1_ Steamed abalone with garlic vermicelli Ingredients: abalone, vermicelli, garlic, onion, red pepper, salt, sugar, oyster sauce, white pepper Steps: Step 1: Boil water and add cooking wine, add abalone, blanch for 20 seconds, quickly remove and cool. Step 2: Cut the abalone with

2024/05/2216:24:33 food 1084



Steamed abalone with garlic vermicelli

1_ Steamed abalone with garlic vermicelli Ingredients: abalone, vermicelli, garlic, onion, red pepper, salt, sugar, oyster sauce, white pepper Steps: Step 1: Boil water and add cooking wine, add abalone, blanch for 20 seconds, quickly remove and cool. Step 2: Cut the abalone with - DayDayNews

Ingredients : Abalone vermicelli garlic onion red pepper sugar oyster sauce white pepper

steps :

Step 1: Boil water, add cooking wine, add abalone, blanch for 20 seconds, remove quickly cold.

Step 2: Cut the abalone with a cross-cut knife.

Step 3: Heat oil in a hot pan, add minced garlic, stir-fry over high heat, add a little salt, sugar, and oyster sauce and stir-fry until fragrant. Finally, add white pepper to enhance the flavor and fully stir-fry the aroma of minced garlic and set aside.

Step 4: Spread the vermicelli on the plate, place the abalone, and spread the fried garlic evenly on the abalone. Turn on the steamer and steam for 7 minutes.

Step 5: Dice red pepper, mince green onion, sprinkle on the plate, pour hot oil, steam abalone with garlic vermicelli and it's ready.



Salted plum juice seabass

1_ Steamed abalone with garlic vermicelli Ingredients: abalone, vermicelli, garlic, onion, red pepper, salt, sugar, oyster sauce, white pepper Steps: Step 1: Boil water and add cooking wine, add abalone, blanch for 20 seconds, quickly remove and cool. Step 2: Cut the abalone with - DayDayNews

Ingredients: fish, salt, sugar, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, light soy sauce, white pepper, oyster sauce, claypot sauce, dark soy sauce, salted plum, starch, ginger, garlic , dried onions, Cooking wine, red pepper, coriander

Step :

Step 1: Clean and cut the fish into pieces, add salt, sugar, chicken essence, MSG, cooking wine, light soy sauce, white pepper, oyster sauce, claypot sauce, dark soy sauce, and put Add the pickled plums and starch, mix well.

Step 2: Put oil and ginger in a clay pot, stir-fry until it changes color, add garlic cloves and dried onions, and stir-fry until the garlic has a golden edge. Place the fish pieces on top, cover, pour cooking wine, and simmer for 5 minutes.

Step 3: Sprinkle red pepper and coriander, cover and simmer for about 15 seconds. This delicious dish is ready to serve.



Egg yolk white jade mushroom


1_ Steamed abalone with garlic vermicelli Ingredients: abalone, vermicelli, garlic, onion, red pepper, salt, sugar, oyster sauce, white pepper Steps: Step 1: Boil water and add cooking wine, add abalone, blanch for 20 seconds, quickly remove and cool. Step 2: Cut the abalone with - DayDayNews

Ingredients : white jade mushroom egg egg yolk powder crispy fried powder white sugar MSG chicken essence

Steps :

Step 1: Add 300 grams of crispy fried powder to an egg and stir evenly, then add water in batches until it is Stir the paste until it can draw strings, then add cooking oil and stir evenly.

Step 2: Pour the white jade mushrooms into the prepared batter and mix evenly. Heat oil in the pot until it is 80% hot. Add the white jade mushrooms one by one and fry until slightly colored. Remove from the pan.

Step 3: Leave the base oil in the pot, heat it up and turn off the heat, add the egg yolk powder, stir-fry slowly, add oil a few times in between, and finally stir-fry until it becomes a paste, add 15 grams of sugar, a little MSG and chicken essence and stir well. Add the fried white jade mushrooms and stir evenly.

Article source: "Good Housekeeping" column

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