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2024/05/2015:55:45 food 1382

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Relative interactions and family interactions require a broad and tolerant mind. That kind of "poor in the busy city and no one cares about it, but rich in the mountains and distant relatives" is the transformation of family affection. That kind of "BMWs and cars are all over the road" and "the streets are deserted and there are only a few cars and horses" are a blasphemy against family affection.

The love of relatives is constantly being cut, and it remains chaotic. When getting along with relatives, you should neither be too distant nor too close. Only by maintaining a sense of proportion and knowing how to be grateful can the relationship between relatives be warm and lasting.

On the second day of the first lunar month, people finish their meat-filled dumplings, which are rare in a year, and Nanhetao has become an ancient battlefield where heroes compete for hegemony.

The older ones played wrestling on the ice, or did tricks ice cars . The younger ones played , bumped into kidnappers, , or killed horses in the sand nest by the river. The onlookers shouted one after another, and soon the combatants were sweating profusely in the cold winter.

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The bets of five cents, one dime, or even twenty cents made the young adults and children in the camp vow not to go home until dark.

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I would be very grateful if you could leave a comment and I will try my best to reply. Your support is my biggest motivation to continue updating, and I look forward to your valuable comments or suggestions, thank you! - DayDayNews

Starting from , the third day of the first lunar month, most families in Yingzi will rack their brains to prepare more than a dozen delicious dishes, bring out the best wine in the house, and invite their nearest relatives to meet the most respected people in Yingzi. Old people, as well as people with some status in the camp, such as people with minor titles in the government, institutions, or brigade or squad, sat around the house, gathered together, and drank happily.

If any of the guests invited by a house include cadres from the commune or cadres with real power positions such as supply and marketing cooperatives, grain depots, purchasing stations, police stations, etc., both the host and the guest will feel proud.

is especially lucky to have the main leaders at the commune level, which makes it even more prosperous and envied by the neighbors.

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On the sixth day of the first lunar month of this year, our family experienced unprecedented prosperity. My uncle and uncle who worked in Dadianzi Commune and my uncle who worked in the tax office arrived at our house early in the morning.

The uncle is the son of the mother's uncle, that is, the mother's cousin, and the uncle is the mother's cousin-in-law. The arrival of the two made father and mother very happy.

After chatting at home for a while, my uncle and uncle went to go for a walk on the street, and my mother started to arrange lunch.

Although life at that time was poor compared to now, it was not a problem to get together a few affordable dishes during this special time of the first few days of the first lunar month.

I had already cooked a large pot of skin jelly and only ate a small piece. It was more than enough to fill a few large plates, and my mother cut a full plate.

The skin jelly I made at that time is still fresh in my memory. The degree of solidification was just right. After being clamped with chopsticks, it trembled and did not break.

Because no other things are added during the production process, it tastes original and fragrant. It is definitely not like the current skin jelly, which is mostly made of glue and has no chewiness at all.

Plus homemade meat sausage, salted duck eggs , shredded sweet and sour radish , fried shrimp crackers , canned oranges in sugar water, six cold dishes were placed on the table in a short time.

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In order not to eat them cold (not enough to eat), they are all served on large plates, and except for canned oranges , the other cold dishes are all overpriced, especially the fried shrimp chips because they are too full. When I brought it to the table, four or five pieces fell on the table.

When I helped to add them up with chopsticks and put them on the plate, my mother stopped me: "These few pieces fell on the table. I can't give them to your uncle and them. If you don't mind, you can eat them.""

It is simply a wonderful sound of nature! When I was frying shrimp crackers just now, the alluring fragrance penetrated my nostrils. But without the permission of adults, even if the greedy man breaks his throat, he can only quietly He forcefully swallowed the repeatedly rolled pieces of food into his stomach, and would never break it without permission.

When I was a child, among the many excellent qualities that I was proud of when playing with my friends, I would rather be greedy than eat something without the consent of adults. It was one of them not to use it privately under certain circumstances.

I hurriedly went to the cupboard in the outer room to get a plate, took away a few pieces of fried shrimp crackers that had fallen under the table, and came to the place. On the flower wall of the courtyard, regardless of the cold, they slowly tasted the delicious fried shrimp crackers.

When uncle and the others were walking along the East Street, they happened to meet Secretary Bao from Damiao Commune who had just come to work after the Spring Festival. The two belonged to the county. I was a "classmate" in several political study classes organized here, and we had a close relationship with each other.

Secretary Bao was very excited about meeting his classmates in Damiao East Street, and insisted on dragging his uncle and them to the only small restaurant on Damiao East Street. After getting drunk in the restaurant, we were ready. The enthusiastic Secretary Bao was not as stubborn as his stubborn uncle. He came to our house for dinner with his uncle, and Du Du, a member of the revolutionary committee of the commune, came with him. The deputy director and Director Niu of the Party and Government Office, three important people in Damiao Commune, came to our house for dinner together, which was a great experience.

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When the group arrived at home, my father was very excited and took the newly washed clothes. He rubbed his hands on the back of his clothes before shaking hands with the leaders with a smile on his face.

After the greetings, my father thought that all the guests here today must not be good at cooking, so he hurriedly went to the gambling table on East Street. I dragged my fourth brother Yu, who was quite famous for his cooking skills, to come home to cook.

My sister was busy serving fried melon seeds, fried peanuts, black dates, , candied dates, candies, etc. to entertain the guests. After my brother took the money from his father, I Together we rushed to the supply and marketing cooperative on East Street and bought cigarettes with filters , liquor in glass bottles, and two new chopsticks.

Waiting for us to run home in a hurry. The banquet hasn't started yet, but there are several more guests in the room.

Since my father is not good at drinking, he basically doesn't drink at all. Today, in order to accompany his uncle and uncle who drink a lot, my father decided to invite a few people who can be present. People who had to go to the counter and had a certain amount of alcohol came to the house to make the house lively.

After much consideration, my father invited Party Secretary Zhang from the unit, Director Huang from the grain station, Director Shi from the purchasing station, Director Liang from the supply and marketing cooperative, and the CEO from the Agricultural Bank of China. Director Cheng from the temple business office, Director Yu from the tax office, as well as Party Secretary He from the brigade and Captain Sui from the team happened to meet Principal Kang from the school when they were walking home, so they all invited him. We were very familiar with each other, and my father was full of confidence when he invited the above people. However, he did not expect that Director Huang from the grain station and Director Liang from the supply and marketing cooperative politely declined their father's invitation after hearing that the host and guest were cadres from the Dadianzi Commune.

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I would be very grateful if you could leave a comment and I will try my best to reply. Your support is my biggest motivation to continue updating, and I look forward to your valuable comments or suggestions, thank you! - DayDayNews

Some time before the banquet started, everyone quickly became familiar with each other after introductions. As expected of a cadre who traveled far and wide, he commented on the past and the present, and the atmosphere was quite lively. Secretary Bao of the commune is a very easy-going person. It is said that he is a political cadre who has been transferred from the army and has strong principles.

(to be continued)

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