Summary of common problems of bread toast (3) Why does the toast deposit on the bottom? Six reasons explained

2021/08/0304:35:43 food 1510

summarized 5 issues this time. They are about bread, toast , the internal structure is rough, deposited, not swelling, and some external problems after baking.

In the future, Xizi would like to summarize some small articles about commonly used fillings, commonly used flower shapes, various filling ratios, etc. Interested friends can "follow" me, and leave a message for any knowledge you want to know!

Summary of common problems of bread toast (3) Why does the toast deposit on the bottom? Six reasons explained - DayDayNews

——————Dividing line————

The last two issues talked about how to make bread soft and the reasons why the internal structure is rough and hollow. In this issue, many friends, including Xi Zi, often encountered a big problem when he first made toast-bottom or (and) four sides deposition. There are 6 main reasons for this phenomenon.

Summary of common problems of bread toast (3) Why does the toast deposit on the bottom? Six reasons explained - DayDayNews

One is that the bottom is too tight when the dough is rolled up.

Before the dough is rolled up, we often need to flatten the bottom of the dough. When rolling up, if you are too worried that the seal will open, and pinch the bottom too tightly, the bottom of the dough will lose the fermentation space and it will be difficult to expand normally, thus forming a deposit.

So when we roll up the dough, we must be careful not to dip the dough in too much flour to prevent it from sticking. As long as the dough itself is not dry, flatten the bottom and gently roll it up to stick to the bottom.

Summary of common problems of bread toast (3) Why does the toast deposit on the bottom? Six reasons explained - DayDayNews

The second is insufficient or excessive fermentation.

The second heating time is not enough, and the dough has not been fully fermented and expanded. After entering the oven, the bottom temperature is higher and the heat is fastest. The dough matures before it has time to expand, so there is sedimentation.

and if the second serve time is too long,Excessive fermentation can easily lead to excessive expansion, and the tissues on both sides of the dough will also be squeezed, which will cause side deposits; second, the dough will age and become weak after waiting for too long, so we sometimes encounter a little bit after the second hair. Touching the dough or cutting the dough will cause the dough to collapse, which is the performance of the second hair excessive. At this time, when it is baked in the oven, gluten cannot hold up the swelling of the dough well and will also form deposits.

Generally, the second shot takes about 50 minutes, the temperature is 35-38 degrees, and the humidity is about 75%. When the dough is fermented to 1.5-2 times as large, gently press the surface of the dough with the belly of your fingers and slowly rebound, indicating that the fermentation is complete.

Third, the bottom was overheated during the second serve.

If you use hot water to maintain the temperature during the second pass, and put the dough directly above the hot water basin, the bottom of the dough will be overheated. If the temperature is too high, it will directly kill the yeast or cause the yeast to expand too actively. Too fast, it will be difficult to expand normally after entering the oven, forming deposits.

Summary of common problems of bread toast (3) Why does the toast deposit on the bottom? Six reasons explained - DayDayNews

Fourth, there is too much stuffing or nuts and dried fruit particles in the package.

This is also a common mistake before Xi Zi. Because I like to eat stuffed, nuts and dried fruits, I always put too much if I'm not careful. Because these ingredients, including the puree filling, have a certain weight, too much will naturally press the dough downwards, making the dough unable to expand well, resulting in sedimentation.

Generally, the weight of the dough and the ratio of dried fruit/nuts are about 1:7. In other words, to make 450 grams of toast, the dough weight is generally about 480 grams, so the added dried fruit is about 65-80 grams.

Summary of common problems of bread toast (3) Why does the toast deposit on the bottom? Six reasons explained - DayDayNews

Summary of common problems of bread toast (3) Why does the toast deposit on the bottom? Six reasons explained - DayDayNews

Fifth, the ratio of mold volume to dough weight is too large.

This is easy to understand. If the weight of the dough is too heavy, it will naturally squeeze the periphery of the dough to form deposits on the sides and bottom in an unsuitable mold.

We generally say that the ratio between the volume of the mold and the weight of the dough is between 4-4.5. The volume of the mold (unit: cubic centimeter) = length × width × height, the unit of dough weight is calculated in grams.

Summary of common problems of bread toast (3) Why does the toast deposit on the bottom? Six reasons explained - DayDayNews

For example, the volume of a 450g toast box is about 2200 cubic centimeters. The weight of the dough put into the mold is usually between 480-510 grams, and the division of the two is exactly between 4-4.5.

and 250 grams of toast box, the weight of the dough we put in is the best about 260 grams.

Summary of common problems of bread toast (3) Why does the toast deposit on the bottom? Six reasons explained - DayDayNews

Summary of common problems of bread toast (3) Why does the toast deposit on the bottom? Six reasons explained - DayDayNews

Sixth, the primer is too low during baking.

When baking toast, the bottom heat is usually 10-20 degrees higher than the top heat, so that the bottom of the toast can heat up faster and expand better. If the primer is insufficient, not only will the dough not expand well again, forming bottom deposits, but also the bottom will not be fully cooked.

If the oven cannot adjust the upper and lower fire at the same time, you can try to put the baking tray on the first or second floor.

Okay, that’s it, I’m Zhang Xizi.

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