Three uncles sell cute and cook on the Internet, claiming to be "Old Fan Bone", turned out to be a top state banquet chef

2019/11/1311:05:07 food 2125

The uncle braised pork in brown sauce, trembling; State banquet walnut cheese, attitude is king; deep-fried dough sticks, please advise; lump soup, double steamed pot; Mushu meat, delicious and not easy; the first classic feast of the founding of the country is reproduced, mushrooms Chicken nuggets...In front of me, each of these short videos on cooking topics received tens of thousands to four to five million likes.

Three uncles sell cute and cook on the Internet, claiming to be

It is not the housewife who is drying the food, but the three looking at ordinary Beijing masters. They opened an account on Douyin and called themselves "Laofangu" and posted More than 300 short videos about cooking have received tens of millions of praise and nearly 5 million fans. Take a closer look, the certified identities are all masters of the state banquet. Is that really amazing? The master is still demonstrating deep-fried dough sticks online and teaching big guys how to wash rice?

The reporter interviewed these few last week, only to know that the "old rice bones" are all with great art. Uncle Zheng Xiusheng was the executive chef of the Beijing Hotel before retiring. He worked in the Beijing Hotel for 46 years and has done several things. An unclear state banquet; second uncle Sun Lixin, executive chef of Bianyifang Group, the only three national emblem cooking master in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, 1997 Asian cooking chef list; third uncle Wu Jianli, nicknamed "Xun Ye", his grandfather is Hebei Chaigou The bacon craftsman of Fort, Wu Jianli used to be the chef at Yanshan Hotel and China Resources Hotel. He was also the first designated catering supplier in the history of the Olympic Games to be selected as a personally designated catering supplier. The black pepper sausage he developed in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games became the athlete’s restaurant. Explosive products.

Three uncles sell cute and cook on the Internet, claiming to be

Now, the three "old chefs" have automatically removed their "halo" and began to spread the practice and behind the story of traditional Chinese cuisine on the Internet without any reservation, while they personally Together with the apprentices, I demonstrated cooking skills to the common people, while chatting about food knowledge and culture in a relaxed manner, which was loved and sought after by the common people.

"Our idea is very simple, to promote the spiritual connotation of loving food, cooking and enjoying food for the family. Young people are encouraged to return to their families, in the fast-paced moment, calm down, and explore a happy life with family, friends and lovers. The true meaning of Chinese traditional food culture will be passed down more widely.” said the three “old chefs”.

"Master" feels very happy to teach ordinary people to cook home cooking

"Master, should I use corn starch or potato starch for three non-stick starches? What kind of sugar is used for white sugar?" "Mung bean starch. White sugar."

"Is it necessary to make a braised pork pressure cooker with a low fire?" "Yes, a low fire."

"Is there any difference between the oil and water for the sugar boil?" "The same."

"Do a national banquet Walnut cheese, rice, and walnuts are smashed together with water?" "Yes."

"Master, should we use hot water or cold water for fried dough sticks and noodles?" "Warm water if you want to send it faster."

"Steaming rice, how many times do you wash it?" "This rice washing is exquisite... You don't need to go to Japan to buy their rice cooker. What are you washing the rice? You see, the technique should be flicked..."

Three uncles sell cute and cook on the Internet, claiming to be

answers these "basic" questions on the Internet every day. The parents are short and very trivial. Uncle Zheng Xiusheng did not feel the "price drop" and trouble at all: "There are my friends and me Just kidding, why are you'reduced' to make these basic dishes? The masters have all cooked home-cooked dishes like scrambled eggs with tomatoes? I don't think, I feel happy."

Sincerely change sincerely, many netizens commented: "I really want to keep my culinary skills and don't hide my personal secrets. The most admired group of craftsmen in the new era. Several masters have been taught with unreserved mentality." "A few old men are too cute and hungry." "I work one by one. Learning is too particular. One trick, one method, one way, every word and action, sincere. Skill, no reservation, no pretentiousness."

Former Beijing Hotel Executive Chef Zheng Xiusheng, worked in Beijing Hotel 46 In 1971, the cheerful "uncle" in everyone's eyes, this veritable master of state banquet, was assigned to the Beijing Hotel in a daze after graduating from middle school at the age of 16 in 1971. He lives in Changping, his father is a teacher, and no one at home is a cook. "I don't know what I will do when I go to the Beijing Hotel. I wanted to learn a foreign language and be a good waiter. Later, the Beijing Hotel asked us to go to the farm for training.I went to the farm to help the kitchen and cook basic meals at home. I was very diligent. I found that the master in the cafeteria paid special attention to me. After the training and labor, I was assigned to the kitchen. "

" At first, I was not happy. I went to the rough processing room to clean up chicken, duck, fish, intestines, and feces. On the first day, I did not eat any food after work. I always feel that my hands are very smelly. . I endured it, and then I got used to it. Three months later, I went to the vegetable processing room to choose vegetables. I was a young man and couldn't sit still. I ‘beared’ such a tedious job for more than half a year and worked hard. I finally got the "Dun'er". I cut vegetables. At the beginning I was not qualified to cut real vegetables and meat. I just cut scallions, ginger, garlic and the like. Later I could cut shreds of pork, chicken, fish, etc. It takes 13 years to do it. Yes, it's cutting vegetables, plus managing the kitchen and cold storage. "Now when I think back to the hard work at that time, Zheng Xiusheng thinks it is a fortune. The basic skills are particularly solid and absolutely not impetuous.

