How to cook duck meat is not good. According to this method, the duck meat is tender and delicious.

How to make duck meat is not firewood, let me teach you how to make duck meat!


duck meat 1 rice wine (or white wine, cooking wine) 2 tablespoons light soy sauce, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, half a tablespoon of ginger, 6 slices of garlic, 5 cloves of starch, water, half a bowl of salt, right amount of star anise (can be added or not), 1 sugar ( Or rock sugar) half a spoon of white pepper and a little bit of

homemade stewed duck

1, slice ginger, remove the shell with garlic, clean the star anise (the star anise can be added or not.)

2, duck meat, add two slices of ginger, a little cooking wine blanch Water, and then clean it for later use.

3. Heat the pan, add a proper amount of cooking oil, pour the duck meat, and fry the water over medium heat.

4, reduce the heat and add ginger and garlic to stir fry until the duck is golden on both sides.

5. Cook two spoons of rice wine (or white wine or cooking wine) along the side of the pot. When the wine tastes out, add half a spoon of sugar (or rock sugar) and stir quickly.

6, add two spoonfuls of light soy sauce, half a spoonful of dark soy sauce, stir fry quickly, then cook a spoonful of vinegar along the side of the pot and stir quickly. (If you like to eat slightly sour duck meat, add two spoons of vinegar. If you don’t like it, add a spoon of vinegar.)

7. Pour in hot water, put the star anise in it, sprinkle a little white pepper, and bring it to a boil. Turn down the heat, cover the pot and simmer until you like it. (The specific time depends on the taste you like. I will stew it for about half an hour.)

8, you can cut some green onions and soak in water to roll, or you can directly cut green onion or coriander for decoration, or not add it. ……Z2z

9, starch + water = starch water, spare.

10. When the time is almost the same, open the lid and remove the star anise. If you eat garlic and ginger, you can also put it on the plate. If you don’t eat it, don’t remove it. Taste the taste, add appropriate amount of salt to adjust to your favorite taste, stir it, cover the pot and simmer for about five minutes.

11, open the lid, stir the water starch, then pour it along the side of the pot, stir with a spatula, keep it on a medium-to-low heat, turn it over with a spatula from time to time, and simmer until the soup thickens. (Don’t have too much firepower, just a little bit bigger than the small fire. If you can’t grasp it, use a low fire and slowly reduce it...)

12. The soup is thick. Just use chopsticks to remove the duck. Put the meat on the plate and pour the soup.

13, sprinkle onion shreds and finish.

14, very delicious...