Wine has almost become one of the essential items in the household. With the rise of the liquor industry, the market has gradually become chaotic. Various products are everywhere. People who don’t understand wine are also dazzled and fall into profit without paying attention. Whe

2024/05/2310:41:33 food 1886

Wine has almost become one of the essential items in the household. With the rise of the liquor industry, the market has gradually become chaotic. Various products are everywhere. People who don’t understand wine are also dazzled and fall into it without paying attention. The "trap" of profit makers, when buying wine, you must be discerning. Although these four liquors are cheap and have little reputation, experts say: they are all high-quality wines regardless of their appearance.

Wine has almost become one of the essential items in the household. With the rise of the liquor industry, the market has gradually become chaotic. Various products are everywhere. People who don’t understand wine are also dazzled and fall into profit without paying attention. Whe - DayDayNews

Today I will briefly recommend 4 wines to you. Although they are not famous, they are 100% high-quality wines. Compared with the state banquet Moutai, they are very cost-effective, especially the second one because it is not well-known in the market. Chusisi feels a bit "lonely and desolate".

First, Pingbajiao wine

Pingbajiao wine was very popular in the 1980s and 1990s. Anyone with some qualifications must have heard of or purchased it.However, with the market economy The establishment of the system, coupled with the mistakes of corporate management's decision-making, once led to poor management of the product, and then it faded out of people's sight and almost disappeared from the market.

Pingbajiao Liquor is a unique sauce-flavor baijiu, once known as one of Guizhou's eight famous wines. Its unique taste is also known as the elite among wines.

Wine has almost become one of the essential items in the household. With the rise of the liquor industry, the market has gradually become chaotic. Various products are everywhere. People who don’t understand wine are also dazzled and fall into profit without paying attention. Whe - DayDayNews

Second, Songhe Lijiu

This wine uses unique local sorghum and wheat as raw materials. It is produced in Moutai Town, Kweichow, and is a Maotai-flavor liquor.

This wine adheres to the traditional craftsmanship and uses three highs and three longs (three highs: high temperature koji making, high temperature fermentation, high temperature wine brewing, three longs: long production cycle, long Daqu storage time, long base wine age) Daqu Kunsha Solid-state fermentation, is carefully brewed by Feng Xiaoning, the sauce master.

This wine has a rich sauce aroma, distinct layers, transparent and clear color, and a dense body that does not scatter easily. It is not only refreshing in the mouth, but also has a sweet aftertaste that makes people linger.

For truly good wine, not only the brand quality must be passed, but also the taste must be good so that consumers will have endless aftertaste after experiencing it.

Wine has almost become one of the essential items in the household. With the rise of the liquor industry, the market has gradually become chaotic. Various products are everywhere. People who don’t understand wine are also dazzled and fall into profit without paying attention. Whe - DayDayNews

Third, Songhe Liangye

Songhe Liangye was once the "No. 1 Brother of Yujiu" and won the title of "Chinese Famous Wine". Looking back, this wine can be said to have a long history. According to legend, it began in the Northern and Southern Dynasties and was produced in the town of Zaoji on the banks of the ancient Song Dynasty. Therefore, Zaoji is known as the city where kings offer wine to kings and is famous all over the world.

This wine is a little spicy in the mouth, but the wine has a mellow aroma, refreshing and sweet, and the mouth feels clean and free of impurities. It can be said to be a classic representative of " strong-flavor liquor ".

Wine has almost become one of the essential items in the household. With the rise of the liquor industry, the market has gradually become chaotic. Various products are everywhere. People who don’t understand wine are also dazzled and fall into profit without paying attention. Whe - DayDayNews

Fourth, Yipin Jingzhi

Yipin Jingzhi is produced in Jingzhi Town, Shandong, China. As a representative work of "sesame flavor liquor", from the discovery of "sesame aroma" to the research of "sesame aroma" to the advent of "sesame flavor liquor", It took more than 50 years and half a century to show people his unique charm.

This wine has a mellow and mild aroma, with a sesame aroma. Although the taste is strong, it is not greasy in the mouth, and the aftertaste is slightly sweet. It is suitable for storage. The longer the time, the stronger the aroma.

Wine has almost become one of the essential items in the household. With the rise of the liquor industry, the market has gradually become chaotic. Various products are everywhere. People who don’t understand wine are also dazzled and fall into profit without paying attention. Whe - DayDayNews

Of course, in addition to the four recommended wines, there are many good wines on the market that we think are cost-effective. But in the end, I have to emphasize: Don’t buy those “three-no products” just for the sake of cheapness or feeling novel.

We all know that real good wine is made from grain. Behind the scenes, which we cannot see, many small workshops are making unlimited profits. They say that "drinking too much is harmful to the body." The influx of unclear products into people's homes has caused many people to feel uncomfortable after drinking alcohol. Therefore, even if you don't have a discerning eye, you should choose formal channels to purchase.

’s sharing ends here. Let’s meet again next time!

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