What changes are happening in the hotpot industry? How to implement the founder's IP creation? What changes have occurred in consumer behavior? What is the logic behind product iteration? ...Today, Mr. Fang Jian summarized the essence shared by the guests of the cloud summit "Sec

What changes are happening in the hot pot industry? How to implement the founder's IP creation of


What changes have occurred in consumer behavior? What is the logic behind

product iteration?


Today, Mr. Fian Jian summarized the essence shared by the guests of the cloud summit "Second Half, Hot Pot "Boiling" Plan" and made progress together with everyone.

No. 154 issue

article | Tianguo

About customer insights

. The unit price of hot pot customers is rising year by year, 50-80 yuan is the mainstream, and hot pot is still a traffic business.

. SKUs in the industry have increased overall, and SKUs in individual stores have been iterating steadily. In the post-product era, it shows the characteristics of SKU enhanced regionalization, anti-attack appearance, cross-border "robbery"; SKU scene-based and other characteristics.

. The 260 million Generation Z has become a new force and will be the most important consumer group in my country in the next ten years. Only by understanding the pursuits of Generation Z can we better connect with customers.

. Small-town youth (a group of post-90s youth living in third-tier and below cities) have money and leisure, and have become stocks with consumption potential in the sinking market.

▲Live broadcast screenshot

. my country’s economic situation has developed from a spindle to a dumbbell shape. The hot pot industry is polarized. The elite prefer mid-to-high-end hot pot or high-end hot pot, with an average price of more than 180 yuan.

6. The "her economy" market has exceeded 10 trillion, which is equivalent to the "third largest economy in the world." "Her" three consumption characteristics are: is stuck in "appearance control" and is loyal to sharing; impulse consumption is "her" weakness; "foodie" attribute, loves to "try new things" .

7. The share of non-spicy hot pot is rising, health preservation has become a trend, and niche flavors are beginning to be valued. The hot pot market may usher in a new round of product upgrades, and the expanded market may become a bonus outlet for downstream catering stores.

▲No spicy hot pot picture from the Internet

8, self-pleasure is prevalent, and consumer pursuits range from cost-effectiveness to "price-performance ratio" . Consumption 1.0: affordable products; Consumption 2.0: the appearance of the product becomes the second focus; Consumption 3.0: the value of the product to "self".

9. China’s single population has reached 240 million, and the number of people living alone has exceeded 92 million. The single population has driven the “one-person economy” and “eating for one person” has become a consumption hot spot.

0. Those who win the young people win the world, and the new traffic platform has become a marketing center. Various social platforms such as Douyin , Kuaishou, Bilibili, and video accounts have become brand planting sites.

About the founder’s IP

1. Building the founder’s IP is something that every founder needs to do. You must have a dialogue with yourself and accept both good-sounding and negative fans.

2. Before entering the game, first recognize the value that short videos can bring, recognize the value, and then pay (time, manpower), and consider the internal motivations clearly before doing it.

3, "Content is king", think from the perspective of needs (users + yourself), and then select topics after clarifying the fan portrait. The clearer the portrait, the better it will be done.

4, , don’t be bound by traffic, , accurate fans and traffic are the way to go.

Liu Yishou Sister Mei’s TikTok screenshot

5. How to take TikTok photos of restaurants? Take pictures of the environment, the team, and the dishes. What you are familiar with, what your industry is familiar with, and what the audience wants to hear, the three combined into one, is the content direction you are pursuing.

6. In the early stage of setting up an account, DOU+ plays a great role. Let me share a formula: total traffic - paid traffic - basic traffic = overflowing natural traffic = your income from investing in DOU+.

7. If your need is to increase store sales, must amplify the core competitiveness of the store, and use Douyin as a magnifying glass to use . For example, the spirit of the staff, the way the food is served, the dining atmosphere, the customers' meals (the customers may not want to take pictures), etc.

8. Don’t be in a hurry when doing Douyin. When others swipe you quickly, it means that you are not the “user”’s cup of tea.

