On June 28, it was hosted by the Organization Department of the Yuyao Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (Talent Office of the Municipal Committee), Yuyao Municipal Economic and Information Technology Bureau, Yuyao Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Yuyao E

6.28, hosted by the Organization Department of the Yuyao Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (Talent Office of the Municipal Committee), Yuyao Municipal Economic and Information Technology Bureau, Yuyao Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Yuyao Economic Development Zone Management Committee, and Yuyao Municipal High-level Talents Mass Entrepreneurship Service Guarantee Center , the finals of the 6th China Hemudu (Yuyao) Global Intelligent Manufacturing Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition hosted by Zhejiang Saichuang Future Venture Capital Management Co., Ltd. came to an end in Yuyao.

After an intense road show evaluation, two projects, "Development and Industrialization of Artificial Intelligence Visual Inspection Platform for All Industrial Scenarios Based on Deep Learning Technology" and "Development and Industrialization of Fully Automatic Sheet Cover Film Laminating Robot" won the competition Special Prize.

In recent years, Yuyao City, as the first pilot demonstration area of ​​the " Made in China 2025 Zhejiang Action", has insisted on developing robots and intelligent manufacturing industries as a breakthrough to achieve high-quality development of , and has focused on creating a city sample for the development of the national smart economy. The construction of Yuyao Smart Economy Pilot Demonstration Zone has achieved remarkable results. In order to continue to promote Yuyao's robotics and intelligent manufacturing industries to benchmark against global industrial technology frontiers and attract more outstanding global scientific and technological entrepreneurial talent projects to gather in Yuyao, this competition was launched in November last year to "unveil the list and take charge" to the world. After seven months of competition and screening, a total of 12 top projects were shortlisted for the finals. The shortlisted projects cover artificial intelligence, intelligent manufacturing, high-end equipment, biomedicine , robots and other fields. Among them, key projects such as "Enjoying-S non-inductive loudspeaker system", "fully automatic sheet covering film laminating robot", and "Consensor AI fault detector" have reached preliminary settlement intentions in the early stage of docking.

"We actively promote the construction of various high-end industrial platforms, build platforms for all types of talents, and cultivate soil for entrepreneurship and innovation." At the event, the relevant person in charge of Zhejiang Yuyao Talent Entrepreneurship Park introduced Yuyao's innovation environment. Yuyao Talent Entrepreneurship Park, Sino-Italian Ningbo Ecological Park, etc. are oriented by "high-precision" to promote the cluster development of emerging industries; Zhejiang University Robotics Research Institute, Ningbo Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Research Institute, etc. are oriented by "industrialization" and are running out of the world. The industrialization of scientific and technological achievements is accelerating; smart optoelectronic towns and robot smart valley towns are guided by "smart industry" and continue to lengthen the smart economic industry chain.

"In order to effectively solve the actual problems of enterprises, this year's competition adopts the precise talent introduction model of 'invite in + go out' to strengthen interaction with local enterprises and achieve deep integration of projects and enterprise needs." Yuyao Economic Development Zone Management Committee The relevant person in charge said. During this competition, the organizing committee of the competition conducted in-depth visits to 15 key enterprises including Haikuo Artificial Intelligence, Huazhuo Laser, Jiangfeng Bio, etc., and mastered the talent and technology needs, industrial chain needs and needs of a group of Yuyao intelligent manufacturing enterprises. demand for scientific and technological achievements. At the same time, we will go to Shenzhen, Wuxi , Suzhou , Beijing, Shanghai and other science and technology innovation highlands to visit outstanding participating projects, understand the project implementation needs, and allow talents to achieve accurate docking with enterprises and talents with Yuyao.

In order to make good projects "firmly established" and "grow well" in Yuyao, this competition was included in the "Yaojiang Talent Plan". The winning projects of the special prize and first prize of the competition can apply to directly enter the joint review process of Yuyao City's introduction of high-level talents and team evaluation departments at home and abroad. After settling in Yuyao, they can be provided with entrepreneurial support funds of up to 5 million yuan and entrepreneurial seed funds of up to 5 million yuan. , bank loan interest discounts of up to 5 million yuan and development incentives of 5 million yuan. In addition, the competition opens a capital support express train for high-quality projects, and provides one-stop supporting services such as regular return visits by dedicated personnel, fulfillment of reward policies, self-service project applications, and entrepreneurial innovation guidance for projects that have won awards and been implemented.

It is understood that the China·Hemudu (Yuyao) Intelligent Manufacturing Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition has been successfully held for five times since 2017, with remarkable results. The competition continues to gather high-quality talents in the fields of robotics and intelligent manufacturing for Yuyao, and has successfully guided 25 projects. The project takes root in Yuyao and injects continuous vitality into the development of Yuyao’s smart economy.

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