These ingredients don't expire, so stock up on them when you need them. Just soak them in cold water and stir them with chopsticks, and you won't have to worry about cooking in the summer. In the scorching hot summer, although you may lose your appetite, you still have to eat wel

These ingredients do not expire, so stock up on them when needed, soak them in cold water and stir them with chopsticks, and you will have no worries about cooking in the summer.

In the hot summer, although you have a loss of appetite, you still have to eat well. At this time, it is not recommended that you eat too spicy and greasy food. At this time, I recommend that your friends stock up on it at home. I only encounter it every time at the vegetable market. When I arrive, I will always stock up more without hesitation, because these ingredients are not afraid of expiration. Even if you don’t want to go out in the hot summer, stock up on more at home. It will be the first choice ingredient for both wine and meals.

The reason why this ingredient does not expire is because it is a dried vegetable ingredient. They have been dried and dehydrated, so they can have the title of not expired. It is actually an ingredient we often eat - yuba shreds. It is essentially the same as yuba, but the difference is that yuba is wrapped with bean tendons and has the same shape as bamboo , while yuba shreds are made directly from bean tendons. cut into strips. So what I am sharing today is the specific recipe of cold shredded yuba:

cold shredded yuba

All ingredients: shredded yuba, garlic, green onions, a spoonful of chili noodles, a little cooking oil, a little edible salt, two spoons of light soy sauce, A spoonful of balsamic vinegar, a spoonful of oyster sauce, a small spoonful of white sugar, and a spoonful of white sesame seeds.

Step 1: Wash the purchased yuba under running water, then put the shredded yuba into a large bowl, and then put it in the bowl Add an appropriate amount of cold boiled water to it, then soak it for about 3 minutes, then take it out and drain it, and set aside.

Step 2: Pick and wash the shallots, then chop the green onions with a knife, peel the garlic, mince the garlic with a knife, and then put the chopped ingredients into a plate and set aside.

Step 3: Take an empty bowl, put minced garlic, a spoonful of chili noodles and a spoonful of white sesame seeds in the bowl, then heat the oil in the pot, when the oil is hot and smoking, pour the hot oil on top of the ingredients in the bowl , stimulate the aroma of the ingredients, then stir thoroughly with chopsticks and set aside.

Step 4: Then add two spoons of light soy sauce, one spoon of balsamic vinegar, one spoon of oyster sauce, a little salt and a small spoon of sugar to the bowl, then stir thoroughly with chopsticks and set aside.

Step 5: Put the drained yuba shreds and chopped green onions into an empty bowl, then pour the prepared soul sauce on top of the ingredients in the bowl, then stir thoroughly with chopsticks, and serve on a plate . This cold yuba shredded dish is ready. It’s simple, delicious, refreshing and appetizing. Try it now! Are you still worried about not being able to eat when you have such a cold dish?

CD tip: For this cold yuba shredded dish, remember not to soak it in boiling water. Just soak it in cold water for about 3 minutes and it’s done!

Everyone has seen this. Thank you for your hard work. First of all, thank you for your love. Thank you for your continued support and reading! I am a disc eater. I will cook every delicacy of my own with my heart and share the delicacies with everyone. Thank you again for the fans' love!