The liquor industry is receiving great news! On January 26, the State Council issued the "Opinions on Supporting Guizhou in Forging a New Path in the Development of the Western Region in the New Era". In this important document, which is regarded as major good news for Guizhou's

The liquor industry has received great news!

html On November 26, the State Council issued the "Opinions on Supporting Guizhou in Forging a New Path in the Development of the Western Region in the New Era". In this important document, which is regarded as major good news for Guizhou's development, Maotai-flavor liquor was specifically mentioned. Development issues of .

This Guofa [2022] No. 2 document mentions in accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system led by the digital economy that Guizhou will be supported in leveraging the advantages of the origin and main production area of ​​ Chishui River sauce-flavor liquor to build An important liquor production base in the country.

The document also stated that the country will build a western development comprehensive reform demonstration zone, involving deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises and state-owned assets. The document points out that the state will support and guide Guizhou to promote strategic reorganization and professional integration of state-owned enterprises focusing on their main responsibilities and main businesses, adjust and revitalize existing assets, optimize incremental capital allocation, and steadily promote the reform of the marketing system of liquor enterprises.

Liquor is one of the pillar industries in Guizhou. The 2022 Guizhou Provincial Government Work Report has proposed that Guizhou will concentrate its efforts on the industry and continuously enhance the momentum of economic growth. We will thoroughly implement the industrial doubling action and the "four major actions" of the tourism industry, promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial chain, create industrial clusters with competitive advantages, and consolidate and enhance characteristic and advantageous industries. Strengthen the management and control and ecological protection of the Chishui River Basin production areas, promote the transformation and upgrading of small and medium-sized liquor companies in accordance with the "three batches", and build a fleet of Guizhou Maotai-flavor liquor brands led by Moutai . Develop and expand large-scale enterprises. Support industry leading enterprises to become bigger and stronger and enhance their core competitiveness and driving force.

This means that sauce wine companies will benefit. Liquor industry expert and general manager of Zhiqu Consulting Cai Xuefei said:

"The introduction of the "Opinions" shows that the country supports the construction of the main sauce wine production areas, mainly Maotai, from the policy level. It affirms the current construction work of the main sauce wine production area in the Chishui River Basin of Maotai Town, which will also promote the development of the entire Chinese sauce wine industry with the Chishui River Basin as the core."

With the current round of sauce wine boom. Spread, local sauce wine companies and other flavor companies have invested in the sauce wine market, selecting the best from the best, what remains unchanged is the advantage of the core production areas. Favorable policies will promote the creation and construction of the "core area of ​​the world's sauce-flavor liquor industry base" within the Chishui River Basin.

The Maotai-flavor liquor owned by China Guijiu Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as China Guijiu Group), a fine wine chain partner, relies on the core production area of ​​Chishui River in Maotai Town. It pursues excellent quality control and high benchmark brewing standards, and strongly launches high-end quality brands. "Sixteenth Generation", its series of products use unique attributes to provide consumers with high-quality, safe and secure Maotai-flavor liquor.

The internal competition of Maotai wine in the future must be based on the scale competition in the core production areas of Maotai Town, Renhuai, Guizhou and Chishui River. The core production areas are scarce, coupled with the complex ancient production process of Maotai-flavor liquor, the brewing cycle of Maotai-flavor liquor is long, and it takes 5-10 years to have its own unique style of wine, which further contributes to the scarcity of high-quality Maotai liquor. Quality and strength will be the core competitiveness of Maotai wine brands.

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