Introduction: Put aside carp and mackerel. You should eat this fish in summer. It is highly nutritious and delicious when stewed! Delicious and not irritating! "The smoke of human beings is the most soothing to ordinary people's hearts." Firewood, rice, oil and salt are the most

2024/05/2113:16:32 food 1004

Introduction: Carp and Spanish mackerel, step aside. You should eat this fish in the summer. It is extremely nutritious and delicious when stewed! Delicious and not irritating!

"The smoke of firework in the world is the most soothing to ordinary people's hearts." Firewood, rice, oil and salt are the most ordinary, simple but can warm the tired body. Three meals a day and four seasons, food carrying the smoke of firework is the most soothing! No matter how tiring life is or how busy work is, don’t forget to stop and enjoy the moment of being healed by food~ Many times, when we enjoy delicious food, we also savor life carefully...

Introduction: Put aside carp and mackerel. You should eat this fish in summer. It is highly nutritious and delicious when stewed! Delicious and not irritating!

Summer is a good time for barbecue. At night, the barbecue stalls in the streets and alleys become lively. If you gather a few friends to cook skewers and chat about home cooking, you will instantly relax and the fatigue of the day's work will dissipate. When we usually go to barbecue, in addition to ordering some meat skewers, some people also like to order some different barbecues, such as baked potatoes , grilled leeks, grilled dried fish, etc. People who often eat grilled dried fish, when grilling You can often see a small roasted dried fish in stalls.

Introduction: Put aside carp and mackerel. You should eat this fish in summer. It is highly nutritious and delicious when stewed! Delicious and not irritating!

Needlefish is also called Needlefish . Its scientific name is flat-jawed needlefish, and its common name is also called green strip . Put the small dried needlefish on the grill for a while and you can see the beginning of the dried fish. The oil is sizzling out, making people want to take a bite. After the dried fish is grilled, it tastes delicate, fragrant and sweet, and has a unique taste! In fact, acupuncture is not only delicious when dried and grilled, but fresh acupuncture is even more tender and delicious. Starting from June every year, a large number of acupuncture is on the market. Knowledgeable friends along the coast will take advantage of its deliciousness and buy it. Come back and try something new.

Introduction: Put aside carp and mackerel. You should eat this fish in summer. It is highly nutritious and delicious when stewed! Delicious and not irritating!

The needle bright fish has no scales, is smooth and thin, the whole body is streamlined, thin and long, and the mouth is as long as a long needle. The nutritional value of acupuncture fish is very high, rich in high-quality protein and vitamin b2, vitamin e, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, etc. It has the functions of nourishing yin, replenishing qi, detoxifying, strengthening the brain and improving intelligence, and enhancing human immunity. Power and other effects. Below I will share a simple and delicious way to make acupuncture fish:

Introduction: Put aside carp and mackerel. You should eat this fish in summer. It is highly nutritious and delicious when stewed! Delicious and not irritating!

1. Cut the fish maw and take out the caviar (don’t throw away the roe, keep it to make caviar or stew it). fragrant), remove the internal organs and gall, because the head of the acupuncture fish is hard and there is nothing to eat, so I also removed it.

Introduction: Put aside carp and mackerel. You should eat this fish in summer. It is highly nutritious and delicious when stewed! Delicious and not irritating!

Introduction: Put aside carp and mackerel. You should eat this fish in summer. It is highly nutritious and delicious when stewed! Delicious and not irritating!

Then rinse the fish, then cut it into long sections and put it in a basin. Add a spoonful of salt, an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, cooking wine, and pepper. Stir evenly and marinate for half an hour. The purpose is to remove the fishy smell and add flavor to the fish.

2. Then take a tomato, wash it without peeling it, cut it into small pieces and put it in a plate for later use; blanch a piece of old tofu in boiling water to remove the smell, cut it into tofu slices, and fry it in a pan until it becomes golden on both sides. After the pot is cooked, cut into tofu strips and set aside. Then cut some coriander segments and more minced onion, ginger, and garlic for later use.

Introduction: Put aside carp and mackerel. You should eat this fish in summer. It is highly nutritious and delicious when stewed! Delicious and not irritating!

3. After the fish meat is marinated and fragrant, add a little more cooking oil to the pan. After the oil is hot, add the fish segments and start frying. Fry until both sides of the fish become hard and golden, then push the fish segments out. Go to the edge of the pot, add chopped green onion, ginger and garlic, sauté until fragrant, then add water to cover the fish, then add tomato cubes, tofu strips and fish roe, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to medium heat and simmer slowly.

Introduction: Put aside carp and mackerel. You should eat this fish in summer. It is highly nutritious and delicious when stewed! Delicious and not irritating!

4. After simmering the fish for about 10 minutes, open the pot and add an appropriate amount of salt, sugar and pepper to taste. If the soup is still quite thick, continue to simmer for a while until the soup becomes thick, then turn off the heat and sprinkle in a handful of coriander. Add chopped green onion to freshen it up, and it’s ready to serve. It’s so fragrant!

Introduction: Put aside carp and mackerel. You should eat this fish in summer. It is highly nutritious and delicious when stewed! Delicious and not irritating!

Introduction: Put aside carp and mackerel. You should eat this fish in summer. It is highly nutritious and delicious when stewed! Delicious and not irritating!

Carp and Spanish mackerel should be sidelined. You should eat this fish in summer. It is extremely nutritious and delicious when stewed! Delicious but not irritating. I am Xiaofeng, an uncle born in the 1970s who walks in the sunshine looking for delicious food. If you like Xiaofeng’s sharing, please help support Xiaofeng by forwarding + liking + collecting. See you in the next issue! Thanks for the support! Thank you for meeting me!

This article was originally created by Fengzi, a foodie. Welcome to follow and communicate with you so that everyone can benefit. If we are three people together, we must have a teacher~

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