This year's egg mooncake is the hottest mooncake! Friends are buying, I work out the formula in a week

Egg Moon Cake

Egg Moon Cake is also called thick egg moon cake. Compared with Cantonese moon cake, its taste is closer to that between cake and cookie. Because of the different baking methods, there is no leakage, etc. The problem is that it is a moon cake that is very suitable for beginners, and it is also a very popular item in private houses this year.

For more experienced helpers, you may see the shadow of Taiwanese mooncakes or French cheese mooncakes in the recipe. In fact, yes, the food is the same, just like a bun with a thick and thin crust. There are soup-filled and non-soup-filled ones, so you don’t have to worry about who it is like, just enjoy the food!


# crust #

egg 58g / water syrup 30g / sugar 67g

butter 30g / corn oil 30g / milk 30g

flour 176g / baking 3g / salt 1.5g

# black sesame paste #

lotus seed 65g / sesame 30g / soft white sugar 10g


▼ step 1 _span3 p7pspan2 _span5 p7pspan2 _span5 p7pspan2 img span3 p7pspan2 _span5 p7pspanMix 65g lotus seed paste, 30g sesame paste and 10g soft white sugar evenly. The soft white sugar can be replaced with powdered sugar.

▼ Step 2

is divided into 3 parts, and the rest is divided into 3 parts. For the pie crust, I also used other fillings.

▼ Step 3

g, and then you can make a thick egg syrup and . Invert syrup will also work.

▼ Step 4

to lighten the color with a whisk.

▼ Step 5

Then add 30g of melted corn oil.Corn oil can be replaced with soybean oil or sunflower oil.

▼ Step 6

and 3span low-gluten milk powder, add 30g of low-gluten milk powder, and 3g of . It is not recommended to omit baking powder because the bulkiness will be affected. It is also not recommended to use baking soda instead, as the taste is easy to bitter.

▼ Step 7

and put it in the refrigerator completely with a spatula.

▼ Step 8

span 3span, knead a rounded dough into 12 parts.

▼ Step 9



▼ Step 10

, then rub the filling on the mouth.

▼ Step 11

embryo 3span, and then put it into the flattened cake pattern.

▼ Step 12

7. Bake it in the oven in advance at 180 degrees.

▼ Step 13

Then take it out,Brush a layer of egg liquid and wait for it to dry, then brush the egg liquid a second time.

▼ Step 14

for 7 minutes, then bake the in the oven at 180 degrees.

▼Finished product

The moon cake has a wonderful texture and it’s between the bizarre taste and the burnt cookies!


1. Can I use liquid custard filling?

Yes, the fillings can be arbitrarily matched, but the general principle is that the fillings should be soft and not too hard.

2. It seems that the surface pattern is not very delicate, is this normal?

is normal.Due to the characteristics of the crust, the surface pattern cannot be compared with the exquisiteness of Cantonese mooncakes. If you don’t like it, you don’t need to emboss the pattern. Many egg mooncakes on the market do not have patterns on the surface.

3. Can it be directly pressed into a moon cake mold?

It is not recommended to use mooncake molds for direct shaping, because in this way, it is too much like Cantonese mooncakes, but due to the characteristics of the cake crust, the outline will definitely expand, so it looks like a failed Guang The style of mooncakes is sold on the contrary and not good-looking.

4. If there is no metal mold, can I use a cardboard cup instead?

It is not recommended to use hard paper cups because the thermal conductivity of hard paper cups is far lower than that of metal molds. We empty the paper cups and metal molds together. The paper cups can be taken out with bare hands, but the metal molds are very hot and cannot be held with bare hands. This shows that the paper cups have poor thermal conductivity. Those made with hard paper cups either have insufficient fluffiness or are difficult to bake through.

5. Do you need to return the oil to the egg moon burn and how to save it?

thick egg burn also has oil return. After one day, the crust will be brighter and softer. The storage and packaging method is the same as that of Cantonese moon cakes, and the shelf life is 10 days.