9. Internet celebrity is a flower without roots. If a flower without roots no longer blooms and does not develop a root system, it is likely to be short-lived.

0. Practicing internal strength is the best way. Cutting leeks will only hurt yourself.

1, chain is to connect feelings and lock interests. If wants to do a good job in the chain, it needs the brand to build up its internal strength, develop a good foundation, and build a good system.

2. We have been talking about the "pearl strategy": all franchisees are pearls, and we use gold threads to connect them into pearl necklaces.

About product/scenario innovation

3. Product strength = continuous product iteration capability + R&D capability + supply chain capability. How does

product iterate? According to the general menu framework, the main products are developed in depth, and other products are updated regularly. For example, our main products are hot pot fish . Based on the green peppercorn flavor, we have developed fish with different flavors. Other Sichuan dishes and snacks are updated according to seasons and fashion trends.

▲Eat Chengdu Green Pepper Hot Pot Fish

4. R&D should be based on the consumer side. What we develop must be grounded. We must not only dare to imagine wildly, but also have someone to implement it.

5, standard products + semi-standard products + store reprocessed may be the future application trend of catering dishes. In the middle, standardization and fireworks must be balanced.

6. Two changes are clearly felt on the consumer side. One is the downgrade of consumption to . In the past, consumers could only eat 100, but now they can only eat 70 or 80; second, the preferences of consumers are changing day by day in (previously) (measured in years), how to catch up with consumers is a headache.

7. The characteristics of girls are: play, buy, and share. Pink is the color that shows goodwill to girls and is also the emotional bond between the brand and customers.

8. The more popular the decoration, the harder it spreads.

9. In addition to meals, we want to build a place that integrates social, entertainment and leisure functions, and continuously provide customers with social currency.


0 and scenes are actually a social currency and social platform , which have gradually become a gathering place for specific circles (Hanfu, jk, two-dimensional, script killing, etc.).

1. Whatever you like, we will try it and keep walking on the road of innovation.

2. When creating a scene, you will ask, will young people like the new style? When the answer is yes, we will have an in-depth discussion, will it look good for young people to take photos here?

About Talent/ Private Domain

3. In the future, the development of catering chains is irreversible.

At different stages of enterprise development, the key points of concern are also different: in the early stage of enterprise development, we must pay attention to the market, how to make products and marketing, and business expansion; in the expansion period of enterprise development, organizational capabilities become the key to life and death, and the cultivation of talents and organizational development into the core.

4. Two major tests for chain development: the effectiveness of store modeling and the effectiveness of scale replication .

5. When you reach 8~10 stores, you should start to focus on talent building and standardization.

6. Two major projects for chain restaurants: building stores in and building people in .

7. Store building: flagship store, standard store, training store, test store, future store (five functional stores for chain development).

8. Creating people: Different chain types have different talent models. Different store models and different development stages also correspond to different talent models. Each store has different functions and has different requirements for talents. The underlying logic of

9 and as a private domain is "advertising".

0. First consider clearly what is the value of being a member? It must have value to survive.

1, traffic, talent system, and supply chain, these three constraints surround any brand.

2. Starting a business is about doing, learning and fighting. Founders must constantly sense innovation on the front lines and then act immediately.

3. Talent system, , the first is performance, the second is PK, first select people, and then demonstrate the results. It is very important to be able to find and select the right people. The results are achieved in practice, and the generals are the ones who produce them.

4. We do not store value when opening a new store. Stored value can easily affect the adjustment and optimization of the new store model.

5. In the final analysis, catering is a matter of granularity of management details. The smaller the granularity of , the easier it is to manage; the finer the management, the better the customer experience.

Finally, I would like to quote Liu Mei’s three sentences to encourage all colleagues: endure , day after day, concentrate, concentrate, and single-mindedly, only then can you become an expert; learn , keep pace with the times and continue Learning and innovation, from theory to practice, we must continue to learn; determines , strengthen ourselves, strengthen our beliefs, and act firmly.