Does hair cake always fail? Learn 5 key points, fluffy, soft, not sticky, and not collapsed

Hair cakes are actually a bit like Chinese "cakes", but they are not complete cakes. Some hair cakes do not use eggs, such as corn hair cakes and rice hair cakes. It tastes soft and sweet, and a bite is full of happiness. My family often eats it as a staple food. However, the soft hair cake looks simple, but there are several key points to be mastered in order to be successful. I have also gone through many practice and comparisons before I can make the perfect hair cake.

Even if you have mastered the key points, temperature, fermentation and production methods are also very critical. It requires constant practice and practice to get better and better. Don't be discouraged. The principle of making hair cake is somewhat similar to that of cake, because it also needs a certain amount of support to keep the hair cake from collapsing, growing tall, and having a certain elasticity; but the difference is that there is a step in which is "Fermentation" , This is also the secret of making hair cakes produce bubbles and aromas. I like the fermented taste very much. Different ingredients have different fermented aromas, and they turn into different flavored rice cakes.

I experienced a lot of failures in the initial process of making hair cakes. I also changed the formula more than a dozen times. Finally, I can easily make hair cakes. Let me share with you a method of making hair cakes. It will write about the key points and difficulties of a variety of technology production, as long as you have learned it, you can draw inferences and make your own favorite flavors of rice cakes!

is already late autumn, the temperature is getting lower and lower, today I will share with you-the recipe of brown sugar hair cake, eating it makes the body warm and very comfortable.


plain flour 320g

2 eggs

warm water 240g


brown sugar 10g04da#

Yeast 4g

[Making Tools]

8-inch cake mold

[Production method]

1, recipe The temperature of the warm water should not exceed 35 degrees. Take a little out of it to melt the yeast. (Note: Too high water temperature will cause the yeast to be scalded to death. It must not exceed 35 degrees. Try it by hand without a thermometer, and the temperature of the body temperature is enough. Just stir and melt the yeast.)

2 Pour the white sugar and brown sugar into the remaining warm water and stir slowly until all are melted. (Note: Because I don’t like the taste of brown sugar, a certain proportion of white sugar is used, and the taste of white sugar is more sweet. If you like brown sugar, you can use all brown sugar, and there is no limit to the temperature of warm water here, but it is making When making cakes, be sure to cool the prepared sugar water to below 35 degrees to avoid burning the yeast.)

3. Add 2 eggs in the sugar water and beat with a whisk When the egg mixture is uniform, pour in the freshly made yeast water, then sieve the flour with a sieve, and beat with a whisk until the batter is smooth and no particles. (Note: Do not over-whip the batter, otherwise the hair cake will not grow high after the gluten is added. The whipping time is controlled within half a minute. If there is no whisk, use chopsticks or hold a whisk until the batter has no particles. Yes, the effect is the same. Both low-gluten flour and medium-gluten flour are acceptable, and no hard requirements are required.)

4. Pour the prepared batter into the cake mold, cover the lid, and ferment until it reaches The fermentation step is completed when the mold is 8 minutes full. (Note: The fermentation temperature is about 35 degrees, and it can be completed in 1 hour. The amount of the recipe is the amount of the 8-inch cake mold, and the fermentation to 8 minutes full means that the fermentation has been completed. Pour the paste into the mold, Brush the mold with a layer of tasteless vegetable oil, which is convenient to take out when it is steamed, otherwise it will stick to the mold.)

5. After the fermentation step is completed, put your favorite red dates, raisins, walnuts and other dried fruits on the surface, and put them in a steamer together with molds, pot in cold water, steam on high heat, steam to SAIC and steam for another half an hour, then Turn off the heat and simmer for another 5 minutes. Finally, it's ok. (Note: The cold water pot can help the steamed cake continue to ferment and grow taller. The reason for turning off the heat and then simmering for 5 minutes is because the temperature drops sharply and the skin is easily broken after steaming. When the temperature gradually stabilizes, the skin The texture will also be stable, so it’s not easy to break the skin.)

This way the steamed cake is made. The resulting steamed cake has a non-sticky texture, uniform bubbles and elasticity, and has a taste like steamed cake. good to eat.

——Technical Tips:

1. Because of the influence of temperature and mold and other factors, there will be more or less top cracking problems. Don’t be afraid of the steaming process. Cracking in the top part is not a criterion for judging the quality of the cake.

2. The amount of sugar in the formula is not necessary. If you don’t like sweetness, you can reduce the amount of sugar or use sugar. As long as you master the above 5 key steps, even if sugar is not used, it will not affect the texture of the cake .

3. If sugar is used, it is recommended to use "High-sugar-resistant yeast" , sugar itself will also make the fermentation state faster, so that the batter is completed faster and better, but it is not necessary of.

4. Regarding whether baking powder must be used. As long as the above five key steps are done well, it is completely possible to omit the baking powder. If you have a habit of baking powder, it is recommended to use aluminum-free baking powder for healthier.

5. Under-steaming, poor fermentation, over-fermentation, or over-steaming will cause the problem of "collapse", so we need to find out the reasons in many aspects during the production process.

—— Summary of "Jiang Yiyu Said"

After learning the above key points of making, and practicing proficiency, mastering the state of the cake and the temperature and time, You can learn by analogy to unlock more flavored cakes.

I also like to increase the flour content of steamed cakes, which taste more like soft steamed buns. Take corn steamed cakes as an example. Add a certain proportion of corn flour to the batter, add less than the previous formula, and knead it into a dough. Form into a dough, put it in a mold, ferment at about 35 degrees to double its volume, and use the method of steaming brown sugar to make a cake. The flavor and taste are completely different. Including rice cakes, the production method is the same, but the recipe is different.

As long as you master the above tips, you can quickly become a cake maker!

(The above articles are original and refused to be reprinted without permission)

I am Jiang Yiyu, I like to eat delicious food, I also like to cook, I like to share food practices and answers Food issues, sharing food life, pay attention to my headlines, let's discuss food together!