Leeks just go bad overnight? Actually it’s super easy to store, it can last a week with this method

2019/10/1712:00:23 food 2235

Leeks just go bad overnight? Actually it’s super easy to store, it can last a week with this method - DayDayNews

Can't buy the leeks the next day? Find a plastic bag to store and keep it fresh for a week.

Leek is a green leafy vegetable that everyone loves very much. Leek grows fast. You can make dumplings and buns. Fried leeks and fried leeks are very delicious, so many people Will be buying some fresh leeks for cooking, as long as simple cooking, you can make a delicious.

Leeks just go bad overnight? Actually it’s super easy to store, it can last a week with this method - DayDayNews

While enjoying the deliciousness, there are also some problems. It is difficult to store leeks. Often the newly bought leeks turn yellow after being left overnight, and are also very easy to rot, unlike cucumbers. Vegetables are easy to store, so many people worry about whether they can eat leeks on the same day when they buy leeks. In fact, leeks are not as difficult to store as you think. Learn the tricks that Xiaohua teaches you. It is not a problem to store leeks for a week, and store them for a period of time. Still very fresh after time.

Leeks just go bad overnight? Actually it’s super easy to store, it can last a week with this method - DayDayNews

Put the newly bought leeks in a hurry. The yellowing of the leaves of leeks is largely due to the loss of water, which causes the leaves to turn yellow, so don’t dry them too much. Leek, thinking that keeping it dry can keep the leeks longer.

Leeks just go bad overnight? Actually it’s super easy to store, it can last a week with this method - DayDayNews

Let’s prepare a plastic bag first. This plastic bag must not be damaged or leaking. It is best to use a hygienic plastic bag with a transparent color because it is in close contact with food. Yes, so safety is very important.

After the bag is ready, put some clean water in the plastic bag, not too much, add some water according to the amount of leeks, and ensure that the water is soaked in the roots of the leeks.

Leeks just go bad overnight? Actually it’s super easy to store, it can last a week with this method - DayDayNews

After filling the bag with water, you can put the bundled leeks in a plastic bag. Note that it should be placed in the plastic bag in a vertical direction. After placing the plastic Tie the bag in the middle of the leeks and tighten it to avoid water loss.

Then you can put the tied bag of leeks upright in a cool place, you can choose a corner or a bucket, because these positions can ensure that the leeks are kept in the vertical direction. Use this method to store the leeks, basically It can be stored for about a week.

Leeks just go bad overnight? Actually it’s super easy to store, it can last a week with this method - DayDayNews

When you need to eat, untie the plastic bag and remove the plastic bag with water. At this time, the leeks are still very watery and fresh.

Leeks just go bad overnight? Actually it’s super easy to store, it can last a week with this method - DayDayNews

In fact, this method is not only applicable to leeks, some onions and garlic foods can also be preserved in this way. It is simple and convenient. It is much more useful than storing in the refrigerator. With this method, you can buy some vegetables early and eat slowly.

Leeks just go bad overnight? Actually it’s super easy to store, it can last a week with this method - DayDayNews

Well, have you learned this method? Do you feel that you have learned a new skill? If you think this method is not bad, you can share it with people around you. Everyone learns this great method together, we will see you next time, bye!

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