The weather has been getting hotter and hotter recently. Summer has passed for more than a month, and we have entered the scorching heat. Different from other seasons, summer is the hottest. Not only does energy consumption accelerate, but appetite is also getting worse. As a fam

The weather has been getting hotter and hotter recently. Summer has passed for more than a month, and we have entered the scorching heat. Different from other seasons, summer is the hottest. Not only does energy consumption accelerate, but appetite is also getting worse. As a family of three, our children usually eat at school. If we, a couple, are at home, we can only deal with it briefly without eating too much. The children have just gone on summer vacation, and they are very picky. Three meals a day should not be too sloppy. Only meat and vegetable dishes and various delicious dishes should be prepared to make the children's appetite better and better. My family must have a tough dish for dinner. I’m tired of eating pork and beef. Today I’m going to share my family’s dinner appetizer - fried tripe with onions and peppers. It’s usually 68 per plate in restaurants. In fact, it costs less than 30 yuan. Learn how to give it to your family to try. , let’s take a look at the detailed cooking steps. In summer, if conditions permit, don’t forget to serve this dish to your family. It’s both satisfying and appetizing. No matter how expensive it is, it’s worth it.

[Details of how to stir-fry tripe with onions and peppers]

Ingredients selection: Buy about 400 grams of high-quality tripe (tripe is a popular ingredient in summer, more expensive than pork, and has a very smooth taste. Tripe can be served cold or braised Eat or stir-fry, it tastes very satisfying), buy half a fresh onion (I personally prefer strong flavors, choose half a purple onion, which can color the dishes and stimulate our appetite), two red peppers, a few A handful of peppercorns, a handful of Sichuan peppercorns, a few cloves of garlic, a little vegetable oil, a few dried chili peppers, a few slices of ginger, an appropriate amount of water, a little cooking wine, a spoonful of light soy sauce, half a spoonful of white sugar, a little salt, half a spoonful of chicken essence, water A small bowl of starch, half a spoonful of pepper, and other condiments.

Specific cooking steps:

Step 1: Buy high-quality tripe and some side dishes. Wash the tripe in cold water in advance, remove excess parts, and cut the tripe into long strips.

Step 2: Add an appropriate amount of cold water to the bottom of the pot, add some shredded tripe, add a little cooking wine, blanch the tripe for a few minutes, this can achieve the effect of removing the fishy smell, the tripe tastes very chewy, put it in cold water Soak, drain, and set aside.

Step 3: Peel some garlic, cut the garlic into some minced garlic, wash the peppercorns and set aside, tear off the stale skin of the onion, and cut the onion into thin strips.

Step 4: Wash the green peppers and red peppers respectively, remove the stems and flesh, cut into some thin strips, prepare a small bowl of water starch in advance, prepare shredded tripe and side dishes, start cooking this fried tripe with onions and peppers .

Step 5: Add some vegetable oil to the bottom of the pot, add some minced garlic and Sichuan peppercorns, stir-fry out the fragrance of the minced garlic, add the blanched shredded tripe, and stir-fry quickly over high heat.

Step 6: Add a spoonful of light soy sauce and dark soy sauce, add some shredded onions and peppers, stir-fry the side dishes until cooked through, add a small spoonful of sugar, and season with a little salt.

Step 7: Add a little chicken essence and pepper, pour in a little water starch, simmer for about 2 minutes, stir-fry a few times quickly to reduce the juice, and remove from the pan. This stir-fried tripe with onions and peppers is complete.

​ Stir-fried tripe with onions and peppers is my husband’s favorite dish to go with wine. The tripe is very flavourful, spicy and appetizing. There are several kinds of side dishes. The color is very beautiful and smells very fragrant. It is very popular with the family. , super delicious.

In summer, if conditions permit, eat less pork and more of it. Pork tripe Try frying it like this. Have you learned the cooking skills of this fried tripe with onions and peppers? (All pictures come from the Internet)