How to make “dried mulberries” in rural areas to be more nutritious, teach you several methods of dried mulberries, simple and convenient

2019/12/0907:45:08 food 1477

【Introduction】Fresh mulberries are easy to spoil, and dried mulberries are dried in the sun to make mulberries can be stored for longer. Although dried mulberries are not as nutritious as fresh fruits, they have high edible value. How to eat dried mulberries? In addition to soaking in water, wine, soup, and cooking, dried mulberries can also be used as desserts.

How to make “dried mulberries” in rural areas to be more nutritious, teach you several methods of dried mulberries, simple and convenient - DayDayNews

How to eat dried mulberries

Mulberries taste very good, they can also be used for cooking, soaking in water, soaking wine, and cooking porridge Drink it and even make desserts. The soup made from dried mulberries is sweet and sour, and it is full of aftertaste after drinking. The taste of dried mulberries blends with various ingredients to exude a special rich fragrance, which is very appetizing just to look at. Is your appetite already open? Hurry up and follow Mawangbaike to see what kinds of delicious mulberries can make!


Material: honey, agar, dried mulberries

1. Clean the dried mulberries, then put them in a pot and boil them with water, and simmer them until they become a paste.

2. When the mulberry juice becomes thick, add appropriate honey and agar, and continue boiling.

3. After boiling, you can take it out of the pot and cool it down.

Mulberry stewed pigeon

Ingredients: appropriate amount of dried mulberries, one pigeon, a little oil and salt

1. Clean the mulberries and pigeons, then put the pigeons in the pot, and put an appropriate amount of ginger After that, simmer on high heat for about half an hour.

2. Add some dried mulberries and continue to simmer for about 20 minutes on low heat. Add seasonings and seasoning to get out of the pot.


Material: a little dried mulberries, eggs, fresh milk, honey, condensed milk, egg tart skin

1. Soak the cleaned dried mulberries in water, then beat the eggs and add them Season the fresh milk, honey, and condensed milk, put them in a pot and heat them appropriately.

2. Take the egg tart skin, add some soaked mulberries to it, and then pour it into the tart water.

3, then gently put the packed egg tarts into the oven, bake them to taste delicious mulberry egg tarts.


Material: 25 grams of dried mulberries, 250~500 grams of beef bone

1. Wash the mulberries, add wine and a little sugar to steam.

2. Put the beef bones in a deep pot and cook with water. After boiling, remove the froth on the surface, add ginger and green onions and cook.

3. When the bovine bones are white, it indicates that the calcium, phosphorus, bone glue, etc. of the bovine bones have been dissolved in the soup, and the bovine bones are removed immediately and the steamed mulberry seeds are added.

4. Remove the froth after boiling, and drink after seasoning.

Mulberry medlar porridge

Material: 5 grams of Chinese wolfberry, 5 grams of mulberry, 5 red dates, 100 grams of japonica rice

Method: Wash the medlar, mulberry, red dates and put them together with the japonica rice Boil the porridge in a pot and season it with sugar.

The practice of dried mulberries

How to make “dried mulberries” in rural areas to be more nutritious, teach you several methods of dried mulberries, simple and convenient - DayDayNews

Mulberry is also called mulberry, mulberry jujube, which is sweet and juicy, and is one of the favorite fruits of many people. Mature mulberries are sweet and sour, preferably large, thick, purplish-red, and rich in sugar. However, mulberries are seasonal fruits and are not produced in all seasons. Therefore, people generally sun-dried mulberries into dried mulberries so that they can be eaten at any time. The yellow mulberry is dark yellow to black after drying. The black mulberry (purple mulberry) is dark purple and black when dried.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that mulberry has a sweet and sour taste and a mild cold in nature. Mulberries are highly medicinal. Black mulberries enter the kidneys, while white mulberries enter the lungs. Therefore, different types of mulberries can be taken for different physical symptoms to better regulate the body. The method of dried mulberries is relatively simple. If you are worried that the dried mulberries you buy are not clean with additives, you may wish to make your own dried mulberries at home.

How to make “dried mulberries” in rural areas to be more nutritious, teach you several methods of dried mulberries, simple and convenient - DayDayNews

How to do dried mulberries? Choose newly picked and mature mulberries, clean them, pick out rotten fruits, and discard bad ones. Put the mulberry fruits in the drying basket for drying the mulberries, and wrap the bamboo basket with breathable gauze to ensure ventilation and prevent flies and mosquito bites. Then put the bamboo basket in the sun, turn it over in time, and check the drying situation. After the mulberries are dried, they can be sealed and stored for consumption.

The role of dried mulberries

The nutritional value of dried mulberries is comparable to that of grapes, and some nutrients are even higher than grapes and apples, which are recognized as good health fruits. Because mulberries are rich in beneficial substances, they have high therapeutic and health value. Dried mulberries have many functions. Daily consumption in moderate amounts can effectively prevent and cure diseases. In addition to having a good auxiliary treatment effect on diseases, it can also delay aging and have an excellent tonic effect. Let's take a look at the benefits of dried mulberries to the human body!

How to make “dried mulberries” in rural areas to be more nutritious, teach you several methods of dried mulberries, simple and convenient - DayDayNews

1. Serum and blood: Dried mulberries have a very good effect of nourishing blood and nourishing skin, can improve the effect of the body's hematopoietic skills and promote the growth of hematopoietic cells.

2. Anti-cancer, lowering blood sugar and blood lipids: Mulberry contains a substance called "resisatrol", which can stimulate certain genes in the body to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and prevent the formation of embolism in blood cells .

3. Anti-aging: Dried mulberries are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidant components, which have a significant beauty and beauty effect.

4. Nourish the liver and protect the kidney: Dried mulberries have good effects on men and women to nourish the kidneys, so they can cure tinnitus from the root cause and nourish black hair.

5. Enhance immunity: The rich vitamins in mulberries can effectively enhance blood metabolism and improve physical fitness.

6. Replenishing the brain and improving the intelligence: moderate consumption of mulberries can promote the intellectual development of children. Adults can also use mulberries to regulate excessive brain use, but children can only eat a small amount.

7. Invigorate the spleen and promote digestion: Dried mulberries enter the stomach to supplement the lack of gastric juice and promote the digestion of gastric juice. Entering the intestine can stimulate the gastric mucosa, promote the secretion of intestinal juice, and promote gastrointestinal peristalsis.

The best choice for replenishing the body in winter, click the picture below to buy~~~~

Authentic Xinjiang dried black mulberries [Cash on delivery]



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