Characteristics of Qinjia Jar Meat: salty, slightly sour taste, tender meat. Ingredients: 100 grams of chicken wing tips, 250 grams of quail eggs, 100 grams of boneless elbows, 20 grams of tomato slices, 50 grams each of red sweet potato jelly and white jelly. Seasoning: 50 grams

2024/07/0204:15:33 food 1685

Characteristics of Qinjia Jar Meat: salty, slightly sour taste, tender meat. Ingredients: 100 grams of chicken wing tips, 250 grams of quail eggs, 100 grams of boneless elbows, 20 grams of tomato slices, 50 grams each of red sweet potato jelly and white jelly. Seasoning: 50 grams - DayDayNews

Qinjia Jar Meat


The taste is salty and slightly sour, and the meat is tender.


chicken wing tips 100g, quail eggs 250g, 100g boneless elbows, 20g tomato slices, 50g each of red sweet potato jelly and white jelly.


50 grams of tomato sauce, 5 grams each of MSG and salt, 1 kilogram of salad oil, 20 grams of fermented glutinous rice water, 3 grams of dark soy sauce, 5 grams of wet starch, 5 grams of cooking wine, and 30 grams of fresh soup.

production method:

1. Put the elbow into boiling water and blanch it for 2 minutes on high heat. Remove the water and put it into a boiling water pot. Add salt and cooking wine and cook over low heat for 20 minutes until it is cooked. Remove the water and smear the mash water on the surface. Add mash water to the surface. Dip and fry in 60% hot salad oil over low heat for 1 minute, remove and cut into triangles.

2. Boil the quail eggs for 3 minutes until cooked, remove the shells, immerse them in 50% hot salad oil over medium-low heat for 1 minute, remove and control the oil.

3. Dip the tips of the chicken wings in 50% hot salad oil over medium-low heat and fry for 1 minute until the skin becomes tight. Remove and set aside.

4. Put the processed chicken wing tips, quail eggs, and elbows into a bowl and compact them. Add salt, MSG, dark soy sauce, and fresh soup. Steam them over high heat for 40 minutes. Take them out and put them into a container.

5. Cut red sweet potato jelly and white jelly into pea-sized pieces.

6. Add 20 grams of salad oil to the pot. When it is 70% hot, add tomato sauce and stir-fry over low heat. Add water, red sweet potato jelly and white jelly and bring to a boil over low heat. Thicken with wet starch. Remove from the pot and pour it into a container. Use tomato slices. embellishment. When serving, light the alcohol puree.

Characteristics of Qinjia Jar Meat: salty, slightly sour taste, tender meat. Ingredients: 100 grams of chicken wing tips, 250 grams of quail eggs, 100 grams of boneless elbows, 20 grams of tomato slices, 50 grams each of red sweet potato jelly and white jelly. Seasoning: 50 grams - DayDayNews

Salmon tartar


salmon 50g, cuttlefish rice crisps 3 pieces.


cucumber 10g, Diaocao2g.


lime mayonnaise 50g, a little lime zest, 2g olive oil, 1g radish slices, 5g salmon roe.


1, cut the salmon into cubes, cut the cucumber into cubes, chop the Diao Cao into pieces and set aside.

2. Add lime mayonnaise, stir and season appropriately.

3. Place the prepared ingredients on the cuttlefish rice crisps prepared in advance.

4, add water radish , Diao Cao, salmon roe and garnish.

Characteristics of Qinjia Jar Meat: salty, slightly sour taste, tender meat. Ingredients: 100 grams of chicken wing tips, 250 grams of quail eggs, 100 grams of boneless elbows, 20 grams of tomato slices, 50 grams each of red sweet potato jelly and white jelly. Seasoning: 50 grams - DayDayNews

Slow-cooked money tripe


100 grams of stewed money tripe, 60 grams of white corn tortillas, 28 grams of lime wedges, 25 grams of fresh tomato salsa, 420 grams of soaked carrots, 15 grams of soaked onions, 10 grams of soaked garlic, soaked 5 grams of cucumber sprouts, 10 grams of mushroom slices, 5 grams of garlic slices, 43 grams of dry white wine, 20 grams of tripe juice, 5 grams of chopped mozzarella cheese, and 2 grams of chopped coriander. Production of


1. Put salad oil in the pot, add garlic slices and mushroom slices and stir-fry until fragrant. Add a little dry white wine, add stewed tripe, add tripe juice, reduce the juice over low heat, sprinkle with grated cheese, and serve. In a small bowl, garnish with fresh tomato salsa and sprinkle with chopped cilantro;

2. Heat the white corn tortillas on a griddle, place them in the middle of a rectangular wooden plate, place stewed tripe and various pickles and lemon wedges on both ends, and serve. .

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