Recently, Shandong Huifa Food Co., Ltd.’s “Shandong Food (Prepared Dishes) Industry Sub-Center” and China Mobile Weifang Branch’s “Shandong General Equipment Manufacturing (Intelligent Communications) Industry Sub-Center” were shortlisted for the National Integrated Industrial Bi

Recently, Shandong Huifa Food Co., Ltd. "Shandong Food (Prepared Dishes) Industry Sub-Center" and China Mobile Weifang Branch's "Shandong General Equipment Manufacturing (Intelligent Communications) Industry Sub-Center" were shortlisted for national integrated industrial big data Shandong cloud center pilot list.

With the approval of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, on June 28, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Shandong Province Comprehensive Pilot Construction Plan for Data Governance Innovation", focusing on the implementation of collaborative construction of data centers, innovative applications of data analysis, promotion of data management standards, and improvement of data security capabilities. The four major actions are to initially establish a comprehensive data governance system focusing on industrial data governance by 2025, and basically form a digital economic development ecology with complete infrastructure and sound factor markets.

According to provincial deployment, about 50 industry centers will be built in the province by the end of 2025. These two projects in our city are among the first batch of shortlisted for . They have taken the lead in the construction of the national industrial Internet big data center system and also provided a platform for pre-made dishes. Industry and intelligent communication industry laid the foundation for future industrial big data construction. In the next step, the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau will comprehensively strengthen work guidance and scheduling, increase policy support, deepen talent introduction and training, and ensure the completion of the pilot construction tasks.

source | Weifang Media Client

reporter | Yin Lili

editor | Wang Luping

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