Celebrity catering was scolded again. Catering company owner Nei Shen Nei Shen Jun | Wen Zhishan started "running" celebrity catering and has been criticized several times in hot searches in the past two months. The celebrity catering brand staff, Sichuan Zhishan Brand Management

Celebrity Catering was scolded again.

The owner of a catering company has internal reference. Internal Reference Jun | Article

Zhishan is on the run.

Celebrity catering has been criticized several times in hot searches in the past two months.

Star catering brand staff, Sichuan Zhishan Brand Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhishan), began to "run" away.

In the past, the brand section of the company's official website page was full of various brands of Zhishan belt.

Zhishan official website page (old)

Now, the only “brand” left on the official website is Tan Yaxue.

Only "Tan Yaxue" remains on Zhishan's official website.

Every time a celebrity restaurant becomes popular,

"Zhishan" will be popular on the Internet.

From Chen He's Xianhezhuang hot pot restaurant to Guan Xiaotong's natural milk tea endorsed by , recently During this period, celebrity catering has repeatedly been criticized. The contradictions all originate from the abnormality of the franchise model, with a large number of franchisees losing money, as much as millions or tens of millions. As a result, franchisees gathered to defend their rights.

The chaos of celebrity catering franchises has aroused great concern. When people researched these brands, they found that many celebrity catering are related to Zhishan, such as Xianhezhuang and Tianrandai.

As a "staff member", Zhishan also owns many celebrity catering brands that are familiar to the public, such as Wu Xin, Du Haitao, 's Spicy Hot Pot, such as Angelbaby's Douluan Hot Pot, and Sha Yi 's Spicy San Cooked hot pot.

Sichuan Zhishan Brand Management Group is a catering MCN company with "remarkable achievements".

The MCN company in the entertainment industry uses the media industry to create a "personality" for potential "amateurs" and let the "amateurs" become "Internet celebrities". Then MCN company has a lot of "Internet celebrities" and "Internet celebrities" "Make money, MCN company takes a commission.

Zhishan’s approach to building a “star catering brand” is similar, except that the “amateurs” become “catering project A”, and make “catering project A” famous through star platforms and other methods, open franchising, and make the first batch of franchisees prosperous. , thereby promoting the franchise in large quantities, rapidly expanding stores, accumulating brand reputation, and earning countless franchise fees.

Judging from the results, Zhishan’s profit model is very successful. The company's official website page was once full of star catering brands it created.

But recently, the trend has changed.

In the past, the public paid little attention to this aspect, and it was difficult for franchisees to safeguard their rights, which had little impact on Zhishan. Now, if there is a celebrity catering rights protection incident, Zhishan's achievements will be displayed once. Everyone knows the success of Zhishan and the brand it has brought out. Zhishan cannot continue to play like this. The brands owned by

have reached the peak of public opinion one after another. The catering brand issued a statement, firstly to apologize, secondly to cut off the relationship with the celebrity, and thirdly to appeal for positive energy to let things go.

Public opinion was agitated, and the "staff member" said nothing and "ran away".

Zhishan deleted the content on the "Brand Wall" of the official website until only the brand "Tan Yaxue" that he incubated was left, and distanced himself from the star catering brand he brought out.

Sky Eye Check information shows: Zhishan and Xianhezhuang are still related.

There will be the next "Zhishan"

Zhishan's operating model has a tricky part. In the early stage of operation, the escape part may have been anticipated when things got big.

Judging from the incident of illegal opening of franchises, Zhishan first stated the characteristics of the franchisee group, and used celebrities to establish the brand, so that franchisees with weak awareness of franchise-related laws and regulations would "go up" to pay and be included in a certain "catering" project".If a franchisee loses money in the later period, Zhishan can escape by virtue of "individual incidents" without "group siege".

Starting a business is not always smooth sailing, and losses are the norm. Zhishan carefully operates its operations in the initial stage of the brand process, allowing the "vanguard" franchisees to taste the sweetness, which is also preparing for "escape" in the later period.

From the operation path they are good at, we can get a glimpse of the "back road":

First of all, "skilled" in building the operation capabilities of Internet celebrity catering brands.

Take Chen He’s Xianhe Village as an example. Xianhe Village was originally opened by Chen He and other celebrities. Zhishan later joined in. Before he joined Xianhe Village, the business of Xianhe Village was not very popular. But after Zhishan took over, Xianhezhuang became a phenomenon-level hot pot brand.

Become a "favorite fan" through celebrities going to stores to donate dishes | Image source: Xianhezhuang

After leaving the stars, Zhishan has made its own brand Tan Yaxue famous. In addition to hot pot, Zhishan also produces tea drinks and other brands in other areas.

Zhishan official website content

Secondly, they own the supply chain of hot pot. Zhishan can not only supply hot pot brands and do B-side business, but it is also very convenient to extend a brand downstream in the industry chain and do C-side business.

Third, they have resources from many celebrities, Internet celebrities, KOL and other channels.

Zhishan Group Corporate Relations | Picture source: Tianyancha

As laws and regulations are further improved, and franchisees’ legal awareness and rights protection awareness are enhanced, Zhishan’s routines that have been reported many times will become even rarer in the future.

However, there will definitely be the next unreliable brand in the catering market. The people behind the

brand may come from other catering MCN organizations, or they may be people who have been re-employed at the restaurant. After all, as can be seen from the above-mentioned "retreat", the Zhishan team has great catering business acumen.

Zhishan has "escaped", but with its catering experience, the "invisible" Zhishan may already be planning its next route.