Broccoli is definitely a very nutritious and healthy ingredient. Many nutrition experts recommend that everyone eat broccoli regularly, because eating a little broccoli regularly is better for our bodies. Today I would like to share with you a very different new way to eat brocco

Broccoli is definitely a very nutritious and healthy food. Many nutrition experts recommend that everyone eat broccoli regularly, because eating a little broccoli regularly is better for our bodies. Today I would like to share with you a very different new way to eat broccoli. This way of cooking broccoli is not only very simple, but also delicious, nutritious and healthy. If you are also interested in this, then let’s take a look at the detailed cooking steps of a new way to eat broccoli.

[New ways to eat broccoli]

[Cooking ingredients] Broccoli, salt, flour, tomatoes, garlic, ginger, eggs, cooking oil, light soy sauce, sugar

[Cooking steps]

1, The broccoli produced in this way is It is very delicious, and its preparation is very simple and easy to make. It tastes very nutritious and healthy. Next, let’s prepare this new way of eating broccoli. First prepare an appropriate amount of broccoli, then an appropriate amount of salt, 200 grams of flour, one tomato, 5 cloves of garlic, a piece of ginger, and two eggs. Just the right amount of cooking oil, light soy sauce and sugar.

2, First take out the broccoli we prepared, then take out the scissors, use scissors to cut the broccoli into small florets, put them into a large bowl, then put an appropriate amount of water into the bowl, and add Wash the broccoli with an appropriate amount of salt and flour. The salt has the effect of sterilization and disinfection, while the flour can absorb dirt. Using salt and flour can wash the broccoli very clean.

3, Next, we use scissors to cut the broccoli into mince, leaving the rhizome, then add a little salt to the broccoli mince, stir them evenly, then add 200 grams of flour, continue to stir evenly, and pour Add appropriate amount of water, stir it into a paste, and set aside. Then take out the prepared tomatoes, clean them first, then remove the roots and chop them into cubes.

4, Put the chopped tomatoes into a plate and set aside. Next, we take out the garlic, peel it, cut it into minced garlic, and cut the ginger into minced ginger. After cutting, put it into a plate and set aside. Cut the rhizome of broccoli. Cut it too, and put it on a plate after cutting and set aside.

5, Let's prepare a small bowl. Crack the two prepared eggs into the bowl. Use chopsticks to stir them thoroughly. After stirring, put them aside. Next, take out the wok and put them in the wok. Pour in an appropriate amount of cooking oil. When the oil is hot, pour in the egg liquid and stir-fry until cooked. Take it out of the pan and set aside. Add oil to the pan again, then add ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant. Add tomatoes and stir-fry. Stir fry.

6, After adding the tomatoes, we add an appropriate amount of salt to it, add the broccoli stems, and continue to stir-fry the chopped eggs. After frying, we turn off the heat and set it aside for later use. Heat the water in the pot, ladle in the batter, put it into the pot and cook it. Use a spatula to stir it to prevent it from sticking together. After it is cooked, take it out and put it in a bowl. Put the tomato and egg juice into the bowl and stir it. Ready to eat.


1. Broccoli should be chopped a little.

2. The addition of various seasonings must be done according to your own taste.

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