Suzhou people pay attention to "eating from time to time". Suzhou cuisine is also characterized by seasonal food. It is eaten whenever it comes out. It is made from the fresh ingredients of the season. Even many solar terms customs are related to the season. Food related. On July

2024/07/0214:17:32 food 1947

Suzhou people pay attention to "not eating from time to time". Suzhou cuisine is also characterized by seasonal food. You can eat it whenever it comes out. It is made from the fresh ingredients of the season. Even many solar term customs are related to the season. , related to food.

html July 16th is the first day of Fu. In the north, people eat dumplings and drink mutton soup. But for the old Suzhou people in the south of the Yangtze River, the three things to do before entering Fu are:

Cook lotus porridge , which must be freshly picked lotus. Boil.

Suzhou people pay attention to

Suzhou has a well-developed water system and is a veritable water town. In midsummer, lotus flowers are most common in rivers and lakes. There’s no reason not to use such a beautiful lotus ingredient! Suzhou people like to cook and eat seasonal dishes, so they thought of a summer lotus porridge to eat during the dog days.

Summer is hot and the heat is scorching. Drinking a bowl of lotus porridge is really refreshing, beautifying and relieving the heat in season.

The characteristic of seasonal dishes is freshness. Of course, the lotus porridge must be freshly picked. The preparation of lotus porridge is actually very simple. First, soak the washed fresh lotus flowers and rock sugar together for about 2 to 3 hours. Be sure to brew lotus water, which should smell like lotus. Then use this lotus water to cook porridge. When it comes out of the pot, the whole room will be filled with the fragrance of lotus.

The method of cooking lotus porridge is simple and delicious. You can also try to make it yourself and give it to your family.

When drinking hot fu tea, it must be hot fu tea. Drinking it is more suitable for dissipating heat in summer.

Suzhou people pay attention to

The so-called Fu tea is the tea drank in the dog days of summer. Fu tea is made from more than 10 Chinese herbal medicines including honeysuckle, Prunella vulgaris, licorice. Among them, honeysuckle clears away heat and relieves summer heat, licorice nourishes the spleen and qi, and Ophiopogon japonicus moistens the lungs. Qingxin, these Chinese herbal medicines are very suitable for drinking in the dog days.

In the south of Guangdong, it is also popular to drink Chinese herbal tea in summer, but generally people drink more herbal tea. Nowadays, many people like to have a cup of icy cold drink in the hot summer. In fact, it is a strong irritation to the throat and intestines. In fact, it only feels cool the moment you drink it. The fire in the body heat poison is cold. , but cannot be discharged, resulting in more heat and anger.

Suzhou's Fu tea must be drunk hot, because it has the best effect. You may sweat a little but your body temperature will drop. When talking about Chinese herbal tea, you may think it is very bitter? In fact, fu tea smells refreshing and tastes sweet, but it is not bitter.

Invite three or five friends, find a cool place, drink a cup of fu tea, and talk about life. This is what life should be like!

Sunbathing Ginger Sugar must be sunbathed from entering the sunbath to coming out of the sunbath, covering the entire dog days.

Suzhou people pay attention to

I wonder if you have ever tasted ginger candies? I think Suzhou’s ginger candies taste really good. In the past, old Suzhou people would make fujiang in every household. Every year when the dog days come, people can’t stand the heat, but it’s a good time to dry fujiang.

"Slice or dice the ginger, put it into a glass bottle, place one layer of brown sugar and one layer of ginger overlapping each other, and then press it tightly with your hands. Finally, seal it with the prepared gauze, tie it tightly with a rope, and take it outside where there is sufficient sunlight. After being exposed to the scorching sun, the brown sugar and ginger are fully integrated, and the two are perfectly combined. After drying, they should be sealed and stored. Rinse them with warm water when eating. Edible.

Eat radish in winter Eat ginger in summer. Ginger candy is easy to eat and has the effect of repelling cold and health care. You can also drink a bowl of it when you have a cold. Both adults and children like to eat it. However, nowadays, fewer and fewer people eat ginger. The main reason is that it is too troublesome and no young people are willing to learn or do it.


There are flowers in spring and moonlight in autumn. There is cool breeze in summer and snow in winter. If there is nothing to worry about, it is a good time in the world! The cool breeze is promising, you can have a cup of fu tea, some quick ginger candies, and a small bowl of lotus porridge, wouldn't life be happy?

Suzhou people pay attention to

Suzhou Lotus Pond Moonlight

Now that we have introduced the three Suzhou seasonal entrée, which one do you like the most? Interested in


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