bean stew , because now there is a lot of green beans in my yard, plus buy some Pork and a pot of stewed beans should not be too delicious!