"Later, I went to the hot dish and started cooking and making soup. I worked for 9 years. At that time, I practiced hard on my own, did not leave after get off work, practiced, practiced, practiced again. "In 2009, Zheng Xiu became the head chef of Huaiyang cuisine, and eventually became the executive chef of Beijing Hotel, until his retirement in 2016. State banquet lion head, boiled dried shreds, fried eel paste, braised fish head, braised Maanqiao, crab yellow and shark fin are his specialties. Zheng Xiusheng has won the "Highest Contribution Award" at the Asian Chinese Celebrity Chef Summit, and the National Model Worker. Recently, he was hired to be the honor of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. General consultant of the ritual menu planning task.

In 2003, Zheng Xiusheng cooked for doctors and patients in Xiaotangshan. He felt it was the most memorable in his life. It was to serve more than 600 patients, more than 100 doctors and dozens of armed police. The food is cooked and nutritious. The menu he studied was shown to the military doctors and was very satisfied.

Zheng Xiusheng has recruited many apprentices, but he still feels that he must use new methods to promote the old craft. He, Sun Lixin, Wu Jianli and others Some "old men" saw that the seasoning, knife skills, heat, and dish handling methods spread by some chefs were wrong, or they were lazy, they were anxious and determined to promote the true traditional craftsmanship.

"Cooking for the important person in your heart, you can't be lazy. For example, lion head, the meat needs to be soft and waxy, and the tendons must be broken. In order to save trouble, some chefs use double knives, but their hands are uneven and they will chop continuously. I only use single poles. For another example, the marinating time must be sufficient. You should use a high fire, and you can't slow-fry on a low fire because you are afraid of the paste; if you need to cook for two hours, you cook for one hour and then steam for one hour to save trouble. That tastes wrong. For simple braised pork, you need to braise raw meat. The oil is fat and not greasy and melts in your mouth. Nowadays, some chefs cook the meat until it is sixty-fifth maturity and then burn it. The oil does not go out and takes a bite of the oil. These are all taught by my master when I was an apprentice. There are some old rules that cannot be changed. We also hope that in addition to distributing practical videos, we will also tell the origin of the dishes, and add theoretical teaching in the later stage, from the shallower to the deeper, some cooking tips, knife handling, and heat treatment. "

spread the tradition and introduce the innovation to

"Old Fangu" "Second Bo" Sun Lixin, is the executive chef of Pianyifang Group. "I became the chef of Huadu Hotel at the age of 24. He has successively served as executive chef at Yuyang Hotel and Tianlun Dynasty Hotel, deputy general manager and executive chef of Pianfang Group. He is the only chef of the Three National Emblems in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and the top of the 1997 Asian cooking chef list. My master Tuo Dailiang used to cook for General Feng Yuxiang, and later became the frontline chef of Liu Deng's army. Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, and the top ten marshals all ate the dishes that the old man cooked. "Second Uncle Sun" is by no means an idle generation. Like Zheng "Uncle", he is also the general consultant of the task menu of the Winter Olympics Chongli plan.

Sun Lixin cooks, likes to play cards out of common sense and follow tradition. Based on culinary techniques, he has innovated and developed hundreds of dishes. A roast duck that has been passed down for 600 years was changed in his hands and marinated with vegetable juice to become another unique vegetable crispy roast duck. Sun Lixin also told reporters. : "Actually, I invented the blueberry yam you often eat. It was to not waste leftovers of yam. Let me tell you that the authentic blueberry yam needs some light cream to be delicate and sweet. I believe that 8 out of 10 restaurants don’t know. "This is full of "Gourmet" economy, and now I can finally tell more people on the Internet that "Er Bo" has a sense of accomplishment.

Three uncles sell cute and cook on the Internet, claiming to be

39-year chef Wu Jianli is in his 50s this year, and he is the youngest of the three chefs, so everyone kindly calls him "Sanshu" and "Xunye". "My grandfather is a bacon craftsman in Chaigoupu, Hebei. Bacon is the same as our Peking Opera. It has a history of 300 years. My family’s bacon has been passed down for generations. When it comes to my hands, I have to continue. I can take the whole There is not a single bone left from the pig's head. It is still a pig's head. Smoked out is not only delicious, but the traditional smoking method can also extend the preservation time of the meat. This is the charm of Chinese bacon." Wu Jianli said.

He graduated from Xiamen University with a major in culinary arts. He once worked as a chef at Yanshan Hotel and China Resources Hotel. He went to Japan in 1991 and worked hard in the culinary industry there for 3 years. Since then, he has become the first designated catering supplier in the history of the Olympic Games to be selected as an individual. In the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the black pepper sausage he developed became a hot product in athletes’ restaurants and was loved by athletes from all over the world. Later, the London Olympics also offered him send invitation.

"Now that the restaurants are opening more and more, it is quite satisfying to watch young people eating more and more unpalatable meals. I am very anxious. Someday, you can try the Internet celebrity dishes I invented. Durian chicken, blueberry crispy meat, flame drunk crayfish. I like to eat and meet friends, and I have a lot of fun. Cooking is a world of rivers and lakes. Today, I and like-minded older brothers have a few synonymous "old rice bones" combination, and we will learn from each other. , Inheritance techniques, is to hope that netizens’ small days will become more and more enjoyable, so that everyone can understand the profoundness and profoundness of the true traditional Chinese food culture. I have made six sessions of bacon smoking videos, and I have no reservations about the ancestral skills. Rosemary smoked large intestines, Pu'er tea smoked large intestines, etc., are all shared with everyone." Wu Jianli told reporters that he also likes innovation. For example, the newly created blueberry pot-wrapped meat uses raw materials from the Northeast to change the taste and color. It's delicious and fun. "Cooking inheritance is good, but you need to have savvy, pass Belden."

"Old Internet celebrity" is not good to be a "master" and I have also encountered doubts when cooking

is organized by "old fans" Mr. Hu, who shot the short video, told reporters that although these "top masters" often show up on TV shows to teach everyone how to cook, it is natural to face the camera and reduce a lot of difficulties in the shooting process, but in fact their short vibrato video shooting It’s not all smooth sailing. For example, at the beginning, the process of making pregnant mandarin fish, each short video was 15 seconds, and more than 40 episodes were taken, just to show the whole process of making this famous dish without any reservation. Few people pay attention, dozens of comments, and very few fans.

In the end, everyone found out that for the few uncles without lines and scripts, it is more life-like to shoot short vibrato videos. They cook like the uncle next door, and they tease each other while cooking in the kitchen. Need to focus on editing, coupled with good Chinese music, the effect is much better than serious teaching style. The three masters seem to be "Huashan Lunjian" in the kitchen. For the same dish, I said what would happen to Huaiyang cuisine. You said how to deal with Shandong cuisine, Minnan cuisine, and Cantonese cuisine. They communicate across cuisines and never preach. The unique styles of these "old internet celebrities" have gradually developed, which has attracted people's attention.

After groping out the core style, there will still be "accidents" from time to time. Once when shooting family chicken soup, the uncle Zheng Xiusheng used a pressure cooker to boil chicken soup, but was questioned by many southern netizens: "There is no pressure cooker to boil chicken soup. The soul must be simmered in a casserole." In the face of everyone’s incomprehension, the older brothers specially produced a series of "Old Rice Bone Talking" to explain to everyone that the longer the chicken soup is boiled. The higher the purine, the more unhealthy, and modern people use a pressure cooker to stew chicken soup, which takes a short time, saves energy, and has low purines, which is actually more beneficial to health. That's it, think of various ways to communicate with netizens. Sometimes, I will actively interact with netizens and encourage everyone to post cooking videos, and then comment and communicate.

Short videos with connotation, confidence and life should be promoted

Industry expert and Dean of the School of Communication and Design of Sun Yat-sen University Zhang Zhian said that as a senior foodie, he usually loves to post a variety of food on social media , Seeing a short video like "Lao Fan Gu" on Douyin, you can appreciate the master's "fit" cooking at home, and immediately after watching it, I have the urge to cook.

"The biggest charm of these short videos isKnowledge, emotion, and culture. Dean Zhang Zhian believes that the "four hass" are real charm: watching videos with quite visual effects is a great temptation to stimulate the taste buds; each video shows the master’s cooking process and details in detail, and they share Knowledge is unreserved; watching the cooking process of the three masters has strong emotions, that is the Chinese people’s feelings for food and the Chinese people’s emotions behind the food; in the master’s cooking and interaction, the Chinese culture carried by the food is The most natural state is spread. "I hope that there will be more and more short videos of this kind with connotation, confidence, and life. We will promote them more and weed out those content that only have gimmicks and no cultural foundation. Allow young people to more easily access the true traditional culture and virtue education. ”

Source: Beijing Evening News reporter Meng Huan

Process editor: TF017

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