Buying crucian carp is not the bigger the better, the old fisherman teaches you to choose, the meat is tender and delicious, and the soup is delicious.

Speaking of crucian carp, I believe everyone is familiar with it. Whether it is in the north or the north, crucian carp is very popular. The price is affordable and the meat is tender. Whether it is braised or soup, it is a very good choice, especially for soup. , crucian carp soup with creamy white soup color and rich flavor will make people appetite when they smell it.

After the fall, the weather turns cooler and the air becomes dry. At this time, you can often eat family crucian carp soup, which is nutritious and nourishing, and the key taste is very good. If you want crucian carp soup to be delicious, in addition to the skill of boiling the soup, the selection of crucian carp is also very important. If you can't choose the right crucian carp, the taste of the crucian carp soup will not be delicious enough and there will be fishy smell.

I went fishing some time ago. The editor and an old fisherman learned some experience in selecting crucian carp. I will share with you below.

1. It depends on the size

. When many friends buy crucian, they think that the bigger the crucian, the better, but this is not the case. If it is used for soup, it is better to be about half a catty in size. The meat of this size is better. It is tender and smelly, so the soup will not have any fishy smell; if it is used for braising, you can choose a slightly larger crucian carp, about a catty is more suitable, after all, if the fish is too small, eat it. There is not much meat, because braising requires a lot of deodorizing seasoning, even if the larger crucian carp has a heavier smell, it can be hidden by the seasoning.

Choose half a catty of crucian in the soup, and one catty of crucian in braised broth. Different cooking methods and different sizes of crucian.Don't choose the wrong one.

2. Look at the fish eyes

When we buy crucian carp, we all want to buy fresh crucian carp. So how should we tell if the crucian carp is fresh? The simplest and most direct way is to distinguish from the fish eye. Fresh crucian carp fish eyes should be clear and translucent, and there is no congestion or red blood in the fish eyes. If the fish eyes of crucian carp look turbid and opaque, it means that the living environment of the crucian carp is relatively poor or the freshness of the crucian carp is not good, and the possibility of illness is not ruled out.

Third, look at the fish body

There are two colors of crucian carp on the market, one is light yellow to golden, the other is white and black, many friends may be I have never seen golden crucian carp. This crucian carp is generally wild, so it is relatively rare in the market. Golden crucian carp is much better than white crucian in terms of texture and taste. Whether it is golden crucian carp or white crucian carp, we must look at the fish body for damage when purchasing. If the fish body is damaged, it is easy to be infected with bacteria. Such crucian carp is not recommended to buy.

Finally, I will share with you the recipe of the crucian carp soup.

【Crucian Carp Soup】

Ingredients: two carp, a little green onion and ginger, a little salt, a little lard, a little white pepper, and a little chopped green onion.


1. Treat about half a catty of crucian carp cleanly. The black film and blood in the belly of the fish must be removed. These two sources are the main sources of fishy smell. .

2. Add oil to the pot,Soak up the water on the surface of the crucian carp and fry it in the pan. After frying until golden on both sides, add some boiling water, add green onion and ginger, and cook for 10 minutes on high heat. Do not cover the lid during the soup to let the fishy smell of the carp evaporate.

3. Finally turn off the heat, add salt, white pepper, and chopped green onion, and stir well.

The crucian carp soup soup made in this way has a strong fragrance and no smell at all, so it tastes very good.

I am a small crispy meat delicacy. If you like my article, remember to bookmark, like and forward it! If you have any comments and suggestions, you can leave a comment below!
