Make radish dumplings, remember not to kill and blanch the water, otherwise the firewood will not be nutritious, teach you the correct way

The so-called "dumplings are not as delicious as dumplings". For northerners, dumplings are the most frequently occurring food, whether in daily life or during festivals. I remember when I was a child, in winter, all kinds of fresh vegetables were scarce, and the family had to wrap dumplings every three to five. At that time, the ingredients were mostly cabbage, cabbage pork stuffing, or cabbage fried tofu stuffing, or Stuffing with cabbage and chives. In addition to cabbage, it is radish filling, white radish, green radish, yellow radish . It can be said that for a long time, the dumpling filling in my impression is equal to radish and cabbage.

Now life is good, all kinds of fresh vegetables are available throughout the year, and the fillings of dumplings are also rich. But in the autumn and winter, the most greedy is the radish dumplings and radish lamb , Radish beef, radish pork, meat and vegetables, the unique aroma of radish can cover the fishy smell of various meats, the filling is oily but not greasy, and the fragrance is not weak. Now my family eats this filling most often NS.

To make dumplings with radish stuffing, kill or blanch? Radish is rich in water and contains mustard oil, which gives it a natural spicy taste. Therefore, when people use radishes to make fillings, they must find ways to remove excess water and spiciness. Some people blanch the water and others put salt to kill the water. However, these two operations often make the finished radish fillings taste bad and lose their nutrition. Today, I will share with you my family’s customary practices. The radish fillings that I tuned out are tender but not firewood, and no nutrition is lost. Let’s take a look!

Ingredients: 1 large green radish, 300g pork, appropriate amount of green onion and ginger, appropriate amount of edible oil, salt, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 300g flour, 1 egg

1. Before filling , First come to mix the flour, pour the flour into the basin, beat 1 egg, add 2 grams of salt, stir the egg liquid, mix it with the flour, and then continue to pour in warm water.Mix the dough until it is medium soft and hard, then cover it and let it rest for about 30 minutes.

2. Cut off the head and tail of the radish, then wash it, cut it in half, and then continue to divide it into quarters, and rub it into filaments on a grater.

3. Use gauze to squeeze out the water in the radish shreds. Be careful not to squeeze it to absolute dryness. Keep some, otherwise the radish filling will be very hard.

4. Add salt to the pork and scrub it, dry it, and cut it into smaller pieces and place it in a meat grinder. Then pour out and put in a large bowl for later use.

Pour cooking oil into the pot to heat, add the green onion and ginger to fry until fragrant, then pick out the ginger slices. Continue to add the light soy sauce and stir fry for a fragrant flavor. After letting cool a little, pour into the meat filling and stir well.

5. Finally, put the prepared radish filling into the meat filling, add an appropriate amount of salt, and continue to stir evenly, so that the meat filling and the radish shreds are mixed together, and the radish filling is delicious. It's adjusted.

6. Take out the dough, put it on the cutting board, and knead it for a while with the strength of the root of the palm, so that the dough will be more delicate and chewy. Then it is further made into a dumpling agent, and rolled into a thicker middle and thinner edge. Just make dumplings according to your own habits.

[Little Jasmine has something to say]

1. Dumplings filled with radish,Do not add salt to kill the water. This is because a large part of the water in the radish will separate out during the process of rubbing into filaments. We only need to squeeze out these, and there will be no water when it is wrapped, and it will be squeezed out. When the water is hydrated, the spicy flavor in the radish is also taken away, so there is no need to blanch it.

2. When kneading the noodles, add salt and beaten eggs to increase the flexibility of the flour. The dumplings made from such bread are not easy to boil, and the texture is softer and more nutritious.

3. When is cooking dumplings , put the water in the pot after boiling. After boiling again, add a small bowl of clean water and repeat the operation twice, so that the cooked dumpling skin is not broken.

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