Below, I would like to share with you 5 kinds of homemade snacks, which are nutritious, satisfying, clean and hygienic, delicious and not irritating. They are very suitable for summer. If you have friends who like them, hurry up and learn them!

No matter men, women, old or young, there are times when they want to eat "snacks". Many middle-aged and elderly people like to kill time by eating melon seeds while watching TV at home. However, in the hot summer, eating melon seeds often can easily lead to internal heat.

below, I would like to share with you 5 kinds of homemade snacks, which are nutritious and satisfying, clean and hygienic, delicious and not irritating. They are very suitable for summer. If you have friends who like them, hurry up and learn them!

Small steamed buns

1. Pour water into the basin, add baking soda 2g, yeast powder 2g, stir to dissolve, add baking soda to make the flour loose and soft.

2. Prepare 200 grams of flour, beat in 2 eggs, pour in the prepared baking soda water, use chopsticks to stir and pour in, first stir into flour and then knead into dough, knead the dough repeatedly, and after kneading the dough smooth, use Cover the bowl and let it rise for 10 minutes.

3. After 10 minutes, sprinkle a little flour on the chopping board, take out the dough and knead it into a large dough, use a rolling pin to roll it into a piece about 0.5 cm thick, use a knife to cut into long dough about 0.5 cm, and knead each piece. Once done, put them together and sprinkle a little flour on them to prevent them from sticking together.

4. Turn on the electric baking pan and heat it. After the electric baking pan is hot, put the small dough in the electric baking pan and heat it. Do not add oil. Turn the small dough frequently and turn it on. Just turn on the heat and stir for a few minutes. The dough will slowly harden on the surface and become very delicious steamed buns when they change color and are cooked.

5.Okay, a simple and delicious steamed bun is ready.

Egg roll

1. Prepare a small basin, break in 4 eggs, add 2 grams of salt and 80 grams of sugar. Use chopsticks to quickly break up the eggs until the sugar is dissolved. This step is tiring and you can use tools. .

2. After the sugar has melted, add 100 grams of butter, stir with chopsticks while pouring, pour in 90 grams of low-gluten flour, pass the low-gluten flour through a sieve, sift finer, stir into a paste, add a handful of black sesame seeds, and stir again Mix thoroughly and set aside.

3. Heat the electric baking pan. Pour a spoonful of egg liquid into the middle of the electric baking pan. Cover the lid and the egg liquid will naturally flatten. Heat both sides of the electric baking pan. The egg roll will turn golden in about 1 minute. Take it. Use a chopstick to roll up the egg roll. Be sure to roll it up while it is hot.

4. Follow this method to bake all the eggs and roll them up, and a simple and delicious egg roll is ready.

Baked French Fries

1. Prepare a piece of purple potato, peel off the skin, cut it horizontally from the middle and then cut it into thick strips of even size. Take a piece of sweet potato, peel off the skin, and cut it into evenly sized thick strips. Cut the sweet potato fries too finely and they won’t taste good when roasted.

2. Place a piece of tin foil on the baking sheet, brush it with a layer of egg wash with a small brush, and place the sweet potato fries neatly on the baking sheet, leaving a little space in the middle. After placing them, brush them with egg wash again and evenly. Then sprinkle a layer of black sesame seeds for decoration, put it in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes, and the sweet potato fries are ready.

3. Use the same method to bake the purple fries. Take the purple fries out of the oven for about 10 minutes, brush them with egg wash again, sprinkle with white sesame seeds to garnish, and put them in the oven to continue baking. Put the two kinds of fries on a plate, the colors will match better.

4.Okay, a nutritious and delicious snack of baked French fries is ready.

Purple Sweet Potato Cake

1. Prepare a few purple sweet potatoes, peel them and cut them into even thin slices. Put them in a steamer and steam them for 8 minutes before they are cooked.

2. Mash the steamed purple sweet potato with a shovel, let it cool and put it in a bowl. Add two spoons of sugar and 3 grams of yeast. If you like it sweeter, you can add more sugar. Stir evenly and press it into a fine paste with a spoon. of purple sweet potato puree.

3. Pour the purple sweet potato puree into a large basin, add 300 grams of flour, mix with warm water, add in small amounts many times, stir the dry flour together first, so that it is not easy to produce dough , and then adjust it to a thicker consistency. Purple sweet potato batter, the more delicate the batter, the better the taste of the purple sweet potato cake.

4. Prepare a crisper, put oil-absorbing paper inside and brush it with vegetable oil to facilitate demoulding after steaming. Pour the purple sweet potato batter into it, shake it vigorously for a few times to expel the air inside, and the purple sweet potato cake will be steamed. The pores will be more even and fine, then sprinkle some raisins or melon seeds, cover with cotton cloth and ferment for 30 minutes.

5. After 30 minutes, the purple potato paste has obviously expanded. Put it into the steamer and cover it with a piece of paper or a plate to isolate the water vapor to prevent water droplets from dripping in and causing the surface to collapse. Cover the pot and steam for 15 minutes. That's it.

6. After 15 minutes, the purple sweet potato cake will be steamed and will spring back quickly when pressed with your hands. Cut it into uniform small pieces, place it on a plate and serve.

7.Okay, a sweet and soft purple potato cake is ready.

Coconut cubes

1. Prepare a piece of pumpkin, peel off the skin, cut into thin slices and put it in a steamer, steam for 8 minutes.

2. After steaming, take it out and put it in a small basin. Use garlic to pound it into pumpkin puree. Add 10 grams of sugar to increase the sweetness of the pumpkin puree. Crush the pumpkin into puree. Add 50 grams of glutinous rice flour and pour in pure milk. 80ml stir to mix.

3. Put the pumpkin puree into the pot, turn on low heat and stir-fry the pumpkin puree until it is cooked. Stir-fry until it becomes sticky and then turn off the heat.

4. Prepare a container, either a small box or a square plate. Sprinkle a layer of coconut on the bottom. Pour the fried pumpkin puree into the square box. Use a small shovel to flatten the pumpkin puree and sprinkle another layer. Gently press the coconut mash to flatten the surface as much as possible, then cover it with plastic wrap and wait until the temperature drops and place it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

5. Freeze the pumpkin puree into chunks, take it out, pour it on a chopping board and cut it into small cubes. Then take a small basin and pour some coconut paste into it. Put the pumpkin pieces in the basin and mix them until the pumpkin pieces are all covered with coconut paste. , take out and place on a plate.

6.Okay, a sweet and delicious coconut recipe is ready.

(First Food Editor: Summer)