Introduction: In summer, leeks and cucumbers are put on the sidelines, and dumplings made with them are more delicious! It's tender and juicy, delicious and not greasy. It's a shame not to know how to eat it! As the saying goes, "The smoke of firework in the world is the most soo

Introduction: In summer, leeks and cucumbers are put on the back burner. Use them to make dumplings! It's tender and juicy, delicious and not greasy. It's a shame not to know how to eat it!

As the saying goes, "The smoke of firework in the world is the most soothing to the human heart." Firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea, three meals a day correspond to the four seasons. The food carrying the smoke of firework is the most soothing to the human heart. Hello everyone, I am Xiaofeng. As the old saying goes: "Leeks in June stink to death." In June, leeks are no longer fresh. In our northern region, the main vegetables are eggplant, beans, and . They are fresh and nutritious in season. Eggplant was called eggplant in ancient times. "Cheese cake" originated from the ancient country of Tianzhu and was introduced to China in the fourth or fifth century. Therefore, the ancients said that "it is as beautiful as cheese cake, as fragrant as butter, and as delicious as agate." It can be seen that eggplant has been deeply rooted in people's hearts since ancient times.

Eggplants in summer are particularly cheap, nutritious and delicious. They can be steamed, stir-fried, stewed, fried or made into stuffings. There are literally hundreds of ways to eat them, and hundreds of flavors, no matter which one you eat. All kinds of ways to eat them are very delicious. It is one of the few purple vegetables. It is rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, solanine, calcium, potassium, iron and other trace elements necessary for the human body. It has the functions of softening blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, and clearing the body's The free radical has the functions of removing spots and wrinkles, delaying skin aging, etc.

When it comes to how to eat eggplant, everyone will unconsciously think of the sentence "If you love it, give it oil." This is enough to show how much eggplant loves oil and absorbs oil. Nowadays, people's life and health concepts emphasize " "Less oil", what should I do? How to balance the relationship between the two? Don’t worry, today we will share a delicious and less oily way to make it, it is fragrant, juicy and not greasy! That is to use eggplant to make dumplings. It is healthy, nutritious and delicious. Come and have a look!

1. Summer eggplants grow naturally, with basically no human intervention, so there is no need to peel them. Just clean them, remove the heads and tails, and then grate them into shreds with a grater. Chop the grated eggplant shreds a few times with a knife. Because the eggplant will be fried later, don't chop it too finely, otherwise the dumplings will be too soft after being wrapped, and the taste will not be good. It will be a bit grainy and enjoyable to eat! Some people are afraid that water will come out when making eggplant dumplings, so they will marinate them with salt before making them. This will cause the loss of nutrients. My family does not need to marinate the eggplant filling dumplings, and they will not produce water.

2. Soybean paste and eggplant are the best partners. Adding soybean paste is the key to delicious eggplant dumplings, and the soybean paste must be deep-fried until fragrant before the filling is mixed. Even the oil sauce and eggplant filling are mixed together, it is extremely fragrant. Got it! Specific method: add oil to the pan, add 2 tablespoons of bean paste when the oil temperature is 50% hot, stir-fry the sauce until fragrant, then add the eggplant, stir-fry the eggplant until soft, then turn off the heat and serve.

3. Take a piece of pork belly and chop it into meat filling. It is best to chop the pork filling yourself. Do not buy ready-made, especially in summer when there are many flies. Chop it yourself and eat with confidence! , and I feel that the meat minced by myself tastes better and chewier than the minced meat. Add an appropriate amount of salt, chopped green onion, pepper, light soy sauce, and sesame oil to the minced meat filling, stir evenly, and marinate for 15 minutes to fully absorb the flavor of the meat filling. Eggplant loves oil, so it must be paired with pork belly. It will not taste dry. It's fragrant but not greasy, fresh and juicy.

4. Finally, put the fried eggplant into the marinated meat filling, add a little more chopped green onion, and stir evenly, so that the delicious and juicy eggplant dumpling filling is ready.

In summer, leeks and cucumbers are put aside. It is really delicious to make dumplings with them. That is eggplant. It is fresh and delicious, delicious and not greasy. It tastes fragrant. If you have never tried it, try it now. I'm Xiaofeng. I like the food Xiaofeng shares. Don't forget to follow Foodie Fengzi! Thank you for your support, thank you for meeting~

This article was originally written by Fengzi, a foodie. Welcome to follow and communicate with you, so that everyone can benefit. If we are three people, we must have a teacher